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Messages - ruler501

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Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: Contest: Coding Battles
« on: August 01, 2012, 08:32:12 pm »
The bottom three have to be more specific before I'd add them as ideas. I dont want this being like the contest where everything is so different its supposed to be a little more specific on an idea not just game/utility in this genre

News / Re: Bust-a-move on PRIZM, Bloxorz on 9860G
« on: August 01, 2012, 08:27:06 pm »
* HOMER-16 really needs to dig out and recharge his prizm
charge? are there rechargeable batteries for the prizm I've never seen them but I'd love to get some

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: Contest: Coding Battles
« on: August 01, 2012, 08:25:14 pm »
nyanfly I just compile for windows on linux with a cross compiler its a lot easier then setting it up on windows.

some libraries for .net such as xna dont work with mono most of the time

an IRC bot is a bot that posts/monitors IRC(a chat protocol) channels

EDIT: why you be so ninja homer :P

Introduce Yourself! / Re: A wild nyanfly appeared!
« on: August 01, 2012, 08:23:33 pm »
basically yes just the iPhone community is usually farther along then the ndless one. mainly because they are a lot bigger the people working on ndless are some of the best

Site Feedback and Questions / Re: why peanuts?
« on: August 01, 2012, 08:22:38 pm »
Even though I hate the taste :P (Almonds and pecans are better, imo)
I cant stand the taste but I'll still gladly give them away :P

Introduce Yourself! / Re: A wild nyanfly appeared!
« on: August 01, 2012, 08:06:54 pm »
It can just ndless only runs under certain OS's and TI blocks it with every new release

Site Feedback and Questions / Re: why peanuts?
« on: August 01, 2012, 08:02:23 pm »
The world may never know...

Its an old meme that started on the website and everyone just continues it is the main reason it goes on.

Introduce Yourself! / Re: A wild nyanfly appeared!
« on: August 01, 2012, 07:59:57 pm »
moar PEANUTS!!!

I am also a comp developer though i have recently also started working on the casio prizm(you might want to look into one of those instead of an nspire if you want C as TI fights C devel on the nspire)

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Hello World
« on: August 01, 2012, 07:15:11 pm »
Welcome to omni is there anything you want to tell us about yourself?
Here are some free peanuts !peanuts

I am a comp/calc programmer I work with C/++ and python and am an extreme math nerd

Humour and Jokes / Re: Derpy Astley
« on: August 01, 2012, 07:07:26 pm »
We need a remix with calcs to make it the anthem though

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: Contest: Coding Battles
« on: August 01, 2012, 05:44:13 pm »
EDIT: project ideas do not have to be games it can be anything that can be programmed on comp(not websites/on-calc stuff).
IRC bots?
and will it be very bad if it only runs on linux, lol
IRC bot would be an idea though i think slightly more specific would be better. and running only on linux would happen if it used very specific libraries with no or very bad windows versions. Sometimes you also need extra code for windows as opposed to linux and the other way around.

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: Contest: Coding Battles
« on: August 01, 2012, 04:03:32 pm »
c# works kindof... just be very careful what libraries you use and you might want to ask a linux person to test it(only if you want cross platform its not a requirement of the contest)

I will be working in C/++ and python depending on the project and I use those because if your careful with libraries they work on pretty much everything. They are also the only languages I have good skills in :P

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: Contest: Coding Battles
« on: August 01, 2012, 03:51:42 pm »
stevon8ter there is no assigned language any comp language can be used. You will most likely want to choose languages which are more cross compatible though as anyone who wants to run it and cant definitely wont be voting for you.

That's why I always use Git, Git is the best :3
git is wonderful for projects in my experience though I have none with team projects

Computer Projects and Ideas / Contest: Coding Battles
« on: August 01, 2012, 02:30:28 pm »
This is a matured version of


The idea of this contest is relatively simple. A poll is posted and people vote for a project idea/theme. Once the poll is completed the contest will be announced and coders will have 3 weeks(subject to change based on contest idea) to complete their submission. To submit their final result they post in the voting topic(which will be made on the last day) within 24 hours. Source code is all that is required for the submission though binaries for windows/linux/mac are encouraged. You make work individually or in a team.

1) With your submission make sure you post build instructions including any libraries needed for compiling
2) The work must be done by you or your team no taking others code or having others write it for you
3) You submit your source/binaries within 24 hours of the contest end
4) Your code cannot contain more than 15% code written before the contest started
5) Do not annoy people to test your program
6) Do not vote on both cemetech and omnimaga please limit your votes to just being on one site they will be combined for the final results

Please follow the rules they all have good reasons behind them and everyone I've seen has been doing great work and it would be a shame to be disqualified after working so hard.

The project idea will be decided through a poll. Post your ideas here for inclusion in the poll(which will be made later this week)


Q: What programming languages can I use?
A: There is no assigned language any comp language can be used. You will most likely want to choose languages which are more cross compatible though as anyone who wants to run it and cannot definitely wont be voting for you.

Q: Is this just another game making competition?
A:  Project ideas do not have to be games they can be anything that can be programmed on-comp for comps(excluding websites). The contest will be over making what the community decides is the best idea.

Q: Can we use code from previous projects?
A: You can but it should not be more then 15% of your code. See rule #4

Q: Can I have more than one submission?
A: No we do not want to flood the voters with too many submission and if each person is making 2 or more it could get hectic...

Q: Is this now a cross-site contest?
A: Yes it was suggested that it be crossposted on cemetech and from there it has evolved to the point that there are polls on each site and submissions will be accepted on either.

Q: I use a password in my source can I censor that?
A: Of course you can just leave a comment on the line that says its been censored and you need a real password to run it

Current Project Idea:
IRC bot that plays/manages IRC games. This is a text game that is run by a bot. If the admins approve it maybe there can be and omnimaga-games channel for the winner

Next Project Ideas(pre-poll):
Maze Themed Game
Paint Style program
Map Editor with testing program
Music composition software
2d rts-fps game engine
Jump and Run Game
Red Code like game(program something that plays the game)

Project Ideas that are too general:
AI game
platformer(I may just not understand the category well enough on this though)
Simulation Game

Ideas that can not be in the next contest:
IRC bots/programs

We dont want too close topics to previous ones so we can maintain diversity

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