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Messages - thepenguin77

Pages: 1 ... 89 90 [91] 92 93 ... 108
Axe / Re: CheckSums in Axe?
« on: September 16, 2010, 08:34:32 pm »
Any change to the OS good or bad would change the checksum. Also, I wouldn't worry about accidental changes to the OS because that is close to impossible to do by accident. Besides, the ones that happen by accident require an OS reinstall because the calculator would not even be able to boot.

TI Z80 / Re: Star Fox
« on: September 16, 2010, 06:14:05 pm »
Hot_Dog, the engine is very specific. It can't be rotated or angled. And textured walls would go far beyond the processing power of what it does. Right now I use very speed optimized line drawing routines to shade the polygons. If I changed it so that it had to calculate something, it would probably run about 20% current speed.

Part of the reason that making the levels is boring is that I am not creative at all. I planned just to copy the SNES levels, and after a while, it starts to get old.

TI Z80 / Re: Star Fox
« on: September 16, 2010, 05:16:39 pm »
Having someone make the levels is a possibility, although I'm not really sure anyone would want to make levels. It's kind of boring. After I get the enemy paths in, it's just typing in a list of shapes, enemies, and coordinates while sometimes defining new shapes.

But when I start programming again, I assume I'll probably start working on my tower defense game again. That or bluetooth, but bluetooth gets frustrating pretty quickly.

TI Z80 / Re: Star Fox
« on: September 16, 2010, 05:01:58 pm »
 @DJ: No no no. Like I've said before, I float around from thing to thing. Lately I haven't been doing much programming because school's given me quite a bit of homework, plus I've just been doing other things. I'll definitely get back on programming eventually. I'll just be bored of it for a while.

However, I do see slight problems with this game. While it is really cool with the 3d graphics and such, I'm not really sure it has much playing value. This game doesn't seem to me like one of those ones where it's like, "Dude you gotta try this!", it just seems more like a cool idea. I feel like once the initial shock of 3d graphics on a calculator subsides, the game doesn't have much to offer as far as gameplay. Which is also part of the reason that coding it is boring. Before, from one update to the next, I would be totally shocked at how awesome it looked. Now, most of the updating is just adding more levels and making them longer, which at least for me, is really boring.

I'm not sure exactly what the fate of this project is. Like I said, I feel like I've pretty much taken this far as what would be useful. But only time will tell.

News / Re: Axe Contest poll and judging starts
« on: September 16, 2010, 03:44:21 pm »
I'm just starting on testing, but for the pole, I had a cool idea, but I don't know how possible it is.

I think you could probably get better results for second and third if there was an option to vote for second and third. Like for instance: voting for first gives 3 points, second gives 2, and third gives 1. If this requires too much work then it's not necessary, but if it can be done, I think it would make the second and third choices more to what people actually believe.

Let's say for instance we have programs 1, 2, and 3. Most of the people love program 1, and see program 2 as better than 3. But there are also a few people who like program 3 the most.

So the voting: 1: 20, 2: 0, 3: 4. Although most of the people like 2 more than 3, 3 beat it. Adding a second and third choice would fix this problem.

ASM / Re: TI84+ RFID help.
« on: September 06, 2010, 02:34:39 pm »
Ah, ok. I've never used assembly studio, I just go with plain and simple TASM.  To see what the hex is, you could use Calcsys. But if you did this you would need to store your data somewhere else since Calcsys uses about the first 20 bytes of appBackUpScreen. PlotSScreen (9340h) and SaveSScreen (86ECh) are 768 bytes areas that shouldn't get destroyed if you immediately quit your program and run calcsys.

WabbitEmu is the best ti emulator there is. You have to get a rom off you calculator, but that is very easy with Rom8x. Debugging makes things so much easier, but for your purposes, it might not help that much since you are working with hardware.

ASM / Re: TI84+ RFID help.
« on: September 06, 2010, 12:07:46 am »
Good call on your very last comment. The memory in the calculator is all stored in one huge stack. When you run a program, it is "pushed" onto the stack in front of the next item. But since you only have 1 program on your calc, that next program is the original copy of your program. When you store all the data you read from the rfid, it gets put into the memory currently being used by your original program. Which means that next time you run the program, the first 255 bytes of it are garbage.

It's a very simple fix. Put this at the top of your program.
Code: [Select]
storedBytes .equ appBackUpScreen ;255
testBytes .equ storedBytes+255 ;1 you can put this here for good measure

AppBackUpScreen is a 768 byte space that is specifically designed for programs to use.

I also just realized, you didn't put .db $BB, $6D at the top of your program. I forget exactly what it stands for, but put it at the top and .org $9D93 to accommodate for it.

The reason you can't call bcalls is because 1) they themselves are rst 28h's (which are like calls to $0038), and 2) they are far more complex than a call (follow one in an emulator if you want to see what I mean.)

ASM / Re: T-State Count of Undocumented IXH / IXL / IYH / IYL instructions
« on: September 03, 2010, 11:25:39 am »
Nope. Here is the way I look at it. $DD or $FD each take 4 t-states to run. Which in turn means that all ix iy commands take four t-states longer.

Code: [Select]
ld a, h ;4
ld a, ixh ;8

jp (hl) ;4
jp (ix) ;8

ld h, $FF ;7
ld ixh, $FF ;11

TI Z80 / Re: Star Fox
« on: August 26, 2010, 06:54:50 pm »
Except Nspire doesn't support crystal timers, so you should take that into account. (Plus it's not likely to get 15MHz speed on the Nspire)

Wow, way to fail TI. I might as well start using undocumented instructions then.

Sorry for getting off topic, but does the 84+ use crystal timers, or the clock port?  (Or does the clock actually use crystal timers?)

The 84+ uses crystal timers. The clock port isn't much use since it only counts in seconds. But I would guess internally the clock is run off the crystal timers.

TI Z80 / Re: Star Fox
« on: August 26, 2010, 06:43:01 pm »
They work on everything besides an 83+. So 83+ SE, 84+, 84+ SE, and Nspire. The 83+ had no chance from the beginning, but I haven't had to use any undocumented instructions yet so the Nspire still works.

Portal X / Re: Portal control scheme
« on: August 25, 2010, 04:15:32 pm »
I tried that in geometry wars. It doesn't work well just because of how big of a square that is. Going all the way from x^2 to enter just doesn't feel natural. Also, that method uses ON which works quite a bit different than the other keys. I'm not even sure if you could read it in axe.

TI Z80 / Re: Star Fox
« on: August 25, 2010, 02:11:00 pm »
Well, the problem is how I work on things. I work nonstop on one thing for some time, but then, I get bored of it and do something else. So I just have to wait for starfox to cycle back around to working on it again. Don't worry, I have to finish this game. It's just that right now, I get really bored working on it and end up making no progress.

But never fear, I'm hoping that school will make me start thinking about ways to make it better and you'll see progress again.

Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth / Re: Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth
« on: August 24, 2010, 10:09:52 am »
About how many times does the routine update the screen per second. I just ask this because the LCD itself updates at ~60 Hz. So if you do it faster than that, you are actually wasting time.

General Calculator Help / Re: Ti-Connect (help)
« on: August 24, 2010, 09:58:41 am »
Ok. 1) Can you transfer things besides the Mario levels?

2) Are the Mario Levels' names less than 8 characters long?

If both of these are a yes, then the problem is that Ti connect is giving you the wrong error message. I've seen this problem before. Mario doesn't name the programs right. What looks like LEVEL is actually LEVEL___, you need to find some way to delete the spaces. One is to go to right click>properties>TI file properties. If that fails because it can't recognize the spaces. Open it with a hex editor, change any '20' in 3C - 43 to '41', then use the previous method to put the name back.

Other Calculators / Re: ERR: VERSION
« on: August 23, 2010, 09:21:54 pm »
On that same note, you can't send your OS to someone else while you have the patch installed. That's why I have the undo option. Although for most people this isn't really a problem. It only becomes a problem when you have that person who managed to delete their OS or similar. (Pulling batteries during garbage collect) And you have to send them a new one. But for the most part, you can always find a clean OS.

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