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Messages - shmibs

Pages: 1 ... 124 125 [126]
Introduce Yourself! / Re: g'mornin everybloody!
« on: June 24, 2010, 06:19:11 pm »
ah, well i guess my parents must have blocked the image hosting site so you guys will have to enjoy them without me...thanks for the thought, though(i LOVE putting those two words next to one another)
oh, and i lost the game

Introduce Yourself! / Re: g'mornin everybloody!
« on: June 24, 2010, 05:35:12 pm »
thanks to everyone who responded and said hello (and sorry it took so long to respond... i joined just before going out of town) yes, they are 8*8, and yes, i am aware of the 8kb limit but im not too worried. the current walking engine(which albeit does leave out a couple of things like ledges and those arrow ground tiles) is about 2k including data for some tile sprites and a small map, which will be stored in an appvar, leaving quite a bit of space for text handling, intro, etc. it will be close, but i think i can make it.
i still have no peanuts :P

Gaming Discussion / Re: Nintendo 3DS
« on: June 16, 2010, 08:07:07 pm »
i really hope the 3ds has head tracking
here's another cool thing that uses it =D

Introduce Yourself! / g'mornin everybloody!
« on: June 16, 2010, 07:46:37 pm »
i first tried to join omnimaga about a year ago, but the version of xp im running is very... eccentric and simply refused to display the bottom half of the join page. i just remembered recently that i had never actually gotten around to joining so i booted up a linux livecd and joined that way. i've been writing code and such for about two years though(although not at all regularly) and am currently working on two projects: a pokémon clone with personalized graphics and story elements(im rewriting the entire thing in axe with a more authentic walking engine and larger pkmn sprites atm, but here are some pics from the old celtic version: ), and another which shall remain unnamed for the axe comp. not much else to say besides hi, i guess

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