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Messages - ruler501

Pages: 1 ... 160 161 [162] 163 164 ... 184
Math and Science / Re: My Math Book
« on: February 26, 2011, 10:20:14 pm »
Thank you this proves exactly what I've been working on

I still would like feedback from what I've written so I can fix any problems/make it better

TI Z80 / Re: Chess
« on: February 26, 2011, 09:19:27 pm »
Well now you only need two things (once you get pawn promotion working) port to Nspire obviously, and 4 way chess. It is an awesome game.

Miscellaneous / Re: Education Systems
« on: February 26, 2011, 09:10:38 pm »
I wish I could do precalc next year. They are going to stick me in geometry or algebra 2 they haven't decide. It depends if they let me test out

Miscellaneous / Re: Neave Strobe
« on: February 26, 2011, 09:01:30 pm »
the forums are morphing that is freaky... I love it

Math and Science / Re: My Math Book
« on: February 26, 2011, 08:41:11 pm »
I need to be able to prove it for all numbers even if I prove it for the first trillion there are still an infinite more. Is there any way you could prove this in a different way?

EDIT: I could really use comments on this I want to know what to improve

Humour and Jokes / Re: Which languages make you swear?
« on: February 26, 2011, 05:58:12 pm »
I like indentation as a means to show if your in a loop/function/class/if statement. they are easier to read. and then there are semicolons which drive me insane

Miscellaneous / Re: Random YouTube Videos
« on: February 26, 2011, 10:33:28 am »
That is awesome and I hate  you for rickrolling me and making me lose the game
I lost the game

Miscellaneous / Re: Random YouTube Videos
« on: February 26, 2011, 10:10:30 am »
When I follow your link it just goes to youtubes home page.

News / Re: Nspire CX Officially Announced by TI!
« on: February 26, 2011, 09:42:09 am »
Pocket sized I hope.

Humour and Jokes / Re: Which languages make you swear?
« on: February 26, 2011, 09:12:15 am »
I try to always use one editing environment but I have two set up how I like. One is the default IDLE. One is PyScripter from PortablePython. So far they seem to be quite compatible with tabs and indents. I prefer PyScripter It has better debugging.

Humour and Jokes / Re: Which languages make you swear?
« on: February 26, 2011, 09:01:21 am »
I like python for exactly that reason. It still needs yelling at but not as much as my C/C++ programs.

News / Re: Nspire CX Officially Announced by TI!
« on: February 26, 2011, 08:59:52 am »
there are plenty of math things you can do with the programming. It might do nothing I don't know. I just would realy like a non-hacking way for a programming environment.

Math and Science / Re: My Math Book
« on: February 26, 2011, 08:58:15 am »
I don't know how to password protect pdfs. I don't want people to be able to steal my work if I lose my flash drive. I did decide to save it as a 2003 just in case someone didn't have office 2007+. I'm thinking of using this chapter as a preview for now and probably will not post any of my other ones. I might send it to someone who helps me a lot for editing/revision because I know I'm going to make mistakes if this book gets as large as I want it to be.

This is slightly off-topic but does anyone know a proof for the distributive property. how do you prove that (x+y)(x+z)=x^2+yx+zx+yz? this is for proofs I want to put in later in my book.

EDIT: should I describe the differences between functions and equations in the first chapter. I ask this because I am now in the second chapter on Linear Algebra and I keep saying there is a difference. but I am not sure of where to write what that difference is.

Math and Science / Re: My Math Book
« on: February 26, 2011, 08:48:28 am »
Thank you, I hope to be able to do something with this when I'm done, but currently I don't know what.

EDIT: I've attached an early version of chapter 1 to my first post. I have password protected it since I am running this off of a flash drive. The password is safety. I would love to hear any comments/corrections you have for me.

Math and Science / Re: My Math Book
« on: February 26, 2011, 08:42:36 am »
I'm trying to immediately show people how you can apply it to real life. I believe that is a wonderful way to show real life scenarios. If you want to look at it I will temporarily post a copy of my nearly completed first chapter. I am just working on examples and checking for errors. here and PM you the password to it. You will need Microsoft Office 2010 to open it though.

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