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Messages - thepenguin77

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Other Calculators / Re: Tutorial: TI connect is not working
« on: February 28, 2013, 08:55:32 pm »
I already emailed you, but like I said (and for future googlers, yes, you) I now have a tutorial in my signature that should hopefully fix your problems.

TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: February 28, 2013, 05:59:11 pm »
Feature idea:
For now, when we are in the program editor, we have shortcuts to quickly compile an Axe source execute it and come back to editing.
Could there be the possibility to have the same (without the compiling part) for Basic and Grammer programs ?

I'm almost 100% positive it works with basic programs too. Grammer, maybe someday.

Suggestion: Checking the os of a 83+SE before isntalling run on ram clear instead of only making the calc ram clear (it did that with os 1.15)

Oops, that's a good idea.

News / Re: TI bans community calculator emulation
« on: February 22, 2013, 04:46:49 pm »
Well, I'll just add my little bit and say that you can't use an emulator on a math test. So I can't see students going their entire student career without buying a physical calculator.

TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: February 22, 2013, 03:38:27 pm »
Ok, I'll fix that when I fix stuff.

ASM / Re: Opcodes that should have been incorporated into the Z80 processor
« on: February 08, 2013, 07:39:51 pm »
How could I have forgotten some of the obvious ones:

   ex   de, ix
   ex   de, iy

   sbc   ix, bc
   sbc   ix, de
   sbc   ix, ix
   sbc   ix, sp

   adc   ix, bc
   adc   ix, de
   adc   ix, ix
   adc   ix, sp

These are all the instructions that you've always assumed existed until you tried to use them. With both the EX's and the SBC's, I was so angry when I used them in my code only to find out that they don't exist.

And, if we want to be hopeful



These would be really cool, even if they did take 4 more t-states per iteration.

TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: February 04, 2013, 01:06:49 pm »
I had some stupid ideas you could implement if you get bored some day :P
-Add an APD function to zStaxe. It would obviously turn on APD then return to the program where it left.
-Add a turn calc off function to zStaxe. It would quit the program then turn the calc off "completely" and "truly". I mean not an APD and not a low-battery trick, but a power down that would trigger the 8scale picture and the startup program at startup.
-Add a still screenshot function (this one is really if you get really bored :P). Pressing ON+whatever would copy the "screen" to zStart's clipboard (the same clipboard as the copy-paste function in the editor) in hex format (hoping the clipboard supports 1536 bytes).

Well, I'm not going to to add those functions to zStaxe because zStaxe is simply a way to call zStart's assembly API from Axe programs.

APD inside a program really isn't APD at all, it's just turning the calculator off temporarily and it looks like this:
Code: [Select]
ld a, 1
out (03), a


Which, as DrDnar wanted me to remind you, is just as good as turning the calculator off with 2nd+ON as far as power is concerned. This is actually the exact same code the OS runs to turn the calculator off.

Properly doing an OS turn off is a bit more challenging. You have to deallocate your program from memory and then run bcall(_powerOff). This one would be a bit much to give you the Asm( for so I guess it should go in an Axiom. The only problem with this is that it doesn't play nicely with shells. Shells do their own thing. A good example would be if you were running your program from RAM. The shell would copy the program to $9D95 and then when you deallocate it, you would delete it. The end result is that you no longer have that program.

And the screenshot thing I could actually do and I don't think it would be that hard.


TI Z80 / Re: Four Level Grayscale Video
« on: February 01, 2013, 03:47:54 pm »

It can convert just about anything to anything. Just watch out when installing though because any more they really try to add in a bunch of garbage.

TI Z80 / Re: Four Level Grayscale Video
« on: January 31, 2013, 09:56:22 pm »
Holy necro-update batman!!

So today I wanted to show someone a video on my calculator, but I didn't have any because they are just too big to keep on there all the time. So, since I never actually put this program into a usable state, I figured I'd finish it.

This program now operates exactly like TruVid and even has the same dithering patterns. But, what makes it better than TruVid for videos is that it also compresses them. The compression ratio varies, but anything from 1% to 70% is possible.

Here is the same 1:30 video rendered in all 8 modes:
a b
1,376,256  (2%)
1,359,872  (3%)
1,064,960  (24%)
1,032,192  (27%)
819,200  (42%)
802,816  (43%)
622,592  (57%)
458,752  (68%)

The first number is the size of the video and the second number is the compression ratio. The flags are:
-   - Use flyod-steinburg dithering
- a - use absolute brightness cutoffs rather than per-frame cutoffs
- b - use both floyd-steinburd dithering and ordered dithering
- n - use no dithering
- o - use ordered dithering

It's interesting that the compression ratios line up rather well with quality. It would appear that to get the best video and still use compression, you should go for the -o flag. -a -n obviously gets the best compression, but it looks terrible. And I'm not sure which is better between (none) and -b, but they both basically have no compression.

In any case, here's everything you need to make your own videos and the -o video: (as well as sources

And this only works on windows because I use DirectShow.

Other / Re: How do you make 2.5 mm to 2.5 mm link cable?
« on: January 30, 2013, 06:04:44 pm »
I'll try to file down my 3.5 mm headphones.

That is not going to work. I've soldered quite a few headphone plugs and I can tell you that you are dealing with a sandwich there. In order of getting smaller, you have: metal jacket, plastic jacket, metal jacket, plastic jacket, metal rod. The the trouble here is that I wouldn't doubt that the 2nd metal jacket is around 2.5 mm. This means that you're going to have to completely file off the outer jacket, at which point you no longer have a plug.

So, I recommend you try to find 2.5 mm plugs. The most common place these show up is in xbox-live headsets. So ask your friends at school if they have any broken headsets you could have. Chances are if you ask enough people, eventually you'll have 2 because these things tend to break often. (Turtle beaches also come with the correct 2.5mm to 2.5mm cable, but I doubt people will give you that cord) Then just cut the two wires, strip them (remove plastic covering from copper), and match the 3 wires inside.

If you're not sure which wire is which, you can use a battery and a christmas light to determine what wire goes where.

TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: January 25, 2013, 07:26:45 pm »
it seems like it would be a lot easier to just insert a line wherever you are in the program, write whatever you want to find/replace on that, and then press some key combo. it wouldn't take up nearly as much space, either.

Yeah, I would think that it would search for whatever is in the clip board. You would have one combo that is strictly find, and another that is find/replace. The find would simply find, and the find/replace would find on the first press, and replace if it was sitting directly on the specific string.

Well, I made that easy enough that it might get implemented some day. Well see.

TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: January 24, 2013, 01:59:00 pm »
well, this is by far the most useful app I've ever used! finally i'm not wasting time putting every setting back in place when I want to go RAM clear, I'm actually encouraging myself to do that more often now :P

one thing though, I can't seem to get custom fonts working with programs? if I go make a new custom font in zstart it'll find that, but it won't find any font existing as a program, archived or not.
I also setup symgraph as a part of startup for zStart, but after that, the run from home option seems to be failing ._.?

Are you talking about Omnicalc fonts? Those aren't perfectly compatible with zStart fonts (for meh reasons) but if you look back far enough in this thread, I believe DrDnar made an Axe program to convert them. It's at least 10 pages back though.

I came across this "bug" multiple times now:
When you turn off the calculator while you're editing an archived program (the copy of one), and zStart wants to store the edited version and GarbageCollect appears, the LCD turns off and and it doesn't react on any key presses (calc behaves like turned off, but it isn't) before you can do a GarbageCollect. You need to remove the batteries and lose the current progress which is kinda annoying :/
Is there someway you can prevent the calc (or its peripherals) from turning off when the program isn't saved yet?

Well that's a super specific bug. Garbage collect is sketchy as it is, and then throwing in the shutdown sequence just makes it more confusing. I'll try to figure out what I can do, but that doesn't sound easy to fix.

General Calculator Help / Re: Need TI-83+ repair help
« on: January 24, 2013, 01:53:54 pm »
Well, I don't have a link cable, so I can't resend the OS. It worked Today, but I am afraid it may crash again. And yes, I did check the contrast. I think the batteries in it are new, but I don't have any backup batteries for it :( Since it is working for today, my main concern is learning what caused the problem. I have an ASM program on there to check the batteries, and it says they are low, so I will probably need new ones soon. I opened up the calc and used a meter to check all the LCD connections, and they seemed fine. Could low temperature cause an internal failure? It also was working a few days ago, after a few dozen hard resets. It started working today when I did a hard reset, and the message wasn't conjumbled. I pressed on to exit the reinstall OS thing, and when I turned it on, I t worked fine. I really, REALLY want to know why this sort of thing happens so I can prevent it in the future, and help others with their calc problems.

That line right there says to me that it was just a simple crash or something. In any case, here are a few things you can do:

1. Press Mode -> Alpha -> S (ln). And then press enter a few times and wait for the 0 to turn to a 1. If it does indeed turn into a one, then your OS is fine. If it say ROM FAIL, then your OS is corrupt and you'll have to work on resending it. (It's unlikely that it's corrupt).

2. Wait it out for now. See if the problem comes back. If it does, I would assume the "battery + DEL" combo will fix it

3. If it comes back, do "battery + DEL" and then clear all of your memory (2nd -> + -> 7 -> left -> 1 -> 2). Though, before you do this, I recommend you go find a link cable and send your stuff to your computer.

4. If after all 4 of these, you still encounter the glitch, then we can indeed call it a hardware problem. But until then, I'm going to guess it's just a crash.

ASM / Re: 84+ Extra Ram Page
« on: January 21, 2013, 12:50:06 pm »
I'm restoring the original page with that exact code ;D
The crashing went away when I restored the data wikiti mentions. I was about to ask about app crashing but that bcall fixed that. Mathprint, not that I use it, acts weird after I destroy all of its data in the extra page. To disable it, do I have to do anything else besides reset 5, (IY+44h)?

To change the state of MathPrint, use this code:
Code: [Select]
res 5, (iy + $44)      ; or set

bcall(_clrTxtShd)                ;these are only required if you actually change the state of mathprint
bcall(_saveCMDShadow)       ;these clear the homescreen so only use them if you need them

I believe you know how to change flags, but the bcalls are Asm(EF4C45EF7345).

However, I should warn you that even if you turn off MathPrint, you still need to restore the 977E buffer. This buffer is used in both MathPrint and classic.

ASM / Re: 84+ Extra Ram Page
« on: January 18, 2013, 12:32:22 am »
You can do that in Axe? Also, page 83h? That's the same as page 82h on port 15h=55h models.

Anyway, according to WikiTI:
* RAM page 3, 977Eh–9A7Dh -- previous entries. Destroying this causes crashes.
* RAM page 3, 9A7Eh–9D7Dh -- homescreen graph buffer. Zero after destroying to prevent flicker.

If that's not enough information, try using an emulator: set up a memory watch on all addresses on page 82/83h and see what addresses the OS touches. Or, make a series of programs that overwrite blocks of memory and see which ones cause a crash.

You forgot about $4000-$4080. Use bcall(_fillBasePageTable) to restore that otherwise multipage apps could crash. (Asm(EF1150))

And don't forget Camdenmil that when you swap the ram page in, the high two bits of the address change depending on where you put it. Since I'm going to assume you put it in the $4000 region, the WikiTi ranges would be 577Eh-5A7Dh and 5A7Eh-5D7Dh. (I actually wrote that section and I have no idea why I used $9000 addresses.)

TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: January 17, 2013, 07:54:38 pm »
did you ever see this topic?
would adding something like that be too much effort/slow down hooks a lot?


Could there be any way to speed up the program menu?

I could probably do it. The only downside is that it has to reside in extra ram (which means it might get corrupted.) And it would probably break my current hooks that work in the program menu.

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