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Messages - thepenguin77

Pages: 1 ... 27 28 [29] 30 31 ... 108
TI Z80 / Re: ORG: online Z80 IDE and assembler
« on: January 21, 2012, 02:41:32 pm »
Well, I had a few problems with text input...

I typed this with my eyes closed so that I wouldn't try to correct what I was doing. The problem that I had was that the IDE doesn't really handle tabs correctly. The way I type my code is, [Enter][Tab][instruction][argument][,][space][argument]. If you type that key sequence, you'll see exactly what the problem is.

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: After Dark
« on: January 19, 2012, 05:35:29 pm »
At first I was going to yell at you for not putting a screen shot, but since it's not a calculator program, that looks great! :D  You even have sound!

(Btw, you should put [Mind Storm] or whatever device that is in the title to avoid confusion. Or you don't have to ;))

ASM / Re: Mad DJNZ Hacks
« on: January 17, 2012, 10:35:11 pm »

(And useless in 99% of cases)

TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: January 12, 2012, 06:18:56 pm »
Bug: when editing an archived program, and you trigger the APD by on+stat, upon returning to the homescreen the cursor is always at the top-left.
It doesn't happen with programs in the RAM.

Now that's a weird bug, duly noted though

Bug: On the catalog, when I try to assign the token "prgm" as a shortcut, it assigns the token "PlotStart" instead, which is strange, because that cant even be found in the catalog.

I bet that's because I improperly handled 1 byte tokens in the catalog.

General Calculator Help / Re: Problems with GarbageCollect?
« on: January 10, 2012, 08:20:42 pm »
Disable zStart and try doing stuff. I know sometimes when I reinstall it (from computer) the calculator will sometimes crash.

If this fixes it, I believe there are two problems:
1. TI doesn't update the hook pointers perfectly (I think this is an issue already, but I've never looked into it)
2. You have a garbage app somewhere, check Calcsys for a gap in the app numbers.

ASM / Re: So what next?
« on: January 10, 2012, 05:07:29 pm »
As far as your first project goes, make something really simple that you can complete without too much difficulty. I think a great starting game would be a tunnel game or a snake game, both are relatively simple. For even more simplicity, you could make them homescreen based games. (Be aware that asm is like 100 times faster than basic for homescreen stuff)

Also, most importantly, whatever you make, don't upload it to You wouldn't want to tarnish your name now would you? (In 6 months, you will laugh at this game and will be glad I told you not to release it)

General Calculator Help / Re: Problems with GarbageCollect
« on: January 09, 2012, 04:18:35 pm »
- in the VAT, is there supposed to be an appvar named that doesn't appear outside of Calcsys, or is this a problem as well?

That's zStart, I mentioned it in the readme, but you know... That's where I store information like the location of the font and the page omnicalc is on. It will always be first in the vat no matter how hard you try to move it. (Unless of course you disable those features of zStart.)

- Where is the garbageCollect routine? (boot or OS)

It's in the OS. It's probably not corrupted.

- Can it be fixed?  Or replaced with a hook or something?

My guess is that your archive is corrupted, run this. (It clears ram, but, that's not really a problem for you at this point ;D)

ASM / Re: Inconsistencies with Keypresses?
« on: January 01, 2012, 12:27:03 am »
This might be unnecessary, but are you writing $FF to the port when you are done? I know when I first switched to 15MHz I had to do that because my calculator would glitch otherwise. I might have done something wrong back then, but all of my programs write $FF after every read.

TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: December 30, 2011, 10:30:00 pm »
I believe I have found two bugs. First, it appears that once zStart has "learned" the proper delay for your LCD, it will send this value to port 29h upon startup whether you want it to or not, as there is no option to control this. Second, it appears that bits 0 and 1 of port 29h are given no special care (either preserved or set) when this LCD delay value is sent. For instance, with my LCD delay value of 32 (20h), zStart resets bits 0 and 1 of port 29h, thus disabling the 6MHz memory delays whether this is desired or not.

Both of those are true.

General Calculator Help / Re: Make 4-lvl grayscale less flickery
« on: December 30, 2011, 10:25:13 pm »
Well, I think the obvious question before we go any farther would be what language is this in? (BASIC vs Axe vs asm makes a huge difference)

ASM / Re: Boot Code Transfer to OS
« on: December 24, 2011, 09:02:08 am »
Your analysis entertained me, so here is a commented version I just whipped up.

A few notes:
  • The boot code starts on page 7F at 4000, not 0000 on page 00 of the OS. (Technically the boot code starts on page 7F at 0000, but I'm not going into that)
  • A lot of the useless code you saw was so people can't trick the boot code into unlocking flash for them. When we unlock flash, we have to trick those things into returning to our control with flash unlocked
  • And as much as you'd like to think otherwise, TI's code is actually pretty well written :)

ASM / Re: Boot Code Transfer to OS
« on: December 23, 2011, 10:04:01 pm »
A fun question :D

Well, firstly, I recommend you actually take a look at the boot code yourself. In all honesty, this will allow you to understand it far better than I can explain it. Just start at $4000 and figure out what it's doing. The route from boot to OS is only like 300 instructions.

But here's what happens (I'm reading from a disassembly):

The boot code...
1. sets up all of the calculator hardware through ports (port (07) gets 80h except for an OS installation where it gets 00h).
2. checks for Stat and Del and does its usual if they are pressed
3. checks (0038h) to make sure it's not FFh
4. checks (0056h) to make sure it's A55Ah, (5Ah, A5h in memory)
5. jumps to 0053h

Also, if you are going to send your own OS, (0056h) should be $A5FF when sending. Something gets angry if it's not, but I don't remember what it is.

ASM / Re: Z80: Negate a 2-byte value
« on: December 23, 2011, 01:24:02 am »
I think calc84 summed it up pretty well here:

TI Z80 / Re: Chess
« on: December 22, 2011, 09:54:59 am »
This looks amazing right now. I can't stop playing this :P

How about including an option to undo a move? Sometimes, I would like to replay a situation and see what happens if I had played a different move.

I also think it would be a nice idea to allow you to see what a different move does, however, an undo button would make the AI so much easier. I realize that not everyone would use it to cheat, but you have to admit, if you drop your queen on the 5th move, you're probably going to undo, and that's what makes my AI good.

ASM / Re: LUT: Slope between 2 points
« on: December 20, 2011, 07:30:05 pm »
I'm not sure I exactly understand what exactly you are trying to do, but why couldn't you just divide your Y's by your X's. That's what you do in math and division is relatively quick. If you need decimal places, you can just tack on an extra byte to your Y values and your final result will have 1 extra byte of decimals.

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