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Messages - thepenguin77

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Other Calculators / Re: TI-83+/84+ OS glitches compilation thread (all OSes)
« on: September 26, 2010, 12:17:36 pm »
The Err:Version definitely happens on an 83+. So I'll fix that today. It is a much more serious issue because it actually doesn't create the group, it just says it does. Whereas a garbage collect would fix error bad address.

Whenever I attach a fix, just look at the last 3 digits of the name. Addr119, Addr243, and Addr253 are for 1.19, 2.43, and 2.53 respectively.

Other Calculators / Re: TI-83+/84+ OS glitches compilation thread (all OSes)
« on: September 25, 2010, 05:22:32 pm »
What bug is that? I didn't see any specific error listed. Aside from the eraseBelow flag being set and reset sometimes.

Other Calculators / Re: TI-83+/84+ OS glitches compilation thread (all OSes)
« on: September 25, 2010, 05:04:52 pm »
That was way harder than necessary. I guess my inexperience with 1.19 is partially to blame. 1. The Mode+Alpha+S screen doesn't reenable the text drawing flag. Which meant it was just a blank screen which scared me. And 2. My OS checksum fixing code had a fault that allowed it to work on an 84 but not an 83.

But here it is. This will fix that 1/16384 chance that your program won't open.

Other Calculators / Re: TI-83+/84+ OS glitches compilation thread (all OSes)
« on: September 24, 2010, 11:04:09 pm »
Hmmm... I would say yes. Most OS patches are just small rearranging of code. The xLib one would be to change about 20 different values. The For( glitch would either be a shift and insert of a small area, or a call to the end of the page where it does something then returns.

Either case, they shouldn't affect this fix. I only actually shift like 5 bytes.

The 1.19 fix is on the way. I've been having some troubles, (I killed about 20 wabbitemus.) But it's coming. It would have been done if it weren't for the fact that the flash paging ports of the 83+ don't AND the value of a flash page that doesn't exist. For instance, on the 84+ BE if you tell it to go to page $7D, it really goes to $7D & $3F = $3D. But on the 83+, if you tell it to go to $7D, it goes to like $02, which will not work.

Other Calculators / Re: NEED HELP- cant send files from/to my calc!!!!
« on: September 23, 2010, 11:39:11 pm »
Linking errors can be a real pain, here is what I have done several times to get Ti Connect working. At least for me, if you follow these directions, all should go well.

First off, unless you plan to permanently use TILP, don't install it. You will just create lots of driver problems.

1. Uninstall Ti Connect.
2. Go to c:\windows\system32\drivers\ and delete the libusb0 and silverLink driver. (that's not the exact name of the silver link driver, but it's close)
3. Plug your calculator into a usb port that you know it was connected to at one point
4. Control Panel>System>Device Manager and uninstall your calculator, (it may take some searching, it's supposed to be in libusb devices)
5. Disconnect the calculator from the computer
6. Repeat 3, 4, and 5 for all of the usb ports you think you might have used
7. Do 3, 4,5, and 6 with your silver link if you have one
8. Restart computer
9. Install Ti Connect
10. Plug in your calculator and let it install drivers

And you're done. If all went well, you shouldn't have problems for like 2 week! (Ti Connect is very finicky with direct usb, that's why I use silverlink)

ASM / Re: Edit buffer
« on: September 23, 2010, 11:22:32 pm »
I can't really help you with a tutorial, but wikiTi has some information on it. The edit buffer would definitely be useful for user created items, like an IDE or something.

Other Calculators / Re: Ballpoint pen mark on ti-84 screen
« on: September 23, 2010, 08:26:08 pm »
Deep Thought. A small flat head screwdriver is what I always use to open mine. But you probably don't have one that is the exact size you need. So what I did was to get a screwdriver that just barely doesn't fit and file down one side of it. Now, I have one screwdriver that takes out all 13 screws.

Other Calculators / Re: TI-83+/84+ OS glitches compilation thread (all OSes)
« on: September 22, 2010, 07:28:00 pm »
Ok, they're done. The fix works great, I managed to unarchive that program in the screenshot. When you run them, you'll get a little menu that lets you install/uninstall them.

Making them for 1.19 wouldn't be hard at all. I actually just made a template for OS mods, so it's as easy as plugging in a page, address, and new and old data. But as of right now, there are two things stopping me:

1. I don't have a 1.19 ROM
2. I don't know how to unlock flash on a 83+.

If I get both of those things, I should be able to do it. (Don't put ROM's or unlocking code in this forum. But PM's...  ;D)

Other Calculators / Re: TI-83+/84+ OS glitches compilation thread (all OSes)
« on: September 22, 2010, 05:39:59 pm »
Good fail on TI's part. I have located the code that causes Err:Bad Address. TI made a beginner programming mistake. Here is their code:
Code: [Select]
;a is the page of the program
;b is the page of the last flash page available
;hl is the address of the program

cp b
jr z, somewhere
jr nc, error

ld bc, $4000
sbc hl, bc
jr c, error

Anyone see the error? The only way that execution proceeds is if carry is set. TI then doesn't clear the carry flag before subtracting. So what happens if HL = $4000?   $4000 - $4000 - 1 = carry = error.

The way to replicate the error is to fill a flash page up almost all the way and leave 11-18 bytes free. (11 for a 1 letter name, 18 for a 8 letter name) This way, when it it gets archived, the entire flash header gets left on one page and the program data is on the next.

I'll be working on a fix for 2.43 and 2.53.

ASM / Re: A guide to 28 days
« on: September 20, 2010, 10:31:18 pm »
Well thanks for all the suggestions. DJ, my goal for this one was to provide an example program for each step of the way to show you what you should be understanding up to that point.

Overall, my goal for this is just to try to make 28 days as easy as possible. I don't really want to write my own guide, I just want people to be able to make the most of the already written guide. I had actually been meaning to do this for a while, I was just never in the mood to do it.

Some of the things that I think will really help programmers is that I want to make an environment where they only deal with z80 code. Basically I will make a template file with the header information above and commented so that a reader would ignore it. That way they are really only trying to learn assembly. Then assembly will basically be as simple as double clicking a batch file, typing the name, and sending to calc. I am also trying to make a big list of useful bcalls to make the learning process easier. I figure that assembly is a lot more appealing if you have the ability to multiply. ;)

ASM / A guide to 28 days
« on: September 20, 2010, 08:31:49 pm »
Like many of you have probably seen. There are a lot of people who want to learn assembly, but they don't want to do it with "Learn TI-83 Plus Assembly in 28 Days." But I really like 28 days as it is what I learned with. The main problem that I found with it though is that it gives a little too much information at one time. So to combat this, I am making my own guide to this guide.

I basically am just going to go through and say what's important and what's not depending on what skill level you are. I will also try to make the process of creating programs as easy as possible. This means taking everything out of the equation except the actual z80 part. (No DOS or TASM to bother with.)

Here is what I have accomplished today. I just learned html today so it's not very complex, but it works.

Tell me what you think.

TI Z80 / Re: Jump!
« on: September 20, 2010, 05:22:12 pm »
ThePenguin, how did you draw flipping boxes so well?

If you mean how did I come up with the shapes. I drew a box, then a diagonal box, and I tried to draw shapes in between. It wasn't really that hard when I tried to get all of the boxes to have 6 pixel sides.

TI Z80 / Re: Star Fox
« on: September 18, 2010, 12:24:16 pm »
At first I was thinking of having like 6 prescaled sprites for each asteroid. But I actually like the idea of on the fly scaling. I'll have to see how fast I can get it. The only problem with storing every possible sprite is that I'm kind of running out of ram. But if it runs really slow, that's what I'll have to do.

TI Z80 / Re: Star Fox
« on: September 18, 2010, 12:15:33 pm »
Those levels wouldn't really even use the polygon engine. Those would have to use my sprite handler engine. I assume that they would actually be faster than the polygon levels because there isn't a lot of calculation going on.

TI Z80 / Re: Star Fox
« on: September 18, 2010, 11:55:44 am »
The thought of not making the levels actually makes this seem a lot more fun for me. I think what I'll try to do is to get moving scenery in place, then I'll try to make it as easy as possible for people to make the levels for it.

@SirCmpwn Here's how it works. You have three options for polygons, light, dark and black. Then you make a list of vertices. Then you make a list of polygons that use those vertices. It's not very complex.

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