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Messages - yunhua98

Pages: 1 ... 172 173 [174] 175 176 ... 184
Other Calculators / Re: Sound for calculators with bad ram
« on: July 24, 2010, 10:34:42 pm »
Idk about poty because I am doing almost the exact same thing that realSound does. That is where I got the idea.

But I realized that when I'm doing 22khz, I actually burn 82 t-states per byte. I'll have to look into compression because that would be awesome. I have 4 more hours coming up tomorrow. So I'll probably figure it out.

Yeah, but RealSound was already epic, yours though, hopefully, yours will work for all SE's.  (Wait...  Will this work for 83SE?)

I don't really think it's advertising since it's like saying you made it, but instead you say a member of Omnimaga made it as well.  idk, but seeing as so many other programs have something similar, I just thought we should to.  ;)
Or we could put in the readme, if you have any problems, please report at

Hang on.. I'm going to add that option.

TI Z80 / Re: Homescreen Game Pack
« on: July 24, 2010, 10:12:28 pm »
Well, here they are. ;D

EDIT: Also nvm about the Avoid PI thing, it was archived with CalcUtil ON.
But, you could make the entire Homescreen Game Pack easier by having MathPrint Enabled.  >:D

Do you guys think it's a good idea to add "from the Omnimaga Community" or something similar to readme's or descriptions on programs from Omnimaga members?  This could gain us new members. :)

EDit:  Is this in the right section? ???

Other Calculators / Re: Sound for calculators with bad ram
« on: July 24, 2010, 10:01:55 pm »
When your done, I think you could have a POTY in the bag.  ;)

Miscellaneous / Re: School pranks
« on: July 24, 2010, 10:00:02 pm »
Well, I once looked through every student in our school's accounts.  (Well, I could've, but I didn't have the time.)  I just went to network, went into their folders and use Command prompt to find the admin pass and made a .txt file named hi.txt.  (Only for the ones I had time)  :P

Other Calculators / Re: Sound for calculators with bad ram
« on: July 24, 2010, 09:50:04 pm »
that's epic.  Someone should convert a rickroll.  :P

TI Z80 / Re: Homescreen Game Pack
« on: July 24, 2010, 02:23:21 pm »
I agree.  Anyway I have a tunnel game and a catch game done, I will upload it when I get on a comp.

TI Z80 / Re: Homescreen Game Pack
« on: July 23, 2010, 05:47:25 pm »
I fixed a bug in my Dodgeball game where it only shows the first didgit of your score.  I just moved Output(1,2,"--------------- outside the Repeat loop.

And here's a 205 byte reverse-avalanche game, sort of like this, but without the walls.

EDIT:  I just got 189 on Avoiding Pi, A could've gotten >9000 if I had the patience.  (I died on purpose.)
Spoiler For Spoiler:
Just go in a box around the PI  :P

EDIT2:  nvm about the avalanche game, I see that the asteriodz game is the same. :-[

TI Z80 / Re: Homescreen Game Pack
« on: July 22, 2010, 06:11:14 pm »
actually my problem was that the GIF was faster than the Game

btw, I attached a renamed version with the stars replaced with o's and 21 bytes less.

Edit:  Oops, forgot to attach. :-[

TI Z80 / Re: Homescreen Game Pack
« on: July 22, 2010, 05:51:50 pm »

just out of curiosity, but are running that on normal speed?

EDIT:  should I call this dodgeball or asteroids?

TI Z80 / Re: Homescreen Game Pack
« on: July 22, 2010, 04:58:45 pm »
Each game should be about 350 or so bytes, and then they will all fit.

it probably depends on what  size it is.
technically it doesn't have to be in the 300's, since mine was 499 bytes.  As long as it's small.  ;)
(Let's just say under 500  :P  j/k, it's not my place to say this.)

EDIT: wait, is your game on one calc, or does it require to calcs to play it?  Not that it matters, just out of curiosity.

Edit2:  btw, here's a game I made in 15 mins:  It's basically this game but vertical and in Basic.

EDIT3:  Use version below, 21 bytes less and different graphics and renamed to DODGEBAL.

Again, can someone screenshot for me?  Thanks in advance.

TI Z80 / Re: Edge
« on: July 22, 2010, 04:30:30 pm »
Hints on what it is?  :P
that said, the screenies are awesome!

Other Calculators / Re: Awesome Omnimaga rickrolling program.
« on: July 21, 2010, 06:03:29 pm »
Oh I was asking him because he lives in the same city as me (and close to Quebec city), just like to the extreme opposite side of it.

Am I missing something, are you talking about me, or someone else?

Other Calculators / Re: Awesome Omnimaga rickrolling program.
« on: July 21, 2010, 05:57:12 pm »
Well, I get mine at Costco.  (Do they have those in Canada?)  But here's a link online (for Staples):
btw, this isn't advertising, is it?

EDIT:  It lasts for a little under half a year, I don't like running out of batteries.  :P.  (I have a lesser used TI-84+, for those who were wondering about my math.  :P)

EDIT:  wow, the batteries I linked to sure are expensive...  The packs where I get them are like 70 bucks.

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