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Messages - ruler501

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News / Re: Lots of new TI-84 Plus C related images!
« on: January 19, 2013, 10:39:37 pm »
pimathbraniac. The whole point of assembler is that it is executed on the processor. We would use an interpreted language like Grammar for what you want.

Humour and Jokes / Re: I there were Jeopardy in Botswana
« on: January 19, 2013, 10:37:31 pm »
I stabbed it into the computer

This is hard to think of.

News / Re: Lots of new TI-84 Plus C related images!
« on: January 19, 2013, 10:34:34 pm »
well, no... It would interpret the ASM by finding specific hex (hex is 8xp asm, right?)
You don't interpret hex. You have to patch it then execute it. It would slow it down a lot and it would be extremely hard to make an interpreter.

News / Re: Lots of new TI-84 Plus C related images!
« on: January 19, 2013, 10:29:05 pm »
So a shell that auto-patches the executable. That could be hard to write, but it might be possible. I'd let someone else look into it though.

News / Re: Lots of new TI-84 Plus C related images!
« on: January 19, 2013, 10:20:12 pm »
You'd have to change the programs themselves then it would no longer be a shell, but more of a patch to programs to make them work.

News / Re: Lots of new TI-84 Plus C related images!
« on: January 19, 2013, 10:16:21 pm »
That would be simple for BASIC programs, but how would you implement that with an ASM program?

News / Re: Lots of new TI-84 Plus C related images!
« on: January 19, 2013, 10:13:16 pm »
I think that some talented ASM programmers *hint hint nudge nudge cough cough those on Omni* should make a shell to run 84/83+ progs on here!
Most programs should be compatible, but I doubt there is a way to have a shell that would allow ASM programs to run.

Miscellaneous / Re: Sports
« on: January 18, 2013, 11:59:11 pm »
Wait, in the second video, is that actually allowed (swimming underwater the whole way)? If so, I could totally do that o.o I can swim the distance of a pool under water, plus a little extra :D
I can do a 25 like that, but I'm not sure if I could do a 50. I don't have any 50m pools though to practice on.

I got 3.2cas running on my non cas clickpad;D.
It'd be better if you didn't post about stuff like that I'd think. We want a good relationship with TI so that they do not try to stop us from doing what we want. We don't want a 3.3 that blocks downgrade and native code.

News / Re: Lots of new TI-84 Plus C related images!
« on: January 18, 2013, 10:05:58 pm »
I would expect more from what I have to assume they made as a prizm competitor. They have the native asm support, but I'd hope for specs that were close to matching the prizm. It has about 1/5th the RAM of the prizm. I still think this is an interesting calc for how it should be a very easy/popular transition for schools.

Miscellaneous / Re: Sports
« on: January 18, 2013, 09:43:45 pm »
We had one swimmer at a meet last week that swam the 500 free as butterfly(He got 4th place). It turns out that actually is within the rules. I'm not sure what his time was, but it was 6 min or less. The whole crowd gave him a standing ovation.

Miscellaneous / Re: Sports
« on: January 18, 2013, 09:37:54 pm »
Another swimmer here! I'm retired now (not swimming actively right now, and probably won't because college is D1 and varsity is too good) but some of my times are were
100 free: 52.9
50 free: 23.9
100 fly: 56.8
100 back: 1:01.4
200 fly: 2:05.6
200 IM: 2:09
400 IM: 4:39
100 breast: 1:14

Hey, you're pretty good at breaststroke :O no seriously, relative to your other times 1:22 and :35 is really good. i bet if you worked hard on it you could get really good. (I never was a great breastroker :( )
:O Those are great times. Your better than pretty much everyone at my school at freestyle. You also do good at back and fly. We don't have 200 fly or a 400 im so I can't compare on that.
23 is the best time that people get at our meets for free, and everyone thinks they are absurdly fast.
Thanks on the breaststroke. I hope I can get even better. I spend most of my time in practise on it and endurance.

Miscellaneous / Re: Sports
« on: January 18, 2013, 09:03:14 pm »
I thought I might as well revive this topic since we have been discussing sports on IRC. I'm a swimmer and I used to run, but I don't compete or run much anymore.
Now for the bragging part(Though I'm not sure how good some of these are) :P
100 breaststroke 1:22.71
100 freestyle about 1:08
50 freestyle 0:29.00
50 breaststroke 0:35.97
100 backstroke about 1:37 I'm not great at it. I hate back

My coach says I could take 6 seconds off my breast time by fixing my turns and working a little on my stroke. I also could do with a little more stamina to take that 100 free time down.

News / Re: Lots of new TI-84 Plus C related images!
« on: January 18, 2013, 08:04:54 pm »
Is there any information on pricing yet? I may get one, but I don't want to spend upwards of $100 on a calculator I probably won't program all that much compared to my computers

Computer Programming / Re: Getting the bits out of a number
« on: January 18, 2013, 02:35:48 pm »
I would do it like this in C++
Code: [Select]
template <class T>
bool retrievebit(T source, int bit)
if(bit > (sizeof(T)*8)) throw "Too large";
return ((source >> (bit-1)) & 1);
I haven't tested that and it will only work for types that have >> defined as the left shift, but  otherwise it should be good.

EDIT: I just saw this was in C I'll rewrite this real quick to be C code

In c for just char it would be like this
Code: [Select]
int retrievebit(char source, int bit)
if(bit > 8)) return -1;
return ((source >> (bit-1)) & 1);

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