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Messages - yunhua98

Pages: 1 ... 182 183 [184]
The Axe Parser Project / Re: Your Projects - Post and Critique
« on: May 31, 2010, 09:55:42 pm »
I'm not sure. What I think is that it's because BB was setup to launch BASIC programs and the author did not take ASM ones into account. Maybe someone has a way to do it or maybe the author could update it to launch ASM programs. I don't know.
I meant if we started with a BASIC program with the first line Asm(prgmPROGNAME, which then returns, uses number stored in ANS to determine which game to go to.
And when I insert the pic into the program, I added det(12 before Pic#->DispGraph, but it displays some random pixels on the bottom row where the inaccessible row 64 is.  I don't think det(12 WORKS THERE, BECAUSE i'M guessing thats a portion of the next Pic in RAM.  If I'm right, can someone tell how to fix this? ???

You have to put the det(12) directly after the picture data because the det command is a data command and isn't actual code.

Thanks!  Can you implement the Inverting part of screen as a command?
Suggestion: "iPart(coordinates of top left corner, coordinates of bottom right corner)" maybe? (invertPart)  (This is assuming its always a rectangle.) ;)

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Your Projects - Post and Critique
« on: May 31, 2010, 01:02:22 pm »
I love the title screen and game select interface!

As for Basic Builder I don't know, but I think Raylin tried and it doesn't appear to let you run ASM programs

EDIT (Off-topic: Your ticalc info in your forum profile is setup wrong, I think. You included the entire link instead of just the IDs)

Thanks!  And I fixed the ticalc thing.
why do ASM programs not work?  a bunch of BASIC Shells use ASM routines, most notably Black Eagle Shell.  How can BasicBuilder tell whether it's a game or a routine?

Update: Changing "More>>>" to "Quit"
Anyways: How do you invert a portion of the screen in AXE?  Is there a quicker way than pxl-change? I wanted to Invert the game that you're selecting.  (Like FinnPack.) :-\
And when I insert the pic into the program, I added det(12 before Pic#->DispGraph, but it displays some random pixels on the bottom row where the inaccessible row 64 is.  I don't think det(12 WORKS THERE, BECAUSE i'M guessing thats a portion of the next Pic in RAM.  If I'm right, can someone tell how to fix this? ???

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Your Projects - Post and Critique
« on: May 30, 2010, 05:25:32 pm »
Thanks, In that case (4 author limit), I guess that's all the games I will use.

@DJ Omnimaga: I think I'll use Eat Nethams, as the point of the game pack is to make maybe not as fun (no offense!!) individual games into one addicting game pack.
Oh... I also am working on my own Axe Game, I'm making it slightly like a tunnel game, but with a twist, It'll have a car instead of some ship and obstacles in the tunnel that you can shoot.

I was wondering, If the games do turn out to be too big, is it possible to separate them and link them together with a BASIC prog and pack it into an APP with BasicBuilder?
You know... by using the Asm( function and run the prog with the title screen, use the Basic prog to select and then run the game?  (just a thought.) ;)

Edit: May I use the version of Eat Nethams which runs at 6 mHz, which is already very fast, cause the 15mHz one is so fast you can't see a thing. :o

Edit2: Update!

How's this?  (I'm not the best artist ;))
Title Screen:


The Axe Parser Project / Re: Your Projects - Post and Critique
« on: May 29, 2010, 07:42:38 pm »
yeah, I decided the boxes just kinda didn't look right, and I managed to figure out how to fit enough on a smaller one.  PuzzPack interface ftw!

oh... and a title screen:
I'll add portions of the games once I get permission from more people to the sreen so you can get a general idea of the games by looking at the title screen, sorta like the MaxCoderz Image on the top-left hand corner of its site.

Anyway, the screenie:

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Your Projects - Post and Critique
« on: May 29, 2010, 04:47:18 pm »
Thanks. :)
is it okay if I put your name on the file authors list and list which programs you wrote on the readme?
note that I won't include any Axe files already on as of upload date  Well, then again, I guess it doesn't matter, It'll probably INCREASE the Download Stats of that person anyway.

I'm thinking of making the game selection screen like puzzlepack, but with a more button, if I include more than four games.

Oh, and Thanks in advance to whoever gives me their permission! ;D

<offtopic-ish>@Mr_Coding_Knight: did you change your name from SirCmpwn?  Just curious, and also because thats the handle on ticalc; I seem to remember your (or somebody like you) username once being that.  (Just to avoid confusion);)</offtopic-ish>

EDIT: Screenie:  I know the boxes aren't equal height, but I thought some games might need a more descriptive drawing.
since I know I can't upload it while I'm below 5 posts, please click below link:

Edit2: @meishe91:  Good point, I doubt there will be too many Large games, since the point of the game pack is like a "mini-arcade" filled with games that take too short time to play by themselves, but with a pack of them, you could switch every once and a while.  Bottom line:  Games won't be so large.  (hopefully) ;) 

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Your Projects - Post and Critique
« on: May 29, 2010, 03:16:28 pm »
Oh, yeah, I didn't think about the fact that I'm new.

But then again, I wouldn't ask if I wanted to steal your programs; considering you have already posted your source code, I could have just made it anyway.

But you don't have to, I'm just asking, you could wait til a month later or never at all, for all I care. ;)

btw I've been on here since February, I was just too lazy to make an account.

Once again, you don't have to, I just thought I would offer to since no one did after DJ suggested it.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Your Projects - Post and Critique
« on: May 29, 2010, 01:08:44 pm »
  Hello, i decided i would put together a game pack with a graphical selection screen of all the mini games in this thread, or at least the people who allow me to.

@Quigbo: i was wondering, so if i drew something with the "PEN" command and "DRAW" and saved it as a Pic, and put that in the Source, it would show up in the executable, right?  Even if I deleted the Pic?

and also, whoever would like me to put their game in the game pack (Possibly called Axe Pack [insert number of PRGMs here] by Omnimaga), please reply to this thread with their handle and the source of their program.

Note: You WILL get credit!

P.S. Oh and if you want to include a readme, you can and I'll put them all together.

P.P.S.  Sorry for the long post. ;) :-\

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