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Topics - ruler501
« on: May 15, 2011, 10:19:31 pm »
I was just wondering what is the most common thing for people the program the most on in this community.
I program most on computers but I'm starting on mobile devices
I'm pretty sure calcs will end up first, but I like to know numbers for these kind of things
« on: May 15, 2011, 07:02:30 pm »
Today I saw that on omnom it does not always report the same order for posts as XChat does. This is what I saw on omnom
[16:55:49] <ruler501> it checks once a mnute [16:56:01] <ralphdspam> i'm fine. Really, It seemed faster than that. [16:56:02] <Kyurel> Thought so [16:56:31] * shmibs has quit IRC (Quit: o-bye-thur, peeps ) [16:56:32] <ruler501> at least thats what netham said
This is what I saw on XChat
<ruler501> it checks once a mnute <Kyurel> Thought so <OmnomIRC> <ralphdspam> i'm fine. Really, It seemed faster than that. <ruler501> at least thats what netham said * shmibs has quit (Quit: o-bye-thur, peeps)
This isn't a real big bug just kind of annoying when I'm switching back and forward between omnom and XChat I can't find things as well because they're in a different order
« on: May 15, 2011, 04:37:23 am »
I tried running OSLauncher with the CAS OS and the Ndless off of TI-Bank that said it was compatible with OSLauncher. when I launched OSLuancher it seemed to freeze up. I then restarted the calc it froze with a nearly black loading screen and not moving clock like thing. It didn't do anything after about 5 minutes so I took the batteries out and then restarted it. Now the touchpad is not working at all. the arrowkeys are not registering and I can't click
what do I need to do to get my calc to work now?
EDIT: I have tried reinstalling the OS. the first time it said OS could not be installed file corrupt/wrong second time I re downloaded the OS and it said the same thing
« on: May 15, 2011, 02:08:30 am »
I had been lookign at threads and then when I went back to forums I saw the attached image. What happened? It was very strange.
« on: May 13, 2011, 09:12:42 am »
i have downgraded my Nspire from 3.0 to 2.0.1 hoping to use OSLauncher to play with CAS. How can I do this? The article on TI-Bank is a pdf and google translate had problems with it(said it was too large and couldn't translate). Iw ould love it if someone would just tell me how to do this. I would like the CAs to help me with the math I do. I would not use it to cheat on tests. My teacher makes me use the 84+keypad anyways on tests.
I currently have a touchpad Nspire nonCAS with OS 2.0.1
« on: May 12, 2011, 08:02:06 pm »
I have had this idea for a while that we should have a sub-board like the calc board for computer programming. We could have board in it on Languages/help/projects/general/etc. We have a lot of computer programmers on this site and I think it would be worthwhile to have a board for them also. This could also help organize boards in the Computer Project/General and make it easier to find where to put your topic.
This is just my 2 cents
« on: May 12, 2011, 07:35:51 pm »
I have started teaching myself calculus through many sources(I don't remember all of them). I understand most of the stuff with derivatives, but what I don't really get is integrals. i understand how to do the basics just whenever it gets to more complicate problems I get completely lost. Could someone please help me by explaining this.
The hardest ones that for me are ones with fractions and lots of terms.
Thank you in advance for any help you can offer.
« on: May 09, 2011, 07:37:44 am »
My math teacher decided we needed to learn about evasive species and how species grow exponentially so I was given this project. I needed to give a presentation on how hydra increase. At first I thought this was going to be easy procrastinated for a while. As the deadline got closer I started working on a function evaluater(not sure if this is what it would be called). I eventually found out(night before it was originally due) that this was not going to get done in time so I googled a python module to do it for me. I stayed up to 3 am because my computers kept having problems. It turns out I had stumbled onto one of the few errors in linux mint that makes it impossible to access any of the HDDs including flash drives. I finally managed to finish it and bug check it in time for it to be turned in. When I got to math the next day my Algebra teacher had something come up so he had to leave and are projects were not due till Monday. I added a few touches Sunday night/Monday morning and here is my final project. I don't think this is too bad for whipped up in two nights while having computer problems.
Its written in python and made to run with pygame. It should theoretically be able to work on any computer OS.
import sys, os, pygame,random from math import * from pygame.locals import *
#Check to see if pygame is working right #check font if not pygame.font: print 'Warning, fonts disabled' #check sound if not pygame.mixer: print 'Warning, sound disabled'
minimum=12.17 maximum=17.43
def calc_amount(doubling): newval=2 rate=log(2)/doubling valueatpoint=[2,] num=0 while newval<limit+.5: newval=eval('2*'+str(e)+'**(num*rate)') valueatpoint.append(newval) num+=1 return valueatpoint
#functions to create our resources def load_image(name, colorkey=None): fullname = os.path.join('data', name) try: image = pygame.image.load(fullname) except pygame.error, message: print 'Cannot load image:', fullname raise SystemExit, message image = image.convert() if colorkey is not None: if colorkey is -1: colorkey = image.get_at((0,0)) image.set_colorkey(colorkey, RLEACCEL) return image, image.get_rect()
def load_sound(name): class NoneSound: def play(self): pass if not pygame.mixer or not pygame.mixer.get_init(): return NoneSound() fullname = os.path.join('data', name) try: sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(fullname) except pygame.error, message: print 'Cannot load sound:', fullname raise SystemExit, message return sound
def engine(): pass
class Hydra(pygame.sprite.Sprite): """creates a Hydra on screen""" def __init__(self,parentx,parenty): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) #call Sprite initializer randint=random.randint(1,100) if randint%2==1: self.image, self.rect = load_image('hydraA.bmp', -1) else: self.image, self.rect = load_image('hydraB.bmp', -1) self.rect.topleft=parentx,parenty self.xvel=1 self.yvel=1 self.xdir=1 self.ydir=1
def update(self): if self.rect.left<1: self.xdir=1 self.xvel=4 elif<1: self.ydir=1 self.yvel=4 elif self.rect.right>screen.get_size()[0]: self.xdir=-1 self.xvel=-4 elif self.rect.bottom>screen.get_size()[1]: self.ydir=-1 self.yvel=-4 randint=random.randint(1,120) if randint%5==4: newpos=self.rect.move((self.xvel,self.yvel)) elif randint%5==3: xvel=1*self.xdir yvel=1*self.ydir newpos=self.rect.move((self.xvel,self.yvel)) elif randint%5==2: xvel=1*self.xdir yvel=1*self.ydir newpos=self.rect.move((self.xvel,self.yvel)) elif randint%5==1: xvel=-1 yvel=0 newpos=self.rect.move((self.xvel,self.yvel)) elif randint%5==0: xvel=0 yvel=-1 newpos=self.rect.move((self.xvel,self.yvel)) else: newpos=self.rect.move((0,0)) self.rect=newpos
#Initialize Everything pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1200, 700)) pygame.display.set_caption('Hydra Attack') pygame.mouse.set_visible(0) hydraA=Hydra(random.randint(1,100),random.randint(1,100)) hydraB=Hydra(random.randint(101,200),random.randint(101,200)) #Create The Backgound background = pygame.Surface(screen.get_size()) background = background.convert() background.fill((250, 250, 250)) safebackground=background.copy() #Display The Background screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip() #Prepare Game Objects clock = pygame.time.Clock() hydras=[hydraA,hydraB] allsprites = pygame.sprite.RenderPlain((hydraA,hydraB))
def begin(): curamount=2 newamount=2 turn = 0 rounds=0 while 1: #use the clock clock.tick(days) turn+=1 if turn%5==0: rounds+=1 if rounds>len(amount)-1: print rounds final = "It took the Hydra "+str(rounds)+" days to get to "+str(limit)+" from 2" text = font.render(final, 1, (10, 10, 10)) textpos = text.get_rect(centerx=background.get_width()/2) background.blit(text, textpos) screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip() pygame.time.delay(2500) pygame.quit() return newamount=int(amount[rounds]) if newamount>curamount: hydras.append(Hydra(random.randint(2,screen.get_size()[0]),random.randint(2,screen.get_size()[1]))) hydras[len(hydras)-1].add(allsprites) curamount=newamount for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() return elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE: pygame.quit() return allsprites.update()
#Draw Everything screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) allsprites.draw(screen) pygame.display.flip()
def prep(): font = pygame.font.Font(None, 40) rate='0' while 1: clock.tick(15) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: return rate elif event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: return rate elif event.key==K_KP0: rate+='0' elif event.key==K_KP1: rate+='1' elif event.key==K_KP2: rate+='2' elif event.key==K_KP3: rate+='3' elif event.key==K_KP4: rate+='4' elif event.key==K_KP5: rate+='5' elif event.key==K_KP6: rate+='6' elif event.key==K_KP7: rate+='7' elif event.key==K_KP8: rate+='8' elif event.key==K_KP9: rate+='9' elif event.key==K_KP_PERIOD: rate+='.' elif event.key==K_KP_ENTER: return rate text = font.render("Please type in on the numpad the apropriate speed and then press enter", 1, (10, 10, 10)) textpos = text.get_rect(centerx=background.get_width()/2,centery=background.get_height()/2) background.blit(text, textpos) screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip()
def preps(): font = pygame.font.Font(None, 40) rate='0' while 1: clock.tick(15) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: return rate elif event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: return rate elif event.key==K_KP0: rate+='0' elif event.key==K_KP1: rate+='1' elif event.key==K_KP2: rate+='2' elif event.key==K_KP3: rate+='3' elif event.key==K_KP4: rate+='4' elif event.key==K_KP5: rate+='5' elif event.key==K_KP6: rate+='6' elif event.key==K_KP7: rate+='7' elif event.key==K_KP8: rate+='8' elif event.key==K_KP9: rate+='9' elif event.key==K_KP_PERIOD: rate+='.' elif event.key==K_KP_ENTER: return rate text = font.render("Please type on the numpad the apropriate days a second and press enter", 1, (10, 10, 10)) textpos = text.get_rect(centerx=background.get_width()/2,centery=background.get_height()/2) background.blit(text, textpos) screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip()
def preeps(): font = pygame.font.Font(None, 40) rate='0' while 1: clock.tick(15) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: return rate elif event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: return rate elif event.key==K_KP0: rate+='0' elif event.key==K_KP1: rate+='1' elif event.key==K_KP2: rate+='2' elif event.key==K_KP3: rate+='3' elif event.key==K_KP4: rate+='4' elif event.key==K_KP5: rate+='5' elif event.key==K_KP6: rate+='6' elif event.key==K_KP7: rate+='7' elif event.key==K_KP8: rate+='8' elif event.key==K_KP9: rate+='9' elif event.key==K_KP_PERIOD: rate+='.' elif event.key==K_KP_ENTER: return rate text = font.render("Please type on the numpad the number of hydras to go to and press enter", 1, (10, 10, 10)) textpos = text.get_rect(centerx=background.get_width()/2,centery=background.get_height()/2) background.blit(text, textpos) screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip()
font = pygame.font.Font(None, 24) doubling=float(prep()) background.blit(safebackground,(0, 0)) while doubling<minimum or doubling>maximum: text = font.render("Please type in the number between "+str(minimum)+' and '+str(maximum)+'.', 1, (10, 10, 10)) textpos = text.get_rect(centerx=background.get_width()/2,centery=background.get_height()/2) background.blit(text, textpos) screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip() pygame.time.delay(1500) background.blit(safebackground,(0, 0)) doubling=float(prep()) background.blit(safebackground,(0, 0)) days=int(preps()) background.blit(safebackground,(0, 0)) while days<1 or days>15: text = font.render("Please type in the number between 1 and 15.", 1, (10, 10, 10)) textpos = text.get_rect(centerx=background.get_width()/2,centery=background.get_height()/2) background.blit(text, textpos) screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip() pygame.time.delay(1500) background.blit(safebackground,(0, 0)) days=int(preps()) background.blit(safebackground,(0, 0)) limit=int(preeps()) background.blit(safebackground,(0, 0)) while limit<5 or limit>250: text = font.render("Please type in the number between 5 and 250.", 1, (10, 10, 10)) textpos = text.get_rect(centerx=background.get_width()/2,centery=background.get_height()/2) background.blit(text, textpos) screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip() pygame.time.delay(1500) background.blit(safebackground,(0, 0)) limit=int(preeps()) amount=calc_amount(doubling) days=days*4 background.fill((0,0,255)) begin() To run it put it on any folder on your computer and make a folder under that named data. put the hydra images in data. I'll attach a video of it later.
« on: April 25, 2011, 06:42:36 pm »
I have a problems with my Windows XP install on my computer. When I start it up about 1 minute after my desktop appears my computer almost completely locks up. I can not open new programs and all that I opened accept for Task Manager do not work. I can work with my computer in safe mode though. I want to install linux on this computer but my parents say I can't because I need Microsoft office to work(We have windows version) and they want all he other programs they have to work.
Any help you can give me would be appreciated. If you need more info to help me just ask. If this is not something I can fix myself and am going to have to pay to get it fixed I need to know about how much that would be. because if it is enough I might be able to convince my parents it would be better to just replace it with linux
EDIT: when I try to start a program it never appears but it says It is started in the processes of the task manager. They freeze up at certain memory usage. Control panel will start but If I try to go into any of the categories then it freezes up
EDIT2:Please don't suggest for me to install a form of linux. I would love to but My parents have told me I can't.
« on: April 20, 2011, 06:42:35 pm »
I have been doing an online Latin 1 course this year with Northwestern University. I was wondering Has anyone else taken this course or a course like it? We are working with Ecce Romani(Look Romans for you who do not know Latin) 1 as out textbook.
I personally have not enjoyed this at all and most people at my school who are also taking it agree. I will definitely not be going onto latin 2 next year. I have voted it is evil
EDIT: I changed my vote to its not enjoyable
« on: April 17, 2011, 08:31:20 pm »
I'm just interested in seeing what version of python everyone uses Please tell me if I missed your version. I don't know the 3.x versions
I voted Python 2.6.x and x=1 I haven't updated in a while to protect compatibility. I also use this because it is the 2.6 version of Portable Python do the new versions of 2.6/2.7 stay compatible with 2.6.1
« on: April 02, 2011, 03:39:08 am »
I have been thinking of starting a thread like this for a while. Basically the purpose of this thread at least how it was in my head was that we would make/program/and maybe break some interesting encryption programs. I don't know very much about key encryption, but I have written a few just alphanumeric replacement algorithms. I ahve multiple ideas of how to create a good, fun discussion on this topic.
One way I thought of doing this was making a kind of competition(run by someone with a lot more experience than me) that pits two teams against each other. What we'd do is have two teams each would create their own kind of encryption program with certain criteria(not sure what these should be). when they finished each would try to break the others code in a certain amount of time. The winner would be whatever team has not had their code broken and has follow the criteria best(As decided by the person running the competition). Another version on this I had seemed to be less fun. It would be where we still had two teams just one team is encryption and one is cracking. The criteria for winning would be to successfully break or keep your code from being broken.
My second idea is that we are all one team working on one kind of project(making or breaking) a code. This would probably be the one where we can do the most interesting projects and for some people this would would definitely be more fun for some people. thsi would be more of one we decide what we do(criteria) by the project
My last idea is basically the two above combined. We just decide which one we want to do more by what the community wants to do the most. this would probably be the oveall best choice because it almost guaruntee that the majority of people will get their choice on what we want to do.
I'll post a copy of my code for the encryption of text strings i wrote later.(It is a form of binary encryption and written in python)
« on: March 27, 2011, 09:53:06 pm »
This will be a thread for development of my school project. There will be a few new users I know joining to help me with it. This project is a plan to help with the destruction of the rain forest. We are making a website on the basis of and changing it. We are making a site where every every x questions you answer correctly we will plant one tree. right now we do not even have a beta(I am still learning/getting the hang of django) I will have introductions here later with more information the website is at For all the newcomers: Welcome to team SaveTrees (or something)! If you have been added to the team, that means that we think you could help us with the class website. Write anything that you think might help contribute to our success in prevent the disappearance of the rainforest. Every thought counts! All idea credit goes to the Triple AAA's. Be sure to thank ruler501. All contributions are appreciated. The Current Team: Head: wowyguy Programmer: leader:ruler501 Designers: leader:musicalgamer484 testers: Thedenvy Helper: Michael_Lee EDIT: I have now attached the source for this project. i will try to update it regularly till I figure Out how to get an SVN set up to do it for me EDIT2: I have had to upload the source to another site because of size I got very angry at always data and now have the website on . I know the link leads to a 500 error.
« on: March 25, 2011, 10:49:48 pm »
i have been following through the Django tutorial up to this point but now most things are not working. These are features That i really need to see how to make work. I am going to put all of my code into a ip and upload it here in a minute. Any help is appreciated For people wo have know clue what Django is: It is a Web framework for python. i need to learn it to program a website for my science class(I get such wonderful Computer projects in this class) The website is here: Attached ip with all code. I keep it on my flash drive so that is why all the paths are E:\ EDIT2: I fixed the zip i had messed up the folder set-up. That solved one of my problems to fix. Now the templates don't work though