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Messages - ruler501

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Music Showcase / Re: My Duet
« on: November 13, 2012, 10:17:05 pm »
i was having trouble with text when I made it so I just left. out the rit. I'll try with LMMS and see how that works comparatively. What do you do with Audacity, just touch it up?
What soundfont do you use for LMMS?

EDIT: and how do you set up LMMS? when I started it set the soundfont, imported the midi, and tried playing it I get really weird electronic noises.

Music Showcase / Re: My Duet
« on: November 13, 2012, 10:05:04 pm »
I'll look into LMMS. Do you have any suggestions other then that for free software I should use for composing/creating the music?

The music it shows there is written for the instrument and tenor is Bb and Alto is Eb so thats where the key signature came from.

I was planning on making it slow down in the last measure of vivace but I couldnt figure out how to do that in musescore. For the wandering i think I just have to work some more on it. Hopefully experience will help there.

Music Showcase / My Duet
« on: November 13, 2012, 09:20:59 pm »
I decided it would be nice for me and my brother to do a duet and I've been trying to get better at composing. The result of all of that is this:

Any comments or suggestions would be nice. The recording it shows is not as good as what I think it would be in person. I'll upload the inperson video later when he learns it and can play it.

Math and Science / Re: Integration by Parts
« on: November 07, 2012, 09:25:23 pm »
I meant the advanced integration techniques. Most of the advanced techniques are BC only.

Math and Science / Re: Integration by Parts
« on: November 07, 2012, 07:37:48 pm »
same reason taking the square root of something is harder then squaring it. Reversing processes is often harder then the original process. Things get even harder for integrating when you move to multiple variables. I've always liked deriving a lot more then integration though recently I've begun liking integration more. Its much more of an art like logical proof or trig identities

Math and Science / Re: Integration by Parts
« on: November 07, 2012, 07:28:25 pm »
no but you end up having the integral be on both sides then its just algebra to work through it

for this integral you repeat the process
integrate(cos(x)*e^x)= cos(x)*e^x-integrate(-sin(x)*e^x)
move the negative out of the integral
integrate(cos(x)*e^x)= cos(x)*e^x+integrate(sin(x)*e^x)
substitute back in and you get

thats one of my favorite examples my TA showed me on integration.

« on: November 07, 2012, 07:22:41 pm »
Nice to see more freshman in high school who are math/comp nerds.
I'm in BC(Only because I knew the counselors/principals and convinced them to let me skip AB), but I spend most of my time reading ahead. You will find some great things as you go farther into math. I have never been as interested as math until I got past Calculus I/II(BC) and started learning whats after it. If you ever need any help be sure to ask omni has lots of us math nerds/geeks

Math and Science / Re: Integration by Parts
« on: November 07, 2012, 07:18:33 pm »
its a common simple example. If you want to see an interesting example look up sin(x)*e^x its a really interesting use of the rules

pimathbrainiac. How far up are you? If you ever want any help just ask here on omni theres lots of good people here to help you with math problems.

Math and Science / Re: Integration by Ports
« on: November 07, 2012, 07:07:24 pm »
Your in BC if your doing integration already or an equivalent course.

Integration by parts is the reverse of the product rule you learned for differentiation
If you have an integral of the form integrate(u*dv) it is the same as u*v-integrate(v*du)
an example of how to use this would be like this

take the antiderivative of x*sin(x). You would start by saying that x is u and sin(x) is dv
integrate dv(sin(x)) to get -cos(x)=v. and you differentiate u(x) to get 1(du).
you then have x*-cos(x)-integrate(-cos(x)*1)
Once you work that out you get sin(x)-x*cos(x)

I'd be glad to help where I can in the code. The one problem you might have is that even if you are good at coding in C/++ the hard part will be the math. Some of what you want to do will require really hard math. If you need any help from me I'd be glad to help.

I'm good at C/++ and python

I think it might be good for you to make a mockup of the calculator(2d or 3d). That may help raise interest especially if it was on your site.

I agree that python would be a great language for your basic like language. Its reasonably fast for interpreted, works with C/++ code and it can easily have features added with modules

What is maxima/octave missing that you need?

It might be nice to have a basic like language though so non-programmers can put basic things into their calculators. I'm not sure I fully understand your reasoning for not using a prebuilt CAS. I'd think something like maxima or octave would work well, and if you want to be able to have it more integrated into C++ it shouldn't be too difficult to build classes on the function they already have. I think for this you should use C/++ as the asm like language of the 84 and have something(python, lua, basic) as a language for quick programs.

Humour and Jokes / Re: Zombimaga
« on: October 31, 2012, 11:17:18 pm »

You might want a lighter OS though I do like debian it is heavier then I'd want on a calculator. I'd be glad to help on these projects if you can set up a QEMU instance for me to work with. ARe you going to try to make this SAT compatible? You have to do that to get real adoption of it in schools. Especially with debian you'd want more RAM to run much. The best thing would probably be a custom linux distro. With your specs it cannot run most packages for debian but you could build and set up a package system(I'd say see sabayon/gentoo for good ways to do that) that people could download(I think an msi like format that installs itself would be best). Also for batteries you are going to want at least 2 days of active use to make it usable. That would be a 19200mAh battery. This is a great idea but you might want to work through it a little more.

1-3 wasnt bad it was just so different from the star wars before it and most people dont like that change. I hope they stay with canon because some of the stuff that happens in the books later on would be pretty awesome in movies(Yuuzhan Vong war...). I'm not sure if disney would allow that dark of a movie to happen though.

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