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Messages - thepenguin77

Pages: 1 ... 83 84 [85] 86 87 ... 108
TI Z80 / Re: The Impossible Game
« on: October 29, 2010, 04:28:00 pm »
Lol how do you manage to get so many Doors CS issues? ;D Do you just use a lot of its RAM areas?

I think part of the reason for this is exactly what ztrumpet said, the more people who play a game, the more errors you will find.

This game does use massive amounts of RAM (I rearrange the first 3800 bytes to make space), but DCS doesn't have any RAM areas that are vital to it's stability. I think the other cause of the errors is that I don't necessarily do things the normal way. I do ridiculous things in order to gain speed. Like for instance, on v1.0, I used the graph buffer upside down. This time, I don't even use the graph buffer, instead I use one that is slightly bigger so that I don't have to clip sprites.

Oh and does this work fine on the 83+BE?  The whole Algebra II class has these library-issue 83PBE's and I was wondering if it wouldn't clear their RAM or anything (not that they have anything that would be missed, but still...)

This game should run on any type of calculator that you can send it to. The game runs in compatibility mode for calculators without the crystal timers (83+BE + Nspire) which makes it run a little bit too fast, but it still works. It also doesn't touch the extra ram page.

TI Z80 / Re: The Impossible Game
« on: October 28, 2010, 07:18:36 pm »
Wow, that's pretty easy. I thought that I had tried that in the past and had it fail, but it works.

TI Z80 / Re: The Impossible Game
« on: October 28, 2010, 07:12:44 pm »
Lol, DCS strikes again.

The text inverse is a simple fix. As for the graph screen being displayed, I do not know what flag causes that. I've wondered what causes that for some time now. (I feel like this is stuff that a shell should fix. Oh well.)

TI Z80 / Re: The Impossible Game
« on: October 28, 2010, 03:13:01 pm »
-Fixed the Nspire glitches. The Nspire is now just treated as an 83+.

The reason that v1.0 works is because I screwed up the detection process and all calculators were detected as 83+'s. Meaning that the crystal timers were never used.

General Calculator Help / Re: Non-validating OS - why?
« on: October 28, 2010, 02:53:06 pm »
Those OS won't validate because something changed it. That is Ti's way of keeping their OS's legitimate.

Possible things that would have changed it:
-OS patches (well duh, but this includes any type of fix)
-zStart (Just uninstall it to fix the validation)

And while it is slightly possible that an ASM program could have changed it, accidental changes usually result in complete OS failure.

TI Z80 / Re: The Impossible Game
« on: October 27, 2010, 07:42:09 pm »
Is it possible that you can figure out where in the z80 program the emulator is. If you can tell me that, I can fix the problem pretty quickly. I would assume that it is just going in a 10 byte loop or so.

TI Z80 / Re: The Impossible Game
« on: October 27, 2010, 07:39:46 pm »
So dman, I've learned that you have an Nspire. Does the game just hang as soon as the level appears?

TI Z80 / Re: The Impossible Game
« on: October 27, 2010, 07:20:26 pm »
The problem appears to be Nspire 84 hardware related. The crystal timers look suspicious, but it could also be faulty interrupts. One frame shows up and then it freezes, probably in the frame waiter.

So my question: First, does the emulator show up as an 83+ or an 84+? And then, respective to the first, are there any know problems with the interrupts or crystal timers?

TI Z80 / Re: The Impossible Game
« on: October 27, 2010, 07:00:04 pm »
The time has come.

Obviously since this isn't done, don't distribute it too far. The final version should be out pretty soon depending on what kind of horrible errors you guys find.

Tell me whatever you think should be changed, if you think it should be changed, chances are someone else does too. My goal is to make the game as good as possible so if something could be better, I'll fix it.

Meh. Anyways have fun.

    Something is up with running this on an Nspire. If you can find the problem, yay, but if not, it's just going to crash.

Axe / Re: Hardware problem, getKey glitch, or fail?
« on: October 27, 2010, 06:53:04 pm »
Yay, I get to explain this again.

Ok, The way the keyboard works is that you have the keys lined up on a grid. The grid is not exactly apparent the way the keys are laid out, but nonetheless it is there. To see what keys are being pressed, the calculator sends a current down one of the columns, it then sees which of the rows return the voltage. This shows the calculator which keys are being pressed.

This sounds flawless, and it usually is. But what happens when you press so many buttons that you build bridges? Here is an example:
Code: [Select]
   1  2
   |  |
   |  |

Let's say that you press A. When the calculator sends a voltage down column 1, row returns the current and the calculator knows that A is pressed. When you press B, the voltage from column 2 gets directed to row 1.

Now press A, B, and D. The calculator sends a voltage down column 1 which gets redirect to row 1 like normal. But the voltage also flows to B then D and then to the row 2 receptor. The calculator thinks that C is being pressed too! There's the problem.

Here is the table of the calculator buttons. Use it like you would use the chart above to see where your problems will arise.

Humour and Jokes / Re: Fate approves of my evilness >:D
« on: October 27, 2010, 05:59:18 pm »
Google Chrome Portable. It runs off your flash drive and stores all information on it. Meaning that the computer doesn't really even realize it's running.

« on: October 26, 2010, 10:48:02 pm »
USB in a nutshell is where I learned everything I know about USB. If you want calculator specific stuff, there is wiki ti's old page which is outdated, the USB8x source, which is also old, or BrandonW.

   Holy crap, I just got ninja'd by 4 posts.

Ok, so I assume you are on a 64 bit windows then. Well, there's my input.

Go to your drivers c:\windows\system32\drivers\ and highlight libusb0. Who made it?

That's could potentially work. If it doesn't, I mean do that then reinstall ticonnect as a whole.

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