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Messages - pimathbrainiac

Pages: 1 ... 52 53 [54] 55 56 ... 125
Miscellaneous / Re: Birthday Posts
« on: November 14, 2013, 04:25:43 pm »
Happy birthday Element!

Miscellaneous / Re: Random YouTube Videos
« on: November 13, 2013, 08:28:56 pm »
I heard that vodka tastes really bad, though. Isn't it based with ethanol or something like that?

according to wikipedia, potatoes:

Miscellaneous / Re: Random YouTube Videos
« on: November 10, 2013, 03:02:08 pm »
I care...

Humour and Jokes / Re: 9001 signs you're addicted to calcs and Omni
« on: November 10, 2013, 11:30:32 am »
5994: You know that Sorunome is a reason
5995: PALINDROME!!!!!!!1111!!1ONE!!!!
5996: (1 story)
5997: You are 31337, though you don't have 1337 posts yet (1 story)
5998: DJ is your prophet, and leafy is your god (? story)
5999: The last 3 numbers of this reason, turned upside-down, are evil.
6000: You get 6000 (1 story)
6001: You keep going (1 story)
6002: Everyone knows that the reason you keep going is to get 6006 (1 story)
6003: You remember when there was no (1 story) and only (true story) (1 story)
6004: You make Rick Astley's video one of the most popular on Youtube (1 story)
6005: You wonder if your calculator is a girl or a boy and you are dating it either way (1 story)

Gaming Discussion / Re: best sonic the hedgehog game
« on: November 10, 2013, 11:04:24 am »
What about Sonic Advance 3? It's my personal favorite...

I couldn't enter in time, for my mom took away my computer before I had time to make the README.

Oh well...

On the plus side: CONGRATS DERPY!

TI-Nspire / Re: Super Hexaspire Alpha!
« on: November 06, 2013, 09:34:56 pm »
Hey. Good to see a new face around here. Go ahead and introduce yourself over here:

I wish I had an nspire

Miscellaneous / Re: Quick Survey About You and Omnimaga.
« on: November 06, 2013, 09:31:59 pm »
1) How did you first learn about Omnimaga and what aspect influenced you to stay?

Axe caused me to first learn about Omni, and the everything else influenced me to stay.

2) Do you feel as if we have similarities outside of programming naturally. If so, what are they? (i.e. MLP fans)

MLP, Robotics, general nerdiness

3) For what reason(s) do you frequent Omnimaga over other sites like Cemetech or TIPlanet? (Or vise-versa)

I don't know. Can you put a specific reason on why you love the person you love?

4) Do you consider the community of Omnimaga to have a main goal(s)? (if so, what are they?)

Yes: be awesome and welcoming to n00bs, and to be a more free forum than others.

5) How do you feel your relationship is with other members?

Good, although I have angered a DJ at least once (sorry about that... seriously). Considering I'm FB friends with one of you guys (although he doesn't show up here much any more), I think it's actually really great.

6) Do you find that Omnimaga (and calc programming) has helped you in the outside world?

It has helped me in my other-languages programming. A LOT. Learning to program on limited-resource machines helps me use as little resources as possible on my x64.

7) What is your favorite inside joke/lingo?  (i.e. Holy Necropost Batman!  or Welcome peanuts etc.)

!peanuts and (EDIT: and HOLY NECROPOST BATMAN!!!)

8 ) What country are you from?


News / Re: Contest 2013 Calculator Gaming Roots - Prizes and Deadline
« on: November 05, 2013, 08:46:55 pm »
Isn't it due tomorrow, though?

And because Xeda is pretty much the only active CoT (not sure about that though) (Runer should be CoT, IMO).
I beg to differ.

What about the admins appointing candidates (of course said candidate would agree), then the members would vote.

Actually, I don't really care about the method of appointing members to staff status, it's just the admins who don't appoint people often enough. Maybe we should let the general populace have their word though.

And here, the fact the more you're respected here the more you should be staff might be kinda true, actually.

Mods appointing mod candidates: I agree.

And: sorry, I forgot you were a CoT :P

can i be staff member :3

It would depend on if people would vote for you and if you have enough posts to vote/run if this happens.

Else, talk to the admins when you become a very respected and very active community member.

Back on topic: Wouldn't this make it even more confusing? The list of admins would be constantly changing, so all the ex-admins would get the same pestering as DJ.

I actually didn't think about that. But I think the admin list wouldn't change that much so long as those admins are still in the favor of the community and are active/productive.


The problem I have with this is that there's nothing ensuring we get capable mods/admins. Just because someone is popular and respected doesn't mean they'll be able to devote the time to this kind of thing, or that they'll be particularly good at it.

Also true, but being more active and more respectable means that they will have better judgement and be able to moderate on pretty much everything, because there will be more people who are actively watching doing stuff.

Also, mods in more time zones make it easier to administrate 24/7

Site Feedback and Questions / An Idea for Admins/Staff/Mods - Elections
« on: October 30, 2013, 01:37:39 pm »
So I had this crazy idea that just might work in order to make sure there are active admins/staff/mods on the site: Elections.


Because 3 out of the 5 admins are barely active, and the other 2 are only semi-active (still more active than me, but that's not the point :P).
Because DJ is tired of people thinking he is an admin, and if we have admins clearly posted (as in, on the front page) and active, meaning people KNOW they are admins, people won't bother him.
Because Geekboy is pretty much the only staff I see posting.
And because Xeda is pretty much the only active CoT (not sure about that though) (Runer should be CoT, IMO).

So yeah, elections. How would they be run?

Members with at least 100 posts can vote.
The current admins (as of 10/30/13) should stay admins.
Votes should be for 2 [EDIT]admin Staff [/EDIT] positions to be reelected every year as well as 3 CoT positions under the same terms.
Only active members may run.

Any thoughts?

Humour and Jokes / Re:
« on: October 25, 2013, 01:09:06 pm »

Why is rickroll not so popular?



my HS is more popular than our rival school!

News / Re: In memory of Tribal (1992-2013)
« on: October 22, 2013, 10:20:23 pm »
I didn't know him/didn't ever see/chat with him, but I give my sympathies to his family.

This is especially sad for me, however, because this is the 3rd suicide of a person I knew/knew of in the past 6 months.

The first was of a concert band member and member of the robotics team, during the summer.
The second, also during the summer, was of a neighbor whose dad leads a cover band my mom plays in.
Now the third is of Tribal, and he will be missed, though I did not know him, I know of what he had done.

I only wish I could have helped these people find a better way to deal with their problems. :'(

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