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Messages - yunhua98

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News / Re: Axe Contest Participants - Hurry
« on: July 16, 2011, 03:52:48 pm »
Entry Submitted!
I basically stole SirCmpwn's source for the Time Shift, and reversed a couple of hours to send it in.  ;)

Sorry man, couldn't get you game to work, I pass no judgment.
How does it not work?  Make sure the levels are all archived b/c the actual game is 20kb so it needs all the space it can get :P
well, the first level showed the character, which could move, but there was no back ground, none of the button other than arrow keys responded.  Might be my fault though.  :P

Miscellaneous / Re: I'm Leaving
« on: July 16, 2011, 12:04:52 pm »
yeah, we'll throw a BIG party for you.  ;)

Pros: A very fun and an overall good puzzle game.
Cons: It's been done before, and it could use more polishing.
Thanks, but I also thought it didn't look that polished.  :(  What do you suggest?  (Noticing AXLE is VERY polished.  ;))

Thanks for the interesting read. :)  I hope you'll find Cube Droid more enjoyable when it has all 36 levels in the final release. ;D  It'll also have documentation that I didn't write in 2 minutes.

Spoiler For Escape (yunhua98):
doood!  THIS G@ME IS HAARRRIBLE!!!  DON"T DOWNLOAD@111!!!!1!!!one!!1!
I like your game.  It's going on my calc for sure. :D
Thanks, and yeah, Cube droid was great.  Although I had to play the flash version to figure most of the stuff out.  :P

and my review was a joke.  XD

Every game I've played with crabcake froze with wabbit, and I had to reset.  But it still works on the 2nd try.

So, I'm not a judge, but here my review for all the entries:

Spoiler For Spacky Emprise (buttsfredkin):
Originality: 4/5
Standard platformer game, but with lots of interesting twists.
Fun Factor: 3/5
Sorta hard (for me) and gets frustrating after a while.
Graphics: 4/5
I can tell what everything is, and they fit the classic platformer feel.
Playability/Speed: 5/5
I haven't encountered major bugs or the like.
Documentation: 2/5
Readme doesn't tell much.  And we have to go search for Crabcake.  If someone doesn't know what crabcake is, that's a problem.  Include a link?
Total: 18/25
Good game in general.
Spoiler For AXLE (tloz128):
Originality: 4/5
Doors, collectibles, enemies you jump on, all part of an amazing platformer reminding everyone of Mario.
Fun Factor: 5/5
Challenging but not too frustrating.
Graphics: 5/5
Amazing monochrome graphics.
Playability/Speed: 3/5
Speed is fine, but the controls lag slightly, making the game sort of unresponsive.  Also didn't work the first time.
Documentation: 4/5
Tells everything I need to know about the game.  Nothing too fancy.
Total: 21/25
Excellent platformer with amazing graphics.
Spoiler For Fancy Pants Adventures World 1 Demo (Deep Thought):
Originality: 4/5
While this is a port, no one has every done it before, AFAIK.
Fun Factor: 3/5
The physics make it really interesting, but gets boring after a while.
Graphics: 3/5
The character sprites look good, the levels are just lines, but that all they really need.
Playability/Speed: 3/5
A couple of frustrating bugs, the speed is great though.
Documentation: 4/5
Tells everything you need to know.
Total: 17/25
Has great potential.  Hopefully will be continued after contest.
Spoiler For Nymless Demo (Freyaday):
Originality: 5/5
Very creative concept.
Fun Factor: 2/5
As with FPA, the physics are great, but gets boring after a while.
Graphics: 2/5
Not much, although that's kinda the point of the game.  :P
Playability/Speed: 5/5
Speed is perfect, no bugs.
Documentation: 5/5
Even has ASCII art explaining the sprites!
Total: 19/25
Give it more time, and we got something great!
Spoiler For Stick Ninja (squidgetx):
Originality: 4/5
Still sorta standard, but very well thought out.
Fun Factor: 5/5
The perfect balance between difficulty and fun.
Graphics: 5/5
Just take one look at the screenshots...
Playability/Speed: 3/5
Speed is good, but took me a long while to actually set up the game.
Documentation: 4/5
Explains controls well.
Total: 21/25
Spoiler For Escape (yunhua98):
doood!  THIS G@ME IS HAARRRIBLE!!!  DON"T DOWNLOAD@111!!!!1!!!one!!1!
Spoiler For Tag (leafiness0):
Originality: 4/5
Once again, a port, but a very original port.  :P  The graphics however aren't so original.
Fun Factor: 4/5
Too hard for me.  XD
Graphics: (3+1)/5
Not very detailed, then again, its 5x5.  Menu is great though. +1 bonus point.
Playability/Speed: 5/5
Just like all his other games, no noticeable bugs, speed is perfect.
Documentation: 5/5
Explains things clearly, Credits are hilarious.
Total: 22/25
Very nice and polished product.
Spoiler For Dimension Shift (Darl181):
Sorry man, couldn't get you game to work, I pass no judgment.
Spoiler For Easy Game (SirCmpwn):
Originality: 15/5
Who ever though of combining 3 awesomely original puzzles together!  5*3!
Fun Factor: 1337/5
I'm gonna play this all day!
Graphics: 666/5
OMG amazing!!!1!!1oneone!!!11!
Playability/Speed: 3492/5
No bugs to speak of, the speed is too fast for puzzle 3, but otherwise perfect!
Documentation: 3491/5
Even has a walkthrough!
Total: 9001/25
A must download!
Spoiler For Cube Droid (ztrumpet):
Originality: 4/5
A unique and fun port.
Fun Factor: 4/5
Fun, but the game is a little too short.  ;)
Graphics: 5/5
Just like the original, very good.
Playability/Speed: 4/5
Speed is okay, some levels sort of messed up. :P
Documentation: 2/5
Doesn't explain much.  :P
Total: 19/25
Very Promising, more levels = awesomer!

btw: shmibs and z80man, I didn't know you guys were judging, so I didn't include you in the documentation, I'll do that next time.  :P

Official Contest / Re: Axe Contest Judging
« on: July 16, 2011, 09:52:51 am »
Okay, so it turns out the judges download their program from the poll, and they don't get to see the actual email.  I'm sure most of us put info in the email, or said the project wasn't open source, so the zips in the poll didn't not contain those.

Stick Ninja or AXLE...

* yunhua98 won't vote yet.  I'll try these this later.  Before I go watch HP7 Part2.  ;)

General Discussion / Re: Katy Perry's E.T.
« on: July 15, 2011, 11:03:14 pm »
Welcome to the forums!  You should Introduce Yourself.  That is certainly an interesting version.

He already did.  ;)
that said, I'm gonna listen to these now.

News / Re: Omnimaga 2011 Programming Contest, Part #1: Axe Parser
« on: July 15, 2011, 10:36:09 pm »
I just finished my awesome readme

Miscellaneous / Re: I'm Leaving
« on: July 15, 2011, 09:40:35 pm »
okay...  See you when you come back!  I'll still be here.  ;)

TI Z80 / Re: Tag
« on: July 15, 2011, 03:43:52 pm »

Tag is a 2D puzzle platformer based off of the famous game Tag: The Power of Paint for the TI-83 series of calculators. It features 24 original levels with a fully-functional physics-based environment, along with creative and challenging gameplay. This game was written for the Omnimaga Axe parser contest.


This game will only run at full speed on a TI-83 SE, TI-84, or a TI-84 SE calculator. It will run at reduced speeds on older calculators, i.e. the TI-83 and the TI-BE. Playing at reduced speed is not recommended, however, as it greatly impacts playability.

This game requires 17551 bytes of RAM, as well as a shell that supports Ion. It is highly recommended that you store this file in archive and use a shell such as NoShell to open it.


UP: Jump
ENTER: Pick up/drop boxes
keys around XTθN: Shoot paint/paint remover
+: Change paint type


For walkthroughs, development behind-the-scenes, and more, check out the official project site at

Post Mortem:

Runer112 - Crushed by a closing door - massive optimization help
BuilderBoy - Launched into a spike pit - physics/logic help
SirCmpwn - Deleted after the 23rd revision - sprite editor creator
DJ_O - Forced to restart - Amazing forum master, brilliant guy
thepenguin77 - Used speed gel and launched into a spike - random Q&A
Omnimaga community - Exterminated via neurotoxin- support and help

that is scary good.   :crazy:

post mortem is hilarious.

News / Re: Omnimaga 2011 Programming Contest, Part #1: Axe Parser
« on: July 15, 2011, 03:09:58 pm »
Well, I don't actually have a readme.  I'm making one soon though.

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