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Messages - squidgetx

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Music Showcase / Re: My Duet
« on: November 13, 2012, 09:34:54 pm »
Wow nice progress since the last time you posted that other music composition thread :D

now here are my comments lol:
Sounds nice, but why is the tenor in F/Dm when the alto is in C/Am? Is the alto an Eb transpose? I like the vivace part, though the transition back to the reiteration of the main theme seems a little sudden and forced. Also, it kinda sounds like it wanders a lot, especially in the third section, without it actually going anywhere. Also yeah, Musescore recordings are... not the best haha. I'm looking forward to see what it sounds like when your brother can record it-- alternatively you can export as midi and put into a program like LMMS or FL to get a better (digital) sound.

Edit: for example, this is a classical-ish piece (string quartet) I rendered in LMMS. I was trying to get a local quartet to record a version, but in the end the rendered one still sounded better :P

TI Z80 / Re: GLIB a graphics axe 3d librairy
« on: November 13, 2012, 04:15:30 pm »
Lol, that looks familiar, ben_g

TheMachine, is it possible to increase the amount of precision when moving? It seems that the camera 'jumps' a lot :(

News / Re: 2012 Apocalypse TI-83+/TI-84+ Programming Contest
« on: November 13, 2012, 10:14:41 am »
Yeong, you might survive, but everyone else will be dead...Even if the winner magically survives they won't have much use for money, would they D:

Joking aside, I may or may not enter...depends on if I get any ideas haha

Ash: Phoenix / Re: Ash: Phoenix- Reboot
« on: November 13, 2012, 10:11:51 am »
Oh, ok. Yeah, pt-get can be useful like that, but like I said, that method only works with 8x8 sprites =/ (and has the added disadvantage you described with clipping)

News / Re: A new z80 calc... in color?
« on: November 12, 2012, 10:04:31 pm »
^Yeah, I think the 50MHz ez80 is comparable to a 200MHz z80 chip.
Personally I'm not too sure that it'll be an ez80...doesn't TI not have the license for ez80s? I guess we'll have to wait and see...

Ash: Phoenix / Re: Ash: Phoenix- Reboot
« on: November 12, 2012, 07:49:14 pm »
You can all check out the source, it's in the first post. But if you don't wanna dig through my code, I'll give some condensed pseudocode here.

Code: [Select]
-Draw the map using the bitmap routine because I don't have a clipped 12x12 tile routine

While 1   ;main loop
 if key=left
 if key=right


lbl right
return if check tilemap
return if check npcs
copy tiles to be shifted in (column 4 tiles to right of player) into spritebank (L1)
shift those tiles over 1 nibble (remember tiles are 12x12 but stored as 12 rows of 2 bytes with a 0 in the 4th nibble)
for 12 (run for 1 tile)
...this part in assembly, see screenshift.asm
for all 64 rows on the screen
;for those unfamiliar with asm, the rr (hl) command shifts hl right 1 bit (1 pixel), the bit shifted in comes from the carry flag,
;and the bit shifted out goes into the carry flag
rr 2 bytes of the sprite bank
rr the whole screen row
;this shifts the whole screen like axe horizontal, only instead of shifting in blank pixels, it shifts in the rightmost column of pixels from the spritebank
...end asm

if playerX is off the edge of the map

decide if an npc was scrolled in, if so draw it using nibble-aligned mask routine
check if you're standing on a door, if so, warp to where it leads

lbl left
looks like right, only uses rl instead of rr and doesn't need to shift the tiles by 1 nibble

lbl up/down
same as right, only asm routine is a little different for shifting vertically

lbl display
is the map location box on? if so...
decrease map location box time counter
back up area of screen where map box is drawn
draw map box
back up area of screen where character is drawn
draw character using mask routine
was there a map box?
 restore that area of the screen
restore the area of the screen where the character is drawn

lbl loadmap

takes mapX, mapY as arguments (there is a large tilemap, a tilemap of tilemaps or metamap/overworld)
decompress 9 16x16 tilemap chunks from archive into a 48x48 RAM tilemap in a 3x3 square where the middle one is the map with coords (mapX,mapY) (if there is no 16x16 chunk to load or if its value is zero, fill will black tiles)

The screen is basically never cleared-- when you move, you move one tile at a time, animated by a For(12) loop. Within that loop, the screen is shifted by 1 pixel, and what's shifted in is only the single pixel row/column that needs to be shifted in. The assembly routine is remarkably easy/elegant/efficient this way--by shifting the spritebank data, it's already setting itself up for the next iteration. NPCs, since they're not part of the tilemap and thus not detected by the regular shift/drawing routine, are drawn after they've come into view. Anything that isn't going to scroll with the map movement (like the player himself) needs to have the area where they're drawn backed up before they're drawn. This engine is remarkably fast (easy 45fps) but a pain to work with as I add more and more elements (just the map name box and the animated player are enough for me, haha)

Edit: let me know if you guys have any other questions about the engine or anything, i don't know how good this explanation is haha

*Edit* AOC: fixed code box as it wasn't displaying in FF.

Ash: Phoenix / Re: Ash: Phoenix- Reboot
« on: November 12, 2012, 01:34:21 pm »
Axe should have a clipped sprite routine, and Hayleia, enemies are going to be encountered pokemon style (different from Embers). When I say "NPC" I mean like the guys that stand around and can talk to you.

Hayleia, I'm curious as to how you do your chickens then, if you don't save the screen nor redraw every frame.

Chickendude, Axe's sprite routines have clipping.
I already wrote that...why did I write it again?

Ash: Phoenix / Re: Ash: Phoenix- Reboot
« on: November 12, 2012, 12:50:21 pm »
How could chickendude not know about chickens????

Joking aside, chickendude is pretty much right about this. I'm not sure how TinyCraft's mapper works, but the fact that it uses 8x8 tiles gives it a huge advantage over anything that I can come up with right now. 8x8 tiles are fast and flexible, making it easy to build a grayscale redraw-every-frame mapper that could easily support moving chickens. On the other hand, if you don't update every frame, it's still not too difficult to save the screen, draw the chickens, and recall the image (which is what I could theoretically do...only it would cause a very very noticeable speed drop, plus I have to change/write an unaligned 12x16 mask routine, which I don't want to do just for the sake of having moving npcs.

News / Re: Faster Flash Access for the 83+/84+
« on: November 12, 2012, 09:41:38 am »
Which OS? I had to do this 5 times, so there's a chance I made a mistake in one of them.

2.43, 84+SE. I haven't had the chance to reapply the patch yet, but since resending the OS everything's been fine =/.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: November 11, 2012, 05:49:23 pm »
Feature Request: ReAlloc of the r1-r6 variables?

News / Re: A new z80 calc... in color?
« on: November 11, 2012, 05:24:42 pm »
Is a z80 processor going to be enough for driving a color screen? Or will we see some not-shitty screen drivers (at last :O)? I wonder how fast the processor is going to be...

Axe / Re: Axe Q&A
« on: November 11, 2012, 05:21:40 pm »
Hayleia, (lol this question is from sept), I'm pretty sure you can only have one interrupt on at a time.

Nikitouzz, Runer112 is working on a new patched/optimized version of Axe. If he ever finishes it, there might be an update (or if Quigibo comes back =/)

News / Re: Faster Flash Access for the 83+/84+
« on: November 11, 2012, 03:24:40 pm »
I have a possible bug report. Since installing this morning my calc has been behaving rather oddly. I've been working on an axe project and using edit-from-archive and ON-ZOOM zstart features a lot, and suddenly (after the program crashed I think) the source axe file was filled with random tokens. This happened multiple times and eventually the dev cycle looped into restore axe backup, compile, archive source, run, executable crashed, go look at axe source, it's corrupted, restore axe backup. I tried restoring the OS, it went through the whole "Receiving...Operating System" dialog and then changed to "Waiting...Please Install Operating System." I then resent the OS (again) and now it's behaving perfectly normally. I have to do some stuff now, but when I have time I'll reapply the patch and see if I can duplicate the behavior.

News / Re: Faster Flash Access for the 83+/84+
« on: November 10, 2012, 10:44:47 pm »
Sweetness, downloading this now. Awesome work penguin :D

Edit: Installed, seems to work very well indeed. It's especially nice using it in tandem with edit-from-archive.

Ash: Phoenix / Re: Ash: Phoenix- Reboot
« on: November 10, 2012, 03:02:41 pm »
are NPC's going to be able to move at all? are you going to have some sort of cutscene scripting? how is encountering enemies going to work?
No, yes, same as the demo.

Having moving NPCs, while possible, would be generally irritating and also force me to write a full bodied, slower display routine (as opposed to the fast-but-limited aligned drawer I have now). A lot of what is painful about the map engine is that it doesn't redraw every frame, so making adjustments to what's on screen (but not part of the tilemap, like npc's) is not only difficult, but makes the game slower the more adjustments are made. Cutscene scripting and battle encounters will work as they did in the demo, with the cutscene routine probably displaying relevant images while it calls the standard dialogue routine. Enemies will be ecnountered (like in many rpgs) randomly while traveling in dangerous terrain.

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