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Messages - vanchagreen

Pages: 1 [2]
General Calculator Help / Re: TI84+ SE Rom for Mac
« on: July 28, 2010, 05:23:10 pm »
Is it? Ok, then. Thanks anyway.

General Calculator Help / TI84+ SE Rom for Mac
« on: July 28, 2010, 05:14:26 pm »
Well, I wanted to set up Wabbitemu, but I discovered I needed a ROM. A little browsing and I discovered rom8x which seemed like it would suit my needs nicely. I created the appvars, but when I got to the step about packing the dumps, I found out I needed a windows. Does anyone have a TI84+ SE ROM I can use?

Ah, ok, thanks.

@graphmastur: I transferred Axe 0.3.3 and it worked fine. I am using TI Connect Version 1.8 (1) for the Mac. I have Mac OSX 10.6.3
@happybobjr: I extracted the folder to the desktop before trying to send it the first time. I also tried it when the file itself is on the desktop, and it didn't work.

When I sent the 0.3.3 version over, my calculator showed some steps: a garbage collect, sending "screen", and finally a message to tell me its done. When I try to send the 0.4.1 version this does not happen. The TI-Connect screen on the computer was the same both times.

PS. On an unrelated note, when I was deleting Axe0.3.3 from my calc, it worked fine, it said it was "defragmenting...". Does anyone know what that means?

@Quigibo: This is my first time using (or trying to use) Axe.

I do have a Windows I can send it with... if I can get the stupid computer to work.

Should I try a previous version, just to see if I it works with the Mac?

Hello, everyone. Like the subject says, I'm having trouble putting the Axe Parser onto my calc. I'm using TI Connect's Device Explorer on a Mac, with a TI84+ Silver Edition. When I send the file Axe.8xk from the it looks as if it works, says there's an operation running, no error messages etc. However, it doesn't seem to be on the calc. Am I doing something wrong?

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