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Messages - steev

Pages: [1]
General Calculator Help / Re: Where to download Nspire 1.1?
« on: April 07, 2010, 04:26:30 pm »
Netham45 sent me a PM asking for my email, but apparently I can't send PM's yet. >.<

It would be awesome if someone could email me a link though. I'm no TI employee, lol.

If anyone is nice enough, my email is my username with a zero at the end (not posting to thwart bots)

General Calculator Help / Re: Where to download Nspire 1.1?
« on: April 06, 2010, 10:57:29 pm »
I've searched google thoroughly, and although some sites mention it in the google cache, it is missing from everywhere. >.<

I'm assuming there is no factory reset for this calculator to get back the old OS? I don't have anything on it anyways.

General Calculator Help / Where to download Nspire 1.1?
« on: April 05, 2010, 11:33:14 pm »
I just got an nspire, and was an idiot and upgraded the OS right away to 2.0.

Then I found out about ndless, and the gbc emulator, which both look awesome. So I'm trying to downgrade, but for the life of me can't find any working links to the 1.1 OS.

Can anyone help?

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