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Messages - thepenguin77

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TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: May 14, 2011, 01:12:37 am »
So, the shell has to be on the calculator for running from homescreen to function?  I guess I'm not deleting calcutil yet after all... :P

Also, a bug report.  Somehow, zStart disables the TIOS APD.  I left the calc for like an hour at the homescreen and when I came back, it was still on.

Yes, the shell still has to be there. It's just easier that way because to re implement all the libraries would take almost the entire app. Also, programs that don't need shell calls will work without a shell selected.

And for the APD, it's not zStart that is disabling it, but instead the program. zStart just doesn't turn it back on, so I'll have to fix that.

TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: May 13, 2011, 11:34:07 am »
Wow you have been busy O.O so many awesome features!  I especially like all the program shortcuts and hooks you allow :] And you also seem to have implemented noshell or similar right?  The shell needs to still be on the calc right? 

Yes, the shell still needs to be on the calculator if you need to use shell commands. But soon I'll probably implement most of the ION library, so that would make most games work without a shell.

TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: May 13, 2011, 12:37:37 am »
Massive Update!!!! I've spent a solid 4hrs per day for about 4 days on this, so it's pretty impressive.

  • Option to use classic ram clear screen
  • Hooks now run in all menus of homescreen
  • I threw out the CursorHook and replaced it with a temporary getCSC hook
  • I put a space before all of the homescreen messages
  • Ability to run assembly programs with or without a shell
  • [ON] + [Enter] in program menu - run program
  • [ON] + [ * ] in program or edit menu - archive/unarchive program
  • [ON] + [number] in program or apps menu - run that program/app with that shortcut on home screen
  • [ON] + [negate] in program or apps menu - run this program when the calculator turns on
  • [ON] + [ . ] in program or apps menu - run this program/app on ram clears
  • [ON] + [number] in menu or catalog - set this as a shortcut token
  • [ON] + [number] at homescreen - run the shortcut associated with this action

Running programs:
    There's an option in zStart to set the shell of your choice, but you don't have to if you know that all of your programs don't use shell calls. What I do is I copy the program to $9D95 just like the shell would, then I swap the shell in and bcall() $9D95. So the program runs its course and returns back to me, not the shell. I basically tried to do the file copying like mirage does, except I fixed its glitches. So that means programs in ram are moved - not copied, and programs in flash are written back only if they actually changed.

     Also, zStart does actually handle the program different if it's header allows it to be run at the homescreen. So remember that. It will let a homescreen program modify the homescreen, but for shell programs, it will clear the homescreen before it quits. Also, unlike Ti-OS you still get the actual shell routines with whatever header you use, even if it is no-stub.

    The shortcuts are pretty straight forward, the number you set is the number you get. Press it once in a menu and it will say "Confirm," press it again and it will set it. You might need to disable omnicalc if you are going to set an app though because onmicalc will send you into mirage the moment you press ON in the apps menu. And for the tokens, it's kinda fun to see what tokens will actually work. I've noticed that none of the tokens that open up new contexts work, so I guess that's too bad. And just so you know, finding what the option the calculator is actually highlighting is really a pain.

Running on startup:
    This gets run every time you turn the calculator on. You can pretty much do whatever you want here, it even runs your program inside the shell. Just don't bcall(_jForceCMDNoChar) because the program is running on borrowed space.

Running on ram clear:
     Here it is, have fun. For max compatibility, you should put this as a homescreen program that doesn't touch the screen or textShadow, but you don't have to do that. If you do run a shell program, just understand it's going to mess up the homscreen. And I don't really recommend you run an app, but I'm not going to stop you. Honestly, if you run an app, a person watching wouldn't even know your ram cleared.

     Don't forget, hold [Vars] while booting to abort. You might need that if your ram clear program crashes.

It's a little too late for me to make a screen shot, but I think everything I put here is self explanatory.

TI Z80 / Re: Chess
« on: May 12, 2011, 04:43:19 pm »
There's nothing wrong with the grayscale. I'm just going to add an option to fine tune it even farther. It's not enabled by default so those who want to spend time getting it just perfect can do it if they want.

TI Z80 / Re: ThePenguin77's Game of Life
« on: May 11, 2011, 11:14:26 pm »
Well, the source and the latest version I released are exactly the same. And luckily, the little glitch I talked about doesn't really affect the program at all, so I won't put up another version until I make some more changes.

TI Z80 / Re: ThePenguin77's Game of Life
« on: May 11, 2011, 11:09:27 pm »
Ok, it's finally time to post the source. It's been converted from Mimas, so I'm not sure how easy it is to compile, but it's there.

This looks great ThePenguin! I like how it's possible to scroll around
Love the speed! :).

Thanks, those were actually my two goals in making this: biggest possible playing field and raw speed.

Calc84, I've actually made the code more optimized than that, but it was in a place you couldn't see. To get a look at how I handle it now, place a breakpoint at $8100 and run it :D

    Ok, I just did that, I didn't realize that BIT change s.

ASM / Re: my routine clears ram
« on: May 11, 2011, 06:18:29 pm »
Well, the reason that the full program isn't crashing is because it never actually calls the routine in question. I just does clearGBuf, lineDraw, fastCopy and checks for quit.

I would call it myself, but I have no idea what to call.

ASM / Re: Why won't you worrrrrrk??? [Floodfill routine]
« on: May 11, 2011, 06:09:12 pm »
I'm lost. How exactly are you trying to flood fill? Like, what is your general plan of action? Because at the moment, I have no idea what is going on.

TI Z80 / Re: Chess
« on: May 10, 2011, 10:23:48 pm »
Not yet, I hope there will be soon though. I have my last 2 AP tests tomorrow, so after that, I am down from 6 classes to 2.

I have some things I want to do like: better AI (duh), fine tuning grayscale, maybe piece sets, speed increases, maybe the mode where you can choose what pieces to play with, and lastly I might try to make a better title screen.

But for right now this isn't on my priority list. I tend to work a bunch on one thing at a time, and right now, that is zStart. So when I get board with that, I'll probably be back here.

TI Z80 / Re: ThePenguin77's Game of Life
« on: May 10, 2011, 10:10:09 pm »

Changes: (I change this every day, so I hope I get them all)
  • [Window] saves and [Zoom] recalls, when you quit it is in appvar LifeSave
  • Added visible playing field boundaries
  • [Mode] toggles FPS limiting (you can get it up to about 30 fps with small shapes)
  • [ 0 ] Recall Pic0
  • About 5% increase in overall speed

Have fun.

TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: May 08, 2011, 12:42:09 am »
When I first made zStart, I did not know much about the OS, but now I do. So it was time for a change.

  • New OS entry point (Both elegant and early)
  • Solver++ and Long tokens are gone
  • Toggling options actually changes things during the current ram session (as opposed to waiting until a ram clear)

On page 0, there is a huge list of unofficial bcalls. You can't use them though because their location changes from OS to OS. What is interesting about them though is that their format is
Code: [Select]
call constantAddress
.dw address
.db page
which means that you can actually change where they jump to! So, I took the call that displays "RAM Cleared" and redirected it over to page $75 where I call the zStart app and install everything. Then when I'm done, I call the original call and it displays "RAM Cleared."

But what makes this so cool is that I actually install everything before the homescreen starts, so the Safe Cleared message is no longer a flash too late, and, custom fonts actually affect the "RAM Cleared" message.

TI Z80 / Re: An Axe piano with 5 octaves
« on: May 07, 2011, 03:14:31 pm »
supporting "real" multiple notes is what I really want in Axe.
Conceptually that's pretty simple. Say you have the equation for three notes, f(t) g(t) h(t). The amplitude at any given t would just be f(t)+g(t)+h(t). Sum them all up. But it's not quite as easy when it comes to actually writing that out so it runs fast enough to produce the correct sound output with a chip like the z80 :P

Yep, that is all it takes to play multiple notes at once. Just add up all the sine waves and output the new weird looking wave.

However, the calculator can only output a 1 or a 0, so how do you pull off all the intermediate steps of the new wave? That is where the real trouble comes in to play. For this, you would have to make your own version of freq() whereby using Pulse Width Modulation, (turning the link port on and off really fast), you simulate say, 32 different voltage steps. (That might be the most grammatically strange sentence I've written on Omni)

TI Z80 / Re: ThePenguin77's Game of Life
« on: May 06, 2011, 11:51:10 pm »
Willrandship, that isn't the slow part, that's actually the really easy part. :D

Here's my code: (commented for the non asm'ers.)
Code: [Select]

bitFinal: ;label
ld a, c ;variable transfer, A now equals the number of live cells around the current one
jr nz, checkDeath ;if it's living, go to checkDeath
;>>asm: most often, we will come through here with a non-living pixel
; so the fall through for jr is the fastest way to do this
cp 3 ;act like we are subtracting 3 from A
jp nz, activeRet ;if A != 3, go find the next pixel
;>>asm: most often will not be birthing a new cell, so jp is fastest
jp setIt ;go to setIt
cp 2 ;act like we are subtracting 2 from A
jp c, activeRet ;if A < 2, go find the next pixel
;>>asm: this is first because most pixels that won't survive will have
; 0 or 1, not >= 4
cp 4 ;act like we are subtracting 4
jr nc, activeRet ;if A >= 4, go find the next pixel
;>>asm: 2 and 3 are more likely than 4+
ld a, d ;if you don't know asm, stop reading
or (ix+3)
ld (ix+3), a
push hl
ld hl, activeRet
ex (sp), hl
ld d, setJPHigh
push de

This is the fastest way to do these checks. There is one spot where I could shave off 10 t-states, but that would involve duplicating the setIt routine. And 10 t-states doesn't really apply here because most paths through that routine right there average to about 40 t-states, the routine that leads here takes on average 300 t-states, and the routine it runs if it is setting a live pixel is 200 t-states.

So 550 t-states is pretty good for a worst case scenario where we are making a live cell. At that worst rate, I can handle about 27,000 pixels per second.

TI Z80 / Re: ThePenguin77's Game of Life
« on: May 05, 2011, 11:12:37 pm »

As for coding tricks. My buffer is laid out like this. <Active byte> <real byte> <future active byte> <future real byte> Where the active byte is just flags to tell me which pixels I need to check and the real byte is what is actually alive. The future bytes are for calculations.

When I go to calculate it, I first search the buffer for any bytes that are active, I have this loop down to 4 t-states per empty pixel, so there's some speed. Then, when it finds an byte with active pixels in it, it calls a subroutine that throws the location in IX and puts the location of a JP table in HL. (LABEL) It then works through each bit of (IX) while increasing HL by 3 each time. When it encounters an active bit, it RET's into HL which JP's it to one of my 8 bit checking routines. These routines check the necessary 8 bits around the pixel with IX and tally up the number of living cells. When they JP back to the finishing routine. They have D = bit mask as well as E = (bit * 3). The game then sees how to handle this cell, and if it deems it alive, it OR's D into (IX + 3), sets D = $80, and JP's to DE. Which of course, JP's to a routine that sets the 8 bits around the current one as active. This all returns back to LABEL where it finishes off the byte.

When that's all done, I use a stack hack to pop and push the future bytes into the current ones and zero the futures.

My rules are currently not customizable. If I can find an efficient way to make them customizable I will though.

Freyaday, I think this one is actually hardware specific. I can't be positive, but I remember there was another topic about this and no one could replicate the glitch. I for one, could not get this to work in wabbitEmu on 2.55 or on my calc on 2.53.

So, when you get the chance, we kinda need you to test this on wabbitEmu. Or even another calculator for that matter.

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