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Messages - ruler501

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Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: Contest Scoring Ideas
« on: August 01, 2012, 02:24:16 pm »
great because I've been needing a comp project to work on and I think this will work well.

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: Contest Scoring Ideas
« on: August 01, 2012, 02:19:28 pm »
yeah i think that would work. I dont think there are too many linux only people also many people like me leave the windows install for compatibility

I'll go set up the topic now. Once people post some ideas for the first contest I'll setup a poll too for the first topic. I hope this is as fun as I imagine it being

Also since I'll be running the setup but it is a community scored project would anyone have problems with me also competing?

Site Feedback and Questions / Re: Under 50 posts/day??? Yikes!
« on: August 01, 2012, 02:13:25 pm »
If anything, that will only be an issue with C/C++ and other compiled languages. For others like Java or .NET, they shouldn't have a problem with cross-compatibility.
One of the requirements of the competition would be source code release. Otherwise it would be way too much of a hassle to compile for all the different architectures out there though the author could if they wanted to.

Python is better supported on linux then windows usually and flash has support but its a lot buggier on linux then on windows

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: Contest Scoring Ideas
« on: August 01, 2012, 02:09:07 pm »
I chose separate OS, as cross-platform would severely limit the amount of programming language choice. For example, those who love Visual BASIC or stuff like that would not be able to participate, as Visual BASIC is not available for Linux.
You can kind of run it with  mono if i remember correctly but that can really be annoying to set up. Other then visual basic and .net with xna is there much else that can't be written to be cross platform? I'm thinking if its just those two its not really worth it to make a separate poll.

General Discussion / Re: Learning to write music
« on: August 01, 2012, 01:49:28 pm »
Well what I use to make music is MuseScore because I'm more familiar with notations and whatnot. After MuseScore, I save it as midi and convert to mp3 with Direct MP3 Converter since it has awesome soundfont. :D
While I've been playing around with musescore I found this soundfont
With it and .ogg exporting i never have to export it out of musescore for rendering.

Also I still dont get how chord progression works with solo parts. I see how it works with parts that can play multiple notes at once(I think) but how does it work when the instrument can only play one note at a time?
There's a 4 squares with different colors in the top menu somewhere. That's the one you're looking for. You'll realize that when you first edit stuff, your line is blue. If you click the squares, it changes color, which means different chords. :)
Actually I believe they call them voices and the guide says that they are used to write multiple notes of different length on the same line. On the saxophone/clarinet though you cant play both so i was wondering how chord progression works with that

Humour and Jokes / Re: 9001 signs you're addicted to calcs and Omni
« on: August 01, 2012, 07:53:32 am »
3141: You try reviving old quizzes and contests

Computer Projects and Ideas / Contest Scoring Ideas
« on: August 01, 2012, 07:51:21 am »
I'm intending to try reviving this thread idea
Just this time the contest will be language independent and comp only. The problem this brings up is what are the requirements the program must meet to be considered for the contest. Most importantly what should people have to have to run the program. I personally would like it to be public polls with cross platform.

Site Feedback and Questions / Re: Under 50 posts/day??? Yikes!
« on: August 01, 2012, 07:14:53 am »
Well if there's only a poll, then Linux and Windows would have to be separate categories. I know a lot of Omni users don't have Linux installed anywhere, and as a result, Linux-only programs would get far less votes than Windows-compatible ones.
Maybe there could be separate voting polls for each OS and extra points for cross compatibility? and there would be fewer linux only then windows only mainly because its easier to recompile most linux things to run on windows then the other way around in my experience.

Site Feedback and Questions / Re: Under 50 posts/day??? Yikes!
« on: August 01, 2012, 12:33:17 am »
My idea would be cross platform or specific platform if the topic required it.

There also wouldn't be judges but a poll. I think t would be better to give everyone their say. Maybe even pols for different aspects of the program

Maybe their could be something added under your profile pic or somewhere saying you one the competition or you got blank place if you win

Site Feedback and Questions / Re: Under 50 posts/day??? Yikes!
« on: July 31, 2012, 11:50:12 pm »
I think I might try remaking that topic and starting a new version of it. The only questions I'd have would be that since I'd be making it language independent what requirements must it meet(being able to run on XP/7 or linux or both?). There has to be some standardized way of running it so they can be compared on even ground(at least in my opinion)

Site Feedback and Questions / Re: Under 50 posts/day??? Yikes!
« on: July 31, 2012, 11:01:15 pm »
Yeah my other idea was to have a large community project(s) with at least one being on computer. I'd think that could generate traffic especially when we finally made something amazing.

General Discussion / Re: Learning to write music
« on: July 31, 2012, 10:35:05 pm »
Well what I use to make music is MuseScore because I'm more familiar with notations and whatnot. After MuseScore, I save it as midi and convert to mp3 with Direct MP3 Converter since it has awesome soundfont. :D
While I've been playing around with musescore I found this soundfont
With it and .ogg exporting i never have to export it out of musescore for rendering.

Also I still dont get how chord progression works with solo parts. I see how it works with parts that can play multiple notes at once(I think) but how does it work when the instrument can only play one note at a time?

nSDL / Re: nSDL 0.3.2—A fast & robust TI-Nspire graphics library
« on: July 31, 2012, 10:34:08 pm »
Is it possible to increase the size of letters drawn by nSDL_DrawStr() ?

Thank you,
I do not think so if I remember from when I looked through the code its a hardcoded value

Site Feedback and Questions / Re: Under 50 posts/day??? Yikes!
« on: July 31, 2012, 06:10:41 pm »
Something I just had an idea about, what if we had a few very small contests/games that would help bring in new ideas and concepts?

I think a game like, code this small application and the best at the end of a week determines the next app could do well. I know we had a thread like that before, but it died.
Yes community run contests for fame(and maybe occasionally prizes) I remember when I first joined I tried to start something like that but there was already the cage matches so it didnt really work. My idea was to have people vote on a topic for a program/game and then give people 3 weeks to make it (individually or teams) then when it was done just post a poll for voting on winner. If I can find my old thread I'll see if I can post the rules from that if we want to try doing something like that

EDIT: was the topic but I was way to inexperienced to actually set it up especially with cage matches already running

Casio Calculators / Re: pSDL v1.0.0
« on: July 30, 2012, 06:21:19 pm »
I'm back now and now I need to decide what I need to do with this project. I think that one of the main things that will need to be done is get the events to recognize all keys. If anyone knows a way to do this please tell me. I also plan on making some demo's and trying to find more efficient ways to implement some of the internal functions.

What I need help with:
Testing what keys are down for the entire prizm keyboard
Getting file i/o for bmp loading
Getting other SDL libraries working(SDL_gfx most importantly)
If I could get these things working I think it would greatly improve this library

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