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Messages - thepenguin77

Pages: 1 ... 79 80 [81] 82 83 ... 108
ASM / Re: Archiving/Unarchiving a VAT pointer - request
« on: November 18, 2010, 06:43:12 pm »
Instead of me writing it, I might as well tell you how to write it so you get the experience. Since you've already found the VAT entry I don't see why you can't do this.

1. Copy the name to OP1.
2. Put a zero after the name, (you don't have to if it's 8 chars long)
2. bcall(_chkFindSym) to check if it exists, (but if it has a vat entry it exists, you don't need to do this)
3. bcall(_arc_unarc) it archives an unarchived file and vise versa

Axe / Re: Protected Programs
« on: November 18, 2010, 04:10:56 pm »
All protected program means is that it can't be edited on calc. You can lock your basic programs so people won't screw with them. But all ASM programs are locked because editing them would just give you random garbage.

Protected vs. no protected does not affect uploadablility, aside from the fact that they show up in a different folder in ti connect.

Ninja'd Edit:
    You don't open them, you copy them to your pc.

ASM / Re: Issues with compiling
« on: November 16, 2010, 09:04:30 pm »
Comment out lines, 1662, 1836, and add

_DivHLbyDE   EQU 804Bh

ASM / Re: Issues with compiling
« on: November 16, 2010, 08:31:53 pm »
Line 1238 has a colon instead of a semicolon... problem solved.

ASM / Re: Issues with compiling
« on: November 16, 2010, 08:22:07 pm »
Yep, I just did the same thing you did with the file. There's a line where wabbit emu doesn't know what do do, then it glitches and spits out the rest of the file. We need to figure out how to log the error then fix the problem in brandon's include file.

ASM / Re: Issues with compiling
« on: November 16, 2010, 08:03:25 pm »
All of your bcalls are bcall(0000). What are the errors it is giving you?

ASM / Re: Issues with compiling
« on: November 16, 2010, 07:56:50 pm »
If it's giving you errors, then it's not compiling right. What kind of errors are you getting?

ASM / Re: Issues with compiling
« on: November 16, 2010, 07:46:44 pm »
God, when I saw those errors I was like, "Omg, he's going to destroy his calc." I thought you were compiling something from my write flash template. But then I noticed that it's for aboutFix. So all good.

Those are all equates I got from wikiTi, as you can tell by their nature, Ti doesn't want us to know about them.

   Yes, replace your current one.

It doesn't delete the Singapore localization app, and perhaps a few others. This was probably added because some teachers in Singapore complained.

Mod253 is basically my calc modding program. I made it for me to use so that I could undo all of it with one program. But, I figure, why keep it all to myself. I haven't seen the standard ram clear screen for about 3 months now.

General Calculator Help / Re: MSD8x/USB8x
« on: November 16, 2010, 07:30:29 pm »
Haha, I can't believe that I just did this. I made a usb mini A with a piece of aluminum foil. It doesn't fit all the way in the calculator (I probably used too much), but the calculator sees it as a mini A (bit 4 of port ($4D) is set).

1. Take a piece of aluminum foil 1 cm x 1 cm and smash it into a tiny ball.
2. Shove it into your mini B adapter.
3. Looking at it with the pins on the bottom, use something sharp (thumb tack) to smash it to the right side so that it connects the right most 2 pins.
4. Shove it in your calculator to smash it backwards.

Done!! To see if it really is a mini usb A, plug it in, turn the calc off, turn it back on. If there is a mega lag, You just made a mini usb A adapter!

This obviously isn't the best way to get an A adapter, but it works.

Actually, it's quite horrible considering it deletes the groups. But assuming that person doesn't use groups, then sure. You could also hold clear on a ram clear, that will scare them.

When sending programs to the TI-Nspire running OS 2.54MP, after the transfer, sometimes, a "2" appears at the blinking cursor location. ???

That sounds like textShadow didn't get cleared. If that ever happens again, try pressing [2nd] [mode]. If my guess is right, a whole bunch of text will appear on the screen.

ASM / Re: WikiTI
« on: November 16, 2010, 03:17:39 pm »
I actually prefer I use it every day and it's not like its hard to remember. It's just brandonW's site with wikiti in front of it. I like having instead of because actually means something, whereas doesn't.

That's just my opinion, I vote for keeping the original.

ASM / Re: System Monitor / Context Vectors
« on: November 15, 2010, 11:06:00 pm »
Thank you so much. This answers almost all of the questions I have been having for about a year. It seemed like there was all this knowledge that was out there, but it wasn't written anywhere. This finally fills a huge void in my understanding.

Nothing you can possibly do will fix it because it is stored in the certificate. A full mem clear won't do it. Even a delete OS, run flash test, reinstall operating system won't fix it. I guess the only thing aside from properly fixing it would be to delete the certificate.

However, PTT does have one fatal flaw, it doesn't disable OFFSCRPT. Which means, put bcall(_removeAppRestrictions) in OFFSCRPT and never worry again.

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