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Messages - thenyanpeople

Pages: [1] 2
TI Z80 / Re: Pokemon Topaze (Axe)
« on: September 20, 2011, 08:27:04 pm »
wait are you suppose to put it into the ram or archives?

Do I need to do anything fancy if I am going to downgrade from 2.55MPto 2.43 on a ti-84 + SE?
Press MODE, then Alpha+S. If the boot code version is 1.00 or 1.02, you can simply send 2.43 to your calc and it'll work. If it says 1.03, it's much trickier.
I got 1.03 :( Yet I still downgraded

TI Z80 / Re: Pokemon Topaze (Axe)
« on: September 14, 2011, 08:06:38 pm »
well, firstly, you need a TI 83+, 83+ SE, 84+, 84+ SE, or an nSpire with an 84+ emulator. then, once the program has been transferred to your model of calculator, you need to use the asm( token, which can be found easily through the catalogue menu on these models, in conjunction with the program name as follows:
Could someone please make a quick vid tutorial??
I did it but it still gives me an error message

TI Z80 / Re: Pokemon Topaze (Axe)
« on: September 14, 2011, 06:27:56 pm »
How would I run this?

General Calculator Help / Re: Ti-84 plus operating systems
« on: September 14, 2011, 05:40:11 pm »
Yup I followed it and it doesnt work. I was wondering if someone can send me a ti 84 + SE back up file so I can load it onto mine because whenever I turn it on it says Waiting....
Please install operating system now. Then when I press a key it says ERROR! Press any key to turn unit off. Then turn unit back on.

EDIT: It actually loads to 100% on the OS transfer then it gives me an error message.

General Calculator Help / Re: Ti-84 plus operating systems
« on: September 14, 2011, 05:05:05 pm »
yea, but not like this. to me, this always happens:
TI-connect can't find the divice
OR: ti-divice detected, but couldn't get status
But now, it connects as it should, and when I send something to it, it starts the transfer, interrupts the transfer and says 'ti-device detected, but couldn't get status'. I never had this with my previous OS

EDIT: now it says 'transfer failed, a retry may be succesfull', but a retry isn't sucessfull, nor a 10th retry...
I got the same problem can someone help me?

I hate that type of software, because what do you do if you switch computers? Or is there a way to recover the old license then uninstall the first copy?
same here

You guys should make a subsets for the programs so its easier to navigate. (Ti 84 programs. Ti 83 programs, Ti nspire programs and so on)

I don't believe this is possible because it is licensed to one pc.

Do I need to do anything fancy if I am going to downgrade from 2.55MPto 2.43 on a ti-84 + SE?

General Calculator Help / Ti 84 program transfer help
« on: September 12, 2011, 05:09:52 pm »
Hi everyone,
I have a ti-84 + se. I wan to put a few applications and games on it through TI Connect on the USB.
How ever when I drag and drop the application I want to load on there I get a failure message.
Can anyone help me or give me a tutorial on how to do it?

TI Z80 / Re: Gravity Guy
« on: September 09, 2011, 08:39:22 pm »
I have not been able to send other applications to his calc.
It sounds like it's not a problem with this program specifically but his calc, or your copy of ti-connect. How about you open up another topic and give details like, what version of ti-connect you are using, calc model, OS etc, and any other information you can think of that will help us figure out the issue
Okay, but I will try what squidgetx said first if that doesn't work I will create a new topic.

TI Z80 / Re: Gravity Guy
« on: September 09, 2011, 07:55:37 pm »
Do you already have any apps on it?  I've had experiences when a certain app would for some reason block other apps from being sent..
I have nothing but the default apps on it.

TI Z80 / Re: Gravity Guy
« on: September 09, 2011, 07:50:44 pm »
I have not been able to send other applications to his calc.

TI Z80 / Re: Gravity Guy
« on: September 09, 2011, 07:47:40 pm »
I am transfering it from my computer to my freinds ti-84 plus se. The cable is a mini usb to usb. The OS on the calculator is 2.55 I believe. I used TI connect.

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