What exactly is wrong with wabbitemu support? Are you using the most up to date version of wabbit? Can you revert back to a version that still works under wabbit? If there is an issue with wabbit, have you reported it yet?
TI Boy could not successfully modify flash. Error: 0
I cannot revert to an old version. If you would attach it I would greatly appreciate it
Which old version should I use, then?
Also, could one of you provide a link?
I'm going to try to exploit it to change my PC box (Don't worry, I make frequent backups)
I got it working. I re-dumped my calc ROM. I think i've done it! I ran my game in the emulator (wabbitemu) and switched boxes, then re-imported the new vars to my 48kb calc. It seems to have worked!
Could you upload the latest version to ticalc.org? It's been bugging me for a long time that no one can find the newest version without looking under "more results for omnimaga.org" with a google search, and so people inevitably download the wrong version.
I would upload new versions there myself, but I'm not the author and I don't know if you would approve.
Think of this as me volunteering to upload new versions there periodically.