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Messages - NeoCrisis

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Other Calculators / Re: A choice to make between a Casio and a TI
« on: November 27, 2010, 11:48:00 am »
Firsteval there is this TI-84+SE which costs 40€ (53$)
SEcondly there is this Casoi Graph85SD which also costs 40€ (53$)

I'm embarrassed because I don't know which is the best one, and as I saw in a few source codes in my maths book, Casio Basic is easy to learn....
Of course, as ScoutDavid told me, this is very cheap, but the problem is the choice between one of these calcs  :-\
Well, the answer here is usual: "it depends". Do you really think they will be selling for the same price if one is clearly superior?

First of all: noone will even be able to say which calculator has more memory!

With flash it's no contest: TI-84+SE has only 2MB of flash, but 9860G SD (I'll use international name) compensates it's 1.5MB with SD slot! You can add gigabyte or two for cheap!

With RAM... it's coin toss. If it's used TI-84+SE then there are probably 128K of RAM (more then 64K in 9860G SD), but if it's new then it only has 48K (see here).

Screen: it's 128x64 for 9860G SD vs 96x64 for TI-84+SE.

CPU: 29MHz SH3 in 9860G SD vs 15MHz z80 in TI-84+SE.

Programming: C (but probably not C++) with GCC for 9860G SD vs Asm (plus other homebrew languages like Axe parser) for TI-84+SE.

Community: this is huge selling point for TI-84+SE: Casio is less popular BY FAR.

So in the end it's up to you to decide - noone can answer the question "which one is the best" because both have pluses and minuses.

ok, but on this website, some people
1. don't know how much it costs IRL
2. are unconscious

si I still hesistate. I plan to study engineering (electronics) in the future, which one is the best (for this)??

Other Calculators / Re: $1000... for a 83+ (ignore -- made mistake)
« on: November 27, 2010, 11:41:59 am »
lol very philosophic thought xD

Other Calculators / Re: $1000... for a 83+ (ignore -- made mistake)
« on: November 27, 2010, 11:36:24 am »
I would pay more, just to have my calc back =pp

Moi c'est quelqu'un qui m'en a parlé sur IRC. Vu que j'avais une TI-83+ et que je connaissais le TI-BASIC presque parfaitement, je m'ai dit, pourquoi pas m'inscrire?

moi aussi j'avais une, sauf que je connaissais rien au TI-Basic, j'ai appris sur le SdZ (le site d'où kindermoumoute et moi on vient) avec un petit tuto, sauf pour certaines instructions qui étaient similaires à celles d'une variante du BASIC que j'avais appris.... à 8 ans ^-^

Other Calculators / Re: A choice to make between a Casio and a TI
« on: November 27, 2010, 11:21:22 am »
yes, but I've seen that the Casio had more memory than the TI :/ but as ScoutDavid said, the TI looks very good ^-^
* rayquaza59 knows some secret smilies

Other Calculators / A choice to make between a Casio and a TI
« on: November 27, 2010, 10:52:28 am »
Hi guys!

as you know, my calc disppeared 2-3 weeks ago. I'm losing hope to get it back, so I've been looking on 2nd hand material websites (sorry, French ones  :-\), and there are two models that are cheap.

Firsteval there is this TI-84+SE which costs 40€ (53$)
SEcondly there is this Casoi Graph85SD which also costs 40€ (53$)

I'm embarrassed because I don't know which is the best one, and as I saw in a few source codes in my maths book, Casio Basic is easy to learn....
Of course, as ScoutDavid told me, this is very cheap, but the problem is the choice between one of these calcs  :-\

TI Z80 / Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
« on: November 27, 2010, 10:20:25 am »
you have to copy the SOURCE CODE from PARAMS.8xp, which I don't have. then normally, it will work...

TI Z80 / Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
« on: November 27, 2010, 10:14:48 am »
yeah, but wabbit is still blocked :p
* rayquaza59 takes his USB key and check if he put the screenshots in it

no, sorry, I don't have any :/ what are the troubles you had so far??

TI Z80 / Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
« on: November 27, 2010, 10:09:07 am »
I still do not have my calc --' I think I should go to the police (in our country, the police can go into a school and look for anything with the agreement of the school, since it's really expensive (130USD), I think the director should be OK, since I have the proof it's somebody from my class))))

Option 5: Pour troller! ;D

Je plaisante :P

Par contre comme mon but pour le forum anglo était d'en faire un forum orienté vers la programmation de jeux, je suis content que la section française soit aussi devenue orienté vers la prog. :D

Il manque juste une section adulte et ce sera parfait. ;D[/b]

un por** sur calculette?? xD

Math and Science / Re: English homework: calculator ad
« on: November 27, 2010, 10:03:41 am »
I kinda like the Ultimate calc, but it would be cool to see one in blue or green. That said, Cemetech is mostly red so it fits pretty well.
But the Ultimate Calc 2 was blue...
Oh, I must not have paid much attention then. I only thought it was the red one. I recommend PM'ing him on Cemetech or e-mailing him, since he's busy lately and not checking here as often.

Also personalisé means personalized, but if you mean it in a feature/configuration way, it would be custom or customized, I think.

that's it! thanks ;D

[FR] Hors-Sujet / Re: Recensement (Qui parle français?)
« on: November 27, 2010, 10:00:35 am »
Je pense que les forums de programmation ne precisent pas de etre en francais ou espanol ou portuguais, parce que tout les programmers savent parler anglais, parce que les languages de programmation sont anglaises

c'est un minimum =p

@DJ: quand j'administrais mes forums j'avais modifié un template pour traduire le forum en toutes les langues possibles: ça t'intéresse?

2. C'est l'un des seuls forums de programmeurs de TI, et pas juste des questions/réponses sur les problèmes des calculatrices..

[FR] Hors-Sujet / Qu'est-ce qui vous a poussé à vous inscrire sur Omni?
« on: November 26, 2010, 12:34:10 pm »

c'est l'un de mes premiers sondages sur ce forum (j'en ai déjà fait sur mes forums, mais là c'est pas pareil :D)
Donc, ben vu que beaucoup d'autres français comme moi se sont inscrits depuis peu, j'ai pensé pouvoir faire un sondage sur ce qui vous a motivé pour vous inscrire sur Omnimaga :) ;D
Et pour plus d'organisation (j'ai oublié un peu du BBcode, plus de 4 ans sans administrer et PAF tout ce que vous saviez s'envole ::)), je vais faire une liste, et vous mettez en citation la phrase qui vous correspond..

1. C'est la communauté à l'origine de Axe Parser.
2. C'est l'un des seuls forums de programmeurs de TI, et pas juste des questions/réponses sur les problèmes des calculatrices..
3. Le design est superbe.
4. Je voulais améliorer mon anglais.

Au pire, envoyez-moi un MP avec une suggestion en plus, que je rajouterais ;)

Math and Science / Re: English homework: calculator ad
« on: November 26, 2010, 12:26:19 pm »
I was mainly looking for the calcs that (oh geez, DJ, help me! "personnalisé" in english ;D )
I already have the text, I just need some pictures, and maybe a few funny/not useful features (real or not) about the calc...

[EDIT] I had some photos, do someone know a way of contacting Kerm from Cemetech???

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