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Messages - ruler501

Pages: 1 ... 40 41 [42] 43 44 ... 184
OmnomIRC Development / Re: OmnomIRC
« on: April 25, 2012, 11:12:39 pm »
Isnt there an rss feed and tools written to allow you to be notified if there are new posts?

I'd love to start a new project just I'm not sure what to make.

I had one idea of making a graphical utility for downloading projects and auto building them(cross platform). with a customizable configuration. I've started on it and and will start a thread once I have a better made version.

Site Feedback and Questions / Re: A whole bunch pf posts just vanished
« on: April 24, 2012, 09:16:51 pm »
also is omnom IRC gone?
For me at least

Gaming Discussion / Re: Botanicula
« on: April 20, 2012, 07:48:51 am »
I think I may go buy that later this week.

One thing I always love  about it is looking at the averages by OS. Its interesting to see who pays what.

and AeTIos you probably could but its for supporting developers. I think I'll either pay 10 or 15 dollars for it

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: Mindscrew
« on: April 20, 2012, 06:31:38 am »
Oh wow, I didn't see that part.

That tells me the New Post section needs to show topic descriptions :P
Yeah it does or it needs to be included somewhere in the thread page so people can see it. I almost never browse through the forums where I'd see the descripition.

For anyone who didnt see the topic description it is a brainf*ck interpreter in VB

Other / Rasberry Pi Calculator
« on: April 19, 2012, 07:48:34 pm »
Would it be possible to make a calculator with a model b rasberry pi?

Iw as thinking you could have one usb port internally for internal storage with a microusb with a few gb of storage. You could make it easily removable so teachers could remove programs for standardized testing. If it was possible you could make the sdcard write protected so that the user couldnt store programs on it. The other usb port I'd run through to the outside for addon's. USB wireless card, more storage, and maybe some other things.

You could add a Keyboard like the nspire(easier to use though) so that you could program on it easily. It can't be a qwerty though because of testing rules. with the keyboard you'd also have some shortcut keys for math equations and a touchpad/clickpad.
You could have a reasonable resolution color lcd added on
The case would probably have to be custom to have things fit well
You'd also have to have a battery that could run the pi for a at least 24 hours(maybe add a charge port so it can easily be charged iif it isnt too long of a battery life)

The OS could be a custom linux distro or an offshoot of arch that is customized to work with the hardware and to have a good interface for the keyboard

What do you guys think? How much would you expect this to cost and how usable would it be? Could we have at least one version that is usable for testing?
I'd like a cost of under $100 if possible.

So this is a real problem with a fake cause. Reading the news and then the comments can be confusing :P
At first i thought this would be an anti spam thing when i first saw the topic title.
Overall good fake news though very funny

Gaming Discussion / Re: World of Padman - Who Wants To Play?
« on: April 13, 2012, 02:34:57 pm »
Sure I always love a good multiplayer game. Depending on when I get home this weekend I'll either get the game sunday or monday. Probably through desura because I would rather not boot into windows or use wine

Gaming Discussion / Re: World of Padman - Who Wants To Play?
« on: April 13, 2012, 02:15:23 pm »
yeah i didnt see it. I'll try installing it this weekend if I have time

Miscellaneous / Re: Hobbies
« on: April 13, 2012, 11:59:20 am »
Procrastinating on the internet
learning/doing math(currently just started a linear algebra course on

programming computers
learning how computers work and how to make them
Gaming(pretty much any good game I can get my hands on)

Math and Science / Math Community Quiz/Game
« on: April 13, 2012, 04:42:24 am »
I thought I might as well revive this thread as I know there are plenty of math people on here.

The Rules:

1) A asks a question, the rest will try to answer.
2) A must confirm which answer is correct.
3) Person (say B) with confirmed correct answer then asks the next question.
4) A can't win right after B
5) Repeat.
6) If person asking question doesn't login to confirm answers within 96 hrs of his question being posted, any one can ask a new question.
7) If no one can answer question within 96 hrs or can't get the right one, questioner can ask again.
8) Use personal knowledge to answer questions don't use the internet or teachers
9) If answer has been confirmed and the new questioner hasn't set a question in 96 hours, anyone can ask the new question.
10) You can ask questions on any aspect of mathematics
11)Calculators are allowed and encouraged :D

Lets start with an easy(kind of) one:
Show a proof that the NOR operator, variables, and parentheses can be used to construct any valid statement in sentential logic.

I will be inactive this summer also...
I have a couple camputs with boy scouts in june then (almost)all of july I am taking a precalc course at a program at UNT called SMI. They dont allow laptops :(

I hope we can get this DDoD thing solved soon as it seems to be a rather serious problem. How much downtime have we had over the past 72 hours?
And maybe get the forum times fixed

We have a computer section actually ???  (even split by language and even a projects section) ???

But yeah before quitting I thought about adding some computer coders in the CoT team, but I don't know the plans for managers about that. I guess anyone who is willing to join the team is free to apply on their own, though. (they just gotta share what they're working on and ensure they can maintain a small minimum activity level). I often see some cool PC projects in that section.
What I meant was more encouragement of do some comp stuff instead of the semi-complete focus on calcs.

Also stopping DDoS attacks would probably help to

News / Re: DDoS attack leads to 16 hours of Omnimaga downtime
« on: April 11, 2012, 01:45:03 pm »
I'd love to see that happen but I do believe it would get whoever did it into legal trouble...

Miscellaneous / Re: One Direction In Australia
« on: April 11, 2012, 01:43:52 pm »
There was a riot in the US over one of their concerts...
the girls really do get over excited

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