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Messages - yunhua98

Pages: 1 ... 106 107 [108] 109 110 ... 184
Other Calculators / Re: WFRNG OS Released
« on: November 24, 2010, 11:06:10 am »
the original 86 version doesn't have mixed because the 86 has loxercase ON BY DEFAULT, but we all know TI is crazy.  :P

Humour and Jokes / Re: Funny #omnimaga quotes (NSFW)
« on: November 24, 2010, 10:56:45 am »

anyway, this happened today.  XD
[09:51] == yzTheGame [[email protected]] has joined #omnimaga
[09:51] == mode/#omnimaga [+o yzTheGame] by Netbot45
[09:52] <Yeong> *Yeong eats aeTIos with perfect timing
[09:52]  * aeTIos lost The Game
[09:52] <@yzTheGame> You all just lost...
[09:52] <Yeong> ...
[09:52] <@yzTheGame> awesome nick is awesome
[09:52] <Yeong> *Yeong eats yzTheGame
[09:52]  * aeTIos slaps yzTheGame around a bit with a large fishbot
[09:52] <Yeong> *inside Yeong
[09:52] <aeTIos> haha
[09:52] <Yeong> 's belly, there is Rick Astley
[09:52] <@yzTheGame> lol
[09:52] <+SpyBot45> (O) New post by Michael_Lee in Questions: DiagnosticOff and G
[09:52] <@yzTheGame> !voiceall
[09:52] == mode/#omnimaga [+vvvv aeTIos DrDnar JosJuice KermM] by Netbot45
[09:52] == mode/#omnimaga [+vvvv Netham45 rayquaza5 TC01 Yeong] by Netbot45
[09:53]  * aeTIos jailbreaks out of Yeongs stomach
[09:53]  * yzTheGame catches aeTIos
[09:53] <+Yeong> *Rick follows him
[09:53] <+aeTIos> and slaps him and eats yzthegame
[09:53] <@yzTheGame> and throws him into Rick
[09:53]  * aeTIos slaps yzTheGame around a bit with a large fishbot
[09:53]  * aeTIos slaps yzTheGame around a bit with a large fishbot
[09:53]  * aeTIos slaps yzTheGame around a bit with a large fishbot
[09:53]  * aeTIos slaps yzTheGame around a bit with a large fishbot
[09:53]  * aeTIos slaps yzTheGame around a bit with a large fishbot
[09:53] <+Yeong> Rick starts to sing
[09:53]  * yzTheGame uses The Game in his nick to win the game
[09:54]  * aeTIos runs away from Rick
[09:54] <+Yeong> yzTheGame fails since he can never win the game
[09:54] <+SpyBot45> (O) New post by ztrumpet in Ash: Phoenix
[09:54] <+aeTIos> -------------------=========================== ZOOOOOm
[09:54] <@yzTheGame> I win because I can make others lose the game without losing it myself
[09:54] <+Yeong> aeTIos soon confronts the blue lobster
[09:54] <+OmnomIRC> <Michael_Lee> I walk away for 30 seconds, and you guys dissolve into warfare...
[09:54] <@yzTheGame> lol
[09:54]  * aeTIos slaps blue lobster
[09:55] <+aeTIos> and yzthegame
[09:55] == Deep_Blue [[email protected]] has joined #omnimaga
[09:55] <@yzTheGame> me goes to add a quote to the funny quotes list.  XD
[09:55] <+Yeong> Yeong slaps everyone in IRC except for himself
[09:55] <+aeTIos> haha
[09:55] <+Yeong> lol
[09:55]  * yzTheGame goes to add a quote to the funny quotes list.  XD

Humour and Jokes / Re: If TI made a microwave...
« on: November 24, 2010, 10:51:05 am »
I tried storing {i} into L1, and tried Circle(0,0,5,L1, but that doesn't work.  ???

Miscellaneous / Re: Dragon Cave discussion
« on: November 24, 2010, 10:47:16 am »
Hmm...  Would be possible that DragonCave is glitching?  because yesterday, they were dropping so many rare eggs, but notmstter how fast I clicked it, it always said it was taken by someone else.  ???

Site Feedback and Questions / Re: 'Forum' button at bottom of posts
« on: November 24, 2010, 10:26:21 am »
Thats a good idea!  although I usually just hold page up.  XD

cool!  I was thinking though, if we did reach 10%, (we're pretty close) shouldn't this be moved in to the News Section or something?  because as Randomness wouldn't be viewable, people will wonder what happened.

EDIT:  if it closes, I bet I'll be the highscore holder of The Necropost Game as soon as it come back.  >:D

Humour and Jokes / Re: Funny #omnimaga quotes (NSFW)
« on: November 24, 2010, 10:11:41 am »
Lol nice XD. You should edit the first post to change Quote 65 to 85 or 86 and add the new ones, since you accidentally deleted 65. :P

Yeah, done. Don't know what 83 or 84, are, though...

Quote #83 - [23:19:46] <@Netham45> speaking of porn [23:19:48] <@Netham45> brb [23:20:04] <@SirCmpwn> Netham45: turn off the mic, i dont want to hear tha

84 is apparently an older version of 85:

Quote #84 - <@yzTheGame> in my opinion 89T>V400, because 89T fits in a pocket. ;) [17:45:14] <@yzTheGame> *V200 [17:45:25] <@Deep_Blue> V400 ... nice. [17:45:27] (O) New post by ASHBAD_ALVIN in Xeverion [17:45:28] <+TC01> The Voyage 400 also can't fit in your pocket [17:45:36] <+TC01> *400 Quantum [17:45:36] <@Deep_Blue> http://www.

for some reason, when I read that, I thought you meant that the TI-84 is apparently an older version of the TI-85, and I was looking for the joke everywhere.  :P  *facepalm*

TI Z80 / Re: Bomberman
« on: November 24, 2010, 10:06:30 am »
may some other time.  I'm not that far with it yet and it may get cancelled.  :P  But I think I'll keep at it.  ;)  *cough*Fighting/Platformer*cough*

Axe / Re: Questions: DiagnosticOff and Goto
« on: November 24, 2010, 12:33:49 am »
The diadlgnostic off is really firllor changing in the middle of a program.  And the axe gotos have no memory leaks like basic, to just sucked.  :P

She you said there might be an axe update, did you receives word from Quigibo, or are you just speculating?  :P

Art / Re: Sprite request for Nostalgia
« on: November 23, 2010, 08:36:40 pm »
He already did a water sprite.  ???

Art / Re: Sprite request for Nostalgia
« on: November 23, 2010, 08:25:58 pm »
oh, I see, cause I shortened the sprites a bit.  ;)

EDIT:  like this?

TI Z80 / Re: Triangle Solver
« on: November 23, 2010, 08:23:46 pm »
Hey, thats Deep Thought's Cheater!  :D
btw, I had a graphical triangle solver called Extra, But its bigger than 100 bytes, So I'm not going to upload it.  ;)

Art / Re: Sprite request for Nostalgia
« on: November 23, 2010, 08:20:20 pm »
I thought only the last row could be modified?  if I moved the checkerboard up two rows, wouldn't that still be the same problem?

TI Z80 / Re: Bomberman
« on: November 23, 2010, 08:19:14 pm »
There hasn't been a lot of progress lately on this, because I'm working on a new project now that the game has a beta out, I'm still going to continue working on it, but slowlier.  (Not that I was really fast before.  :P)  btw, should I upload this to ticalc yet, or wait till completely finished?

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