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Topics - vhrks

Pages: [1]
General Calculator Help / TI nspire cx (non-cas) Red screen problem
« on: February 29, 2020, 06:51:21 am »

1. Not my calc. I just got it for fix
2. It is non-cas. It seems like somebody put some Linux stuff on it.
3. If I upload the 4.5.2 for non-cas, it comes out with red screen.
4. If I try to upload 4.5.0 for non-cas, the computer says "YOU CAN NOT DOWNGRADE!"
5. [DOC][ENTER][EE] works. I tried factory format also.
6. [ESC][MENU][MINUS] does not works. That made me too hard for charge, but I solved charging problems.

What should I do for boot? I can not even boot. Need some help.

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