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Messages - shrear

Pages: 1 ... 11 12 [13] 14
Ndless / Re: Ndless 2.0 for TI-Nspire Clickpad/Touchpad
« on: December 23, 2010, 06:26:30 am »
I tried the "Keys"....
arrowkeys still don't work
and for particles I have to use w+q

Ndless / Re: Ndless 2.0 for TI-Nspire Clickpad/Touchpad
« on: December 22, 2010, 12:00:57 pm »
well I add to my post (#78)
that blockdude also works fine, ...until I try to walk around, except esc and doc no keys react.
but as soon I exit they are back to normal

Edit: After I changed the keys in the source, "playing" works so it's only the keymapping

and my screen was once after being off a time "moved" a few cm to the right, off/on fixed that.

Ndless / Re: Ndless 2.0 for TI-Nspire Clickpad/Touchpad
« on: December 22, 2010, 11:36:30 am »
My calc dates from august, so I suppose a Nspire bought in September is NOT going to work ;)

Ndless / Re: Ndless 2.0 for TI-Nspire Clickpad/Touchpad
« on: December 22, 2010, 06:36:19 am »
Ok that explains it
But not that they cause a "crash" the first time I "use" them...

Ndless / Re: Ndless 2.0 for TI-Nspire Clickpad/Touchpad
« on: December 22, 2010, 06:26:43 am »
This is what I got after some testing

Calc is a NspireCas Touchpat
In 43 trys I get

-10 successes

-20 times the message "This document format not supported. ndless_installer.tns
but particles works fine nevertheless, so I think it's just an error with the message

-4 reboots

-9 frozen clocks
there is always a slim bar at the top, an "average" and a big one in the up half on the screen
and the bar at the bottom is 5 black lines strong, except once where there were only 3

particles works fine (keys are wrong: w=+  q=-)

but neither hello nor hella
both cause a reboot about 2 of 3 times,
else there is then a black screen whit a frozen clock
also there is often no change at all when I try to open them, I have to press several times enter (or menu 4) sometimes

the rest of the nspire works fine with Ndless installed
keys and touchpat make no problems documents open
(but I didn't test much there yet)

Thats it, I hope it helps.

Other Calculators / Re: Turn on the light on the Nspire
« on: December 18, 2010, 07:10:06 am »

(don't do it, unless you have a second TI-Nspire to unlock it)

You actually don't need an other Nspire to exit PPT, you can also unlock it with a PC.
If you send a file with the name "Exit Test Mode.tns" in the "Press-to-test" directory of your calc, he reboots like if you did it the ~normal~ way.

I'm curious what would happen if you run your program during PPT (if Ndless works in PPT), I would test it myself but I have a touchpad cas... so no Ndless.

Ndless / Re: Ndless 1.7 for TI-Nspire
« on: November 08, 2010, 03:16:13 pm »
If you don't mind the question.
Do the Ndless 1.7 source-files exist somewhere as zip or is there a way which I don't see to download them together?

Got it.
Thx ExtendeD

Where should I start searching for the cause of the "bad word read" then?

Thx: I will try that out then

Until the end of installation everything is fine
Then I get a "Warning at PC=1037703C: Bad read_word: b00001bc" in the command prompt
And no matter what I do in the emulator he does either nothing or shows me a box Error:"SendMessage timeout"
The screen is blank with a frozen clock btw
I'm using the nspire_emu_032 and the OS version TI-NspireCAS-
Pc operating System is W7 64bit
Has anyone a tip to get it working?

TI-BASIC / Re: Optimization Tips
« on: October 19, 2010, 04:40:23 pm »
Well like this par example

Code: [Select]
Define LibPub helloname()=
:RequestStr "Your name:",name
:RequestStr "Your location:",location
:RequestStr "Your calculator:",calculator
:Text "Name: "&name
:Text "Location: "&location
:Text "Calculator: "&calculator

Other things I don't see (which doesn't mean allot ;) )

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Introduce myself... could be difficult.
« on: October 17, 2010, 03:10:41 am »

However, keep in mind that when Ndless 2.0 comes out, TI will immediately release a new OS blocking it the second later :P

j/k but we never know with them X.x

Tha'ts what nleash is for isn't it?:)

So what type of bow do you use?

Olympic bow
I shoot now for three years but I'm actually not that good:(

TI-BASIC / Re: Jump without Lbl-Goto
« on: October 16, 2010, 05:10:00 pm »
Ah alright
thx for explaining

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Introduce myself... could be difficult.
« on: October 16, 2010, 05:03:07 pm »

TI-BASIC / Re: Jump without Lbl-Goto
« on: October 16, 2010, 04:47:25 pm »
:Lbl 1
:While 1
:Goto 1

I suppose you mean something like
Lbl a
While something
If something
Goto a

Just say yes or no because I honestly don't understand what you mean else.

Introduce Yourself! / Introduce myself... could be difficult.
« on: October 16, 2010, 04:14:21 pm »
My name is Qunja Shre'ar
(well only in the web  ;))
I do archery and I know how to ride an horse whiteout falling of at every canter.
I like maths and for the moment I try to teach myself C and Java.

Why i got an ti Nspire CAS?
Because I needed it for school...

Well now I'm here,and very annoyed that there is still no ndless for OS 2<--ignore that bit, as far I can see the developers of ndless are doing a great jop
So I'm probably going to pass the time writing games in the "basic" language until you can write them in C for the Touch-pad version of the handhelt.
Perhaps I will even download the sourcecodes of ndless and see if i understand any thing...

Can this be called a introduction of myself??? :)

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