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Messages - theUnnamed

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TI Z80 / Tetris in TI basic
« on: April 13, 2010, 09:42:31 pm »
I'm going to write tetris in entirely TI basic for the 84+ and possibly the 83+ if I can work out the timing of it. Ultimately I'm rewriting a program I made a while back I had it almost complete but I lost the code when my calculator was stolen this time I'm going to finish it.
I challenge someone to finish writing it before me.  And just so we're all on a level playing field it must be able finish one block drop and move to the next in less then a second unless it has to eliminate a row and be at least 16 blocks across. I have gotten 99% of the way there in the past and I had to split It into 4 programs to work it into memory.  A launcher that unarchived and archive the other 3, a setup program and a clean up program only the setup and 1 of the 3 others fit in memory at the same time when you had all the variable information and nothing else could be in memory while it run. Needless to say it toke up a lot of space.  trust me It takes every trick in the book to make it work.  call it the ultimate TI Basic challenge.

Introduce Yourself! / hello
« on: April 13, 2010, 04:58:29 pm »
I'm just doing the official say hi thing so hi

Other Calculators / Re: What's your favorite Programming Method?
« on: April 13, 2010, 04:36:32 pm »
I personally will program in what ever language is handed to me.  I tend to like C++ though because of speed and the ability to create types that behave as if they were part of the language.

I don't think you realize that toughs libraries that you have to import can't be made part of the language because c interfaces to the processor not the OS so OS calls become library calls

TI-Nspire / Re: A symbolic library for the Nspire non-CAS
« on: April 13, 2010, 04:24:44 pm »
Hi I've decided to take it on myself to continue work on this library. and Intend to add functionality and speed up execution and optimizing and although I don't yet fully understand the code base yet I would like suggestions on what I should improve

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