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Messages - yunhua98

Pages: 1 ... 119 120 [121] 122 123 ... 184
Miscellaneous / Re: Dragon Cave Image Thread
« on: November 07, 2010, 06:13:29 pm »
doesn't the link i posted include them?  or are they not showing up for you?

Miscellaneous / Re: Dragon Cave Image Thread
« on: November 07, 2010, 06:12:27 pm »
I finished the list.  :P, jk, i didn't make these, but here's a huge list of them all:

Ash: Phoenix / Re: Ash: Phoenix
« on: November 07, 2010, 06:10:48 pm »
* yunhua98 can't wait.  ;D
I'm seeing another feature in the future.  :o

Miscellaneous / Re: Dragon Cave Image Thread
« on: November 07, 2010, 06:08:44 pm »

TI Z80 / Re: [Platformer] Pyyrix's Most Excellent Adventure
« on: November 07, 2010, 06:08:24 pm »
oops, sorry about that, I fixed it.  ;)
btw, I never actually asked permission, but do you mind if I use part of your engine for a possible game?

Miscellaneous / Re: Dragon Cave Image Thread
« on: November 07, 2010, 06:06:10 pm »
sounds good!
I lost my egg images though.

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Re: Battlefield
« on: November 07, 2010, 06:03:23 pm »
"Bad Code, Stop Cheating"?  so they're cheating to cheat, and the game is telling them to put the right code in in order to not cheat?  :P  lol, anyway, I did ask for another week, but when is the exact deadline?
also, I will probably work on it more this week though.  ;)

TI Z80 / Re: 'DE
« on: November 06, 2010, 11:37:30 pm »
right here:
sounds pretty cool, maybe this could be integrated into KOS along with some of Axe?  just a thought.  ;)

TI Z80 / Re: [Platformer] Pyyrix's Most Excellent Adventure
« on: November 06, 2010, 11:10:02 pm »
Very nice!  (and hard!)  I noticed a bug though, but it doesn't actually affect gameplay.  (look at my screenie.)

Difficulty:  10/10  hard enough to keep me bust for a couple of weeks.  ;)
Effort:  The author obviously put a lot of effort in this game!  Partly because I know he coded it for 5 hours today.  :P
Replay Value:  Haven't really gone far enough yet.  but probably a 9-10/10
Speed:  10/10  well, its Axe, what do you expect?
Controls:  9/10 logical, but they are quite sensitive.  ;)
Graphis:  9/10 the tiles look great!  the character could do with some slight modifying.  ;)
Overall: 9.5/10  Great game so far!  :D

the bug is that when you go down that first downward ladder, and you come back up, the top row of blocks dissappear, it doesn't really matter thoguh.  Great Game!  ;)

EDIT:  yes, I suck at it.  :P

TI Z80 / Re: Bomberman
« on: November 06, 2010, 09:52:23 pm »
on a real calc?  because it doesn't really work on an Emu.  my only concern is if it damages the screen though...  from what DJ said, probably not, but I hadn't really made myself clear then.

TI Z80 / Re: 'DE
« on: November 06, 2010, 09:38:18 pm »
sounds cool!  btw, is Deep Thought on the team?

Miscellaneous / Re: Rubik's Cube
« on: November 06, 2010, 09:10:28 pm »
my rubik's 360 currently has a ball stuck with one of the metal weights, blocking up a hole and stopping the thing from spinning, so yeah, I can't do much.  :P

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: Choice from AGS
« on: November 06, 2010, 09:04:53 pm »
ok, I understand what you want now, I may be kinda busy, but I'll help when I get time.  ;)

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: Choice from AGS
« on: November 06, 2010, 08:30:02 pm »
ok, I can't guarentee too much, but I'll try.  Is this full color, then?  ;)

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: Choice from AGS
« on: November 06, 2010, 08:27:46 pm »
alright then, but is this for calc or comp?  just wondering.  ;)

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