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Messages - yunhua98

Pages: 1 ... 51 52 [53] 54 55 ... 184
I have 2.43 and 2.53MP on my thumb drive and computer.  I also have ROMs for them.  ;)

Humour and Jokes / Re: Peanuts!
« on: April 01, 2011, 04:23:21 pm »
it doesn't show up for me...

Humour and Jokes / Re: OS 2.71 Released
« on: March 31, 2011, 10:42:24 pm »
maybe they took out features...?  Although at this point I hope its a joke.

Humour and Jokes / Re: OS 2.71 Released
« on: March 31, 2011, 10:33:54 pm »
yeah, its prbably on the grpah screen or something.  :P

Humour and Jokes / Re: OS 2.71 Released
« on: March 31, 2011, 10:31:32 pm »

please tell me this is a really good photoshop...  :'(  TI has sunk lower than imagined.

Web Programming and Design / Re: ClrHome
« on: March 31, 2011, 10:30:14 pm »
is that Comic Sans font I see there?  My favorite.  :P

Humour and Jokes / Re: OS 2.71 Released
« on: March 31, 2011, 10:25:46 pm »
we'll find out soon enough.  ;)  Although if it is, DJ wouldn't tell you before April 1st is even here, right?  :P  Although based on IRC, I hope this is a joke...

EDIT:  triple? ninja'd

Web Programming and Design / Re: ClrHome
« on: March 31, 2011, 10:20:23 pm »
Tell me this is an April Fools joke.  :P  Although thats pretty epic.  ;)

TI Z80 / Re: Axe Block Breaker
« on: March 31, 2011, 10:12:00 pm »
okay, here we go:

There are four levels.  Press Mode to "Restart" in my weird way since it doesn't really work yet.  Clear to quit.  2nd to break blocks or throw a block you have in your hands.  Alpha to pick a block up.  Moving controls same as block dude.  ;)
You can break the "White" blocks, the checkered ones will fall if its ontop of ones you break.  And the arrow ones you can pick up.  ;)

EDIT:  ohm, I'm not beating the last two levels so you guys will have to figure it out yourself.  :P

Humour and Jokes / Re: OS 2.71 Released
« on: March 31, 2011, 10:01:07 pm »
Querty.55 -> Can you take some photos/screenshots?

Sorry, but I'm on a school computer, not my own. I'll try to get home ASAP, but it'll take me a while.

If you're on a school computer that doesn't even let you make photos/screenshots, how were you able to flash the new OS on your calculator in the 1st place ? . . .

So let's sum up things: strangely, everybody who got a 2.71 copy have computer access problems...
I hope it's just a coincidence...

Qwerty has 2.71MP?  So who else has it.  :D

Humour and Jokes / Re: OS 2.71 Released
« on: March 31, 2011, 09:53:12 pm »
* yunhua98 is confused now.

TI Z80 / Re: The Journeys of Pyyrix the Thief
« on: March 31, 2011, 06:28:54 pm »
awesome!  I'm going to send that to my calc as soon as I get home.  ;)

TI Z80 / Re: Axe Block Breaker
« on: March 31, 2011, 06:26:04 pm »
well, it was originally going to to be a merge, leaning more to the blockbreaker side, but I'm going to go off the course a little bit more.  ;)  Maybe kinda like how Trapped had a lot of different elements from Blockdude but it was definitely different from blockdude.

TI Z80 / Re: Axe Block Breaker
« on: March 31, 2011, 05:57:42 pm »

Update!  :D  I'm really ripping off of Blockdude and BlockBreaker now.  :P  I added the ability to pick up blocks and put them down to make up for the difficulty lost by my removing of the energy concept.  ;)  They might be a little glitchy when you throw it at a wall of something though.  I also added two more levels.  And yes, the 4th level IS solvable.  You'll see what I mean when I upload it sometime soon.  ;)  I'll try to get more levels in the meantime.  ATM the program is 5401 bytes.  But hopefully, I'll only need to add levels after this.  I also plan on supporting external level packs.  ;)

News / Re: CX officially delivered with slide-case in France
« on: March 31, 2011, 05:52:46 pm »
wow, france does get all the good stuff, we need more competitors for TI here in the US too.  :P

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