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Messages - thepenguin77

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TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: August 06, 2012, 01:00:59 pm »
Silly mistake, fixed for temp version.

Axe / Re: Check Calc ID
« on: August 06, 2012, 12:29:16 pm »
Ok, for zStart, to simply get rid of it if it's causing problems, this sequence should always work:
1. Remove a battery
2. Wait longer than 5 seconds
3. Hold down the DEL button
4. Reinsert the battery while still holding DEL
5. Press ON
6. Press any key
7. Hold CLEAR
8. Press ON while holding CLEAR
9. Delete zStart from the Memory Management menu
10. Clear ram from the Reset menu

If you'd rather disable zStart than deleting it, change step 9 to "Delete the zStart appvar from the Memory Management menu (it's about 172 bytes)"

But as far as what's making zStart actually fail, I would love to know. The first thing you can try is to delete it's appvar. There's a chance that will fix it. Then, you can slowly reenable stuff until you find the conflicting setting. You don't have to do this if you don't want to, but if you figure it out, I can fix it for you.

Axe / Re: Gravity not working
« on: August 04, 2012, 09:11:57 pm »
When I read this topic name, I thought about real gravity failing  XP

Me too.

Pro tip:
  Use SourceCoder to turn your .8xp files into text. Not only will it allow people to easily edit stuff, but you won't have to do the terrible screenshot>upload>link>repeat process that you did.

TI-BASIC / Re: TI-84 Plus - Remove "Done" after program execution
« on: July 27, 2012, 01:11:57 am »
With the MathPrint OS's, it is not possible to completely suppress the Done because of the way they made the homescreen works.

If you're used to a MathPrint OS, you'll know that you can scroll upward on the homescreen to get previous answers and expressions. Although it just seems logical, as you go up, you alternate between answer and expression. I've never looked at the code, but I would bet that without this alternating style, horrible things would happen when you press up. Since every expression must have an answer, every program must display Done (or similar).

The reason this trick works is because rather than displaying Done, or 5, or whatever, it displays an empty string. The string is still there, it's just not represented by any characters, so it appears as a blank line, but a full line nonetheless.

If you truly wanted to stop a basic program (or any program) from outputting something to the homescreen, you would have to delete the call to the program. This means you would have to get rid of prgmBLAH, but that would require messing around with the new homescreen entry system, which no one has bothered to mess with. Also, if you did this, pressing ENTER again would not cause the program to run again, but rather whatever was before it.

(As far as zStart goes, I've thought about this situation before, and I believe it would be more hassle to fix than it's worth)

    Let it be known that this was my 1337th post.

TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: July 23, 2012, 07:32:34 pm »
here are some bugs:

When the picture on startup goes and is allowed to sit until the calculator APD's; the calc will turn on to freeze like this

Yeah, at one point APD worked, something must have happened. (I've noticed this too)

when you press 2nd Mem 2, edit a program from ON + Num, and then press ON+VARS ENTER, the cursor will vanish

That's a really bizarre glitch, but I can recreate it.

compiling from program will allow you to compile a program like this


leading to an Axe unknown error B225695

That's a good point, the way I check for axe programs allows ones with no names. It should be an easy fix.

Math and Science / Re: Red and Blue hats
« on: July 21, 2012, 04:03:23 pm »
Mine would work, but I'm fairly certain it's cheating.

Math and Science / Re: Red and Blue hats
« on: July 21, 2012, 03:39:23 pm »
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the rules. But I'm fairly certain I can save all but the first villager.

Spoiler For Spoiler:
If the person in front of you has a red hat, you respond with a high pitch voice.

If the person in front of you has a blue hat, you respond with a low pitch voice.

General Calculator Help / Re: TI-84+SE isn't recognized by TI-Connect
« on: July 18, 2012, 04:47:04 pm »
You might not be alone on this. I got a guy to install 2.43 using my Unsigned and he had the exact same trouble.

You can check out my ti-connect tutorial, though, I'm not sure it will help.

TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: July 16, 2012, 02:33:40 pm »
Oops, I checked the email on my phone then forgot about it.

Omnicalc had the getCSC hook when the glitch happened. So I blame the OS. (Alternatively, the extra ram page could have been destroyed before the garbage collect and that was what caused it. But I don't know if that would do it.)

TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: July 13, 2012, 10:14:53 pm »
I am not sure if this has something to do with zStart but I got a very strange bug O.O
I just hope this won't happen to me during a test.

That's actually an OS glitch, but nonetheless it was caused by an app. That's what happens when a getCSC hook is set to an address that is not a getCSC hook. Each of the hooks starts with $83 so that the OS knows it's valid, and normally when the OS looks for a hook and sees that it's not $83, it stops using that hook. For some reason, the getCSC hook doesn't clear the hook and just returns. So when this happens, it just endlessly loops on itself and you really can't fix it.

Now, I don't know if it was actually zStart's fault or not, but I feel like it probably wasn't. The reason why is that I don't have any permanent getCSC hooks and even if I did, they're in the app.

So, before this happened did any of these things happen?
  • Ram getCSC hook
  • Garbage collect
  • Delete an app that had a getCSC hook

Those could all cause it. Also, if you catch it on a savestate, I can probably tell you what caused it.

News / Re: Contest 2012 Community Vote (z80)
« on: July 09, 2012, 09:02:20 pm »
I'm having issues with Stefan Bauwens' game, CYANOID, and I think I may not be alone in this. This happens on both my 83+BE and my 84+SE, both in wabbitemu and on real hardware. D:

This is what I see when I try to play it:

EDIT: And yes, it does also appear to corrupt RAM and crash on quit.

The game doesn't clear some key memory areas. I'm not sure which ones, but basically, to run it do this:
1. Disable all features of zStart besides running programs (including Shell in program options)
2. Clear ram
3. Immediately run Cyanoid

Also, be sure to group it because it crashes (and manages to delete itself) every time you quit or die.

   The best way to quit is to remove a battery because it doesn't delete the game

   Lol, he's using the extra ram page and he doesn't know it. When zStart runs, it swaps page $82 into the $4000 bank so that any attempt to use a mirage call instantly crashes. He's using that memory ;D

ASM / Re: ASM Optimized routines
« on: July 09, 2012, 02:46:04 pm »
There are actually rare cases where that routine could fail. Of course I would assume it will work 99.9% of apps, if someone changed the order of the header and put the time stamp key in front of the number of pages, it could theoretically contain $80, $81.

But, now that I think about it, this is so rare that it will never happen.

ASM / Re: Normal stack range on the 83+
« on: July 09, 2012, 02:16:54 pm »
Ah alright, thanks for the info :) So the stack is 400 bytes?

I've never done the math before, but yes, I'm surprised it's such a clean number.

The Symbol table is just another (TI's) name for the VAT?

I think those two tables together are collectively known as the VAT. (Variable Allocation Table)

I really have no idea how the actual calculator works.

That comes with time, if you ever want to start learning, start by disassembling the boot code. It's self contained which makes it fairly easy to understand.

TI Z80 / Re: Racing game
« on: July 07, 2012, 11:46:41 pm »
I don't know whether you're aware or not, but bcall(_dispHL) is really slow. If you want to see some numbers for debugging, you should definitely write your own routine to display the numbers (bcall(_putS) is OK in this situation, but eliminating that would be even better)

ASM / Re: Normal stack range on the 83+
« on: July 07, 2012, 01:28:14 pm »
Yeah, i've already looked through (and saved an offline copy of) that amazing list. I was just wondering what exactly the other program was doing, though unless i'm missing something it looks like it's using the space from $F000 and below:
Code: [Select]
; FE6Eh fin de la memoire disponible (English: End of available memory)

mem .equ 0F000h
dessine_hl .equ mem
dessine_ix .equ mem-2d
ecran_x .equ mem-4d
ecran_y .equ mem-6d
;...removed the rest of equated variables
ecran4 .equ mem-945d
ecran3 .equ mem-1713d
tete_retourne .equ mem-1932d
flag_rafraichi_decor .equ mem-1933d
flag_fondue_noir .equ mem-1934d
fixe_fps .equ mem-1936d

Ok, this is a terrible idea, don't do this. Yes, this will probably work most of the time, but there's a chance it will corrupt the vat. Have a look at page 15 of the ti-83+ developer guide found on this page.

$F000 on some calculators is probably right about the top of "Free Ram". The trouble is if a user has a bunch of programs, $F000 is going to be right in the middle of the VAT. This means after the program runs, there are going to be a few corrupt variables in the vat and a ram clear won't be far away. Alternatively, there could also be a giant program in ram that passes through $F000 and it would also be corrupted.

So, don't try to put anything in that free ram area unless you actually do some calculations to figure out where it is and how big it is.

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