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Messages - yunhua98

Pages: 1 ... 136 137 [138] 139 140 ... 184
Art / Re: Galaga 7x7
« on: October 16, 2010, 07:45:02 pm »
Those look nice.  just out of curiosity, Sir, what namco game are you coding?

nvm, figured it out.  ;)

TI Z80 / Re: Bomberman
« on: October 16, 2010, 06:55:43 pm »
kk, thanks, but is the For(L,0,11 part supposed to not be on a seperate line?

TI Z80 / Re: Bomberman
« on: October 16, 2010, 06:38:19 pm »
thanks for the encouragement guys!  although I might not post screenies very often, I will work on it a bit everyday.  All I've got to worry about are like 2 tests on monday.  :P

TI Z80 / Re: Bomberman
« on: October 16, 2010, 06:10:31 pm »
lol  :P
* yunhua98 goes to change

TI Z80 / Bomberman
« on: October 16, 2010, 06:01:00 pm »
As many of you know, I stopped working on this due to a memory loss.  Well, yesterday, I was looking through my backups and found Bomberman again, I thought, maybe I should revive this?  I was a bit less busy, and all were doing in my Science and Math classes were review, so I decided to pick it up again.  heres what I have so far:

I don't really understand why my enemy never faces the right direction though, and I would be glad if anyone could find some more bugs.
all, it does so far is drop bombs, explode stuff, including you but not the enemy yet, and the light blocks are explodable, the "grey" ones aren't


Spoiler For code:
Quote from: BASIC Code
:.BOMBRMAN AXE BomberMan! v1.0 by: Yunhua Z
:.EXPLODE Horizontal(
:.EXPLODE Vertical
:"YOU WIN→Str2
:Repeat K=15 or (L=0
:If E^20=0
:If I=1
:If G>0 and (pxl-Test(G-7,D+6)=0
:If G<87 and (pxl-Test(G+9,D+6)=0
:If I=0
:If D>0=(pxl-Test(G+1,D-2)=0
: D-(8*(rand^2))→D
:If D<55 and (pxl-Test(G+1,D+14)=0
: D+(8*(rand^2))→D
:If G=X and (D=Y
:!If B=0
:If A=200
:If pxl-Test(P+9,Q+2)=0
:If pxl-Test(P+17,Q+2)=0
:If pxl-Test(P-7,Q+2)=0
:If pxl-Test(P-15,Q+2)=0
:If pxl-Test(P+1,Q+10)=0
:If pxl-Test(P+1,Q+18)=0
:If pxl-Test(P+1,Q-6)=0
:If pxl-Test(P+1,Q-14)=0
:Pause 100
:If (X-P≤16 or (P-X≤16)) and (Y=Q
:If (Y-Q≤16 or (Q-Y≤16)) and (X=P
:If A=250
:!If L=0
:If K=48 and (B=1
:If K=54 and (B=0
:If K=3 and (X<87 and (pxl-Test(X+10,Y+5)=0
:If K=2 and (X>0 and (pxl-Test(X-6,Y+5)=0
:If K=4 and (Y>0 and (pxl-Test(X+2,Y-3)=0
:If K=1 and (Y<55 and (pxl-Test(X+2,Y+13)=0
:!If L
:Pause 1000
:Lbl CS
:Lbl BK
:If rand^5≠0
:If rand^5≠0
:Lbl DG
:.Lbl BK
Generated by SourceCoder, © 2005-2010 Cemetech

Bomberman is the executable, no-stub
Axebomb is the source

also, if you can spot any optimizations, please point them out to me.  ;)

Credits list so far:
Omnimaga Community
DJ Omnimaga for inspiring this game with Axe Contest
Aichi for helping me figure out a bug that I was stuck on

TI-BASIC / Re: Jump without Lbl-Goto
« on: October 16, 2010, 04:50:34 pm »
no, theres no endwhile, the goto makes it jump to the lbl, and then when it reaches the "End", it thinks the End belongs to the While, because the TIOS stores a bit of memory to look for the end.  it never sees an End til the end after the lbl, so it thinks that end belongs with the While, so it jumps back to where the While is. and jumping back from a loop is really fast.  ;)

Miscellaneous / Re: What is your signature?
« on: October 16, 2010, 04:19:40 pm »
Mine is ambunch of userbars and a scrolling one of a bigger sig I had before.  And some other stuff. :P

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Present myself... could be difficult.
« on: October 16, 2010, 04:17:38 pm »
Sure, why not?  Welcome here anyways.  I we hope you enjoy your stay.  We're getting more and more Nspire coders. ;)

Miscellaneous / Re: Away from Omnimaga for at least 17 days. from 14 Sep
« on: October 15, 2010, 08:32:49 pm »
yeah, I never see how people get to work on time.  :P

Humour and Jokes / Re: DAMMIT ABC
« on: October 15, 2010, 07:25:50 pm »
hasn't this already been posted?  its still funny nevertheless though.  :P

TI-BASIC / Re: Jump without Lbl-Goto
« on: October 15, 2010, 05:59:31 pm »
wow, I misspelled a lot of stuff.  :P

TI-BASIC / Re: Jump without Lbl-Goto
« on: October 15, 2010, 05:56:51 pm »
nah, I generally make it goto 0 first and then start at thw hile or whatever ele you wanted to start at.  ;)

Art / Re: Slot machine
« on: October 15, 2010, 05:44:39 pm »
here's it with the lever down

Art / Re: 16x16 character sprite request...
« on: October 15, 2010, 04:51:31 pm »
you can use only one frame if you want.

TI-BASIC / Re: Jump without Lbl-Goto
« on: October 15, 2010, 04:50:40 pm »
I don't know if this is what you want but hers a piece of code using gotos but not that slow:

:Lbl 1
:While 1
:Goto 1

and you can break out of it by changing the while condition.  and the goto isn't slow if the label is at the top.  ;)

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