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Messages - yunhua98

Pages: 1 ... 53 54 [55] 56 57 ... 184
Project M (Super Mario) / Re: When is project M coming out??
« on: March 28, 2011, 06:22:23 pm »
Thats what Project M is.  ;)

No, I mean an exact replica of it for the ti-84 nothing different, or at least a mario game with a racoon suit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think calc84 plans on adding the suits and flying, etc.  He had a screenie at one point with flying.  ;)

Correlation / Re: Correlation Beta Bug Reports
« on: March 28, 2011, 06:18:51 pm »
ah, okay, thanks, I think I forgot the map mode part.  ;)
also, for the 8xps, I can't upload them at school, so I'll probably just type out the part thats glitchy, or you can wait til weekends to fix bugs I encounter.  ;)  No pressure.

Oh, okay.  I actually should be fine, and thanks for explaining.  What are your starting and ending character numbers?  I'm asking because you and Qwerty.55 use the same bitmap, but when I use Qwerty's font I get an "ERR:OUT OF RANGE"

oh, he used a messed up version (I think) that started at 41, since he thought it was decimal.  ;)

Project M (Super Mario) / Re: When is project M coming out??
« on: March 28, 2011, 06:17:09 pm »
Thats what Project M is.  ;)

Correlation / Re: Correlation Beta Bug Reports
« on: March 28, 2011, 05:30:56 pm »
ah, okay, thanks, I think I forgot the map mode part.  ;)
also, for the 8xps, I can't upload them at school, so I'll probably just type out the part thats glitchy, or you can wait til weekends to fix bugs I encounter.  ;)  No pressure.

Project M (Super Mario) / Re: Project M Reboot
« on: March 28, 2011, 05:27:36 pm »
There is a rule regarding double posts here:
The only time double-posting is allowed (posting two messages in a row in the same topic) is either if there has been 6 hours since your last post, 3 hours if your thread has been bumped out of the New Posts page, 1 hour if it's a project update or immediately if you need to upload more than 10 file attachments at once. Otherwise, update the last post using the "EDIT" button. It will be marked as unread for all members (altough it won't bump the thread).

The full set are here:;sa=page;p=2
read these so you won't be caught by surprise.  ;)  that said, welcome here.

and as for calc84, of course he knows Ashbad!  Ashbad is the one we all like to eat after all.  ;D

Miscellaneous / Re: Ti-Freakware has a new forum!
« on: March 28, 2011, 04:47:46 pm »
Its blocked at my school...

Correlation / Re: Correlation Beta Bug Reports
« on: March 28, 2011, 04:37:25 pm »
My sprites show up right if I hard code it, but if I use a for loop, the sprites get corrupted.  And I don't know how else to make a scrolling tile map display routine.

Code: [Select]
Correlation on stuff
:int("BETAFONT  //same as Qwerty attached I think
Correlation off

could someone try this?  I can't make a screenie right now.  ;)

Correlation / Re: Correlation Beta Bug Reports
« on: March 27, 2011, 07:20:58 pm »
Font is attached.

Code: [Select]

EDIT:  Also, how do I clear the screen?

Correlation / Re: Correlation Beta Bug Reports
« on: March 27, 2011, 07:13:50 pm »
When I had my font archived, it says invalid font, unarchiving it works.

News / Re: Axe 0.5.1 Update
« on: March 27, 2011, 06:51:47 pm »
:P Things happen, everyone.  Remember when Correlation Beta was supposed to be released in January?  Axe Parser is the best it can be because of the time and effort put into it!

Thanks for Axe Parser, Quigibo, and thanks for the news article, yunhua98!

now I just havfe to convert that into a summary for the newsletter...  And find an interview subject...  :P

News / Re: Axe 0.5.1 Update
« on: March 27, 2011, 06:45:08 pm »
The first Newsletter said something about it being released like February 1st.  XD  But its still awesome regardless.

My fav word is cancrizans (moving backwards).
I also like widdershins (counter-clockwise), cattywompus (misaligned, askew, out of wack), antimacassar, illlit (poorly lit), cant (multiple meanings),  deleterious, and many others.
Edit: What Stefan Bauwens posted, too.
It.  A.  The.  Short and simple :P
One of my personal favorites is defenestration, the act of throwing something (esp. a person) out of a window

me too.  :P

I like how it comes from de, meaning down, and fenestrus, -i, meaning window.  :P

I mentioned this on IRC at one point when jimbauwens decided to throw someone out the window.  XD

Another weird combo: take the 's' out of "slaughter" and you get "laughter" O.O
Chuck Norris put that in there.  :P

News / Axe 0.5.1 Update
« on: March 27, 2011, 06:28:22 pm »
Yes, Axe finally updated...

This new Axe update brings the new command of getKeyr, Compile menu information, and many optimizations and bug fixes.  Download it now Here.

Original Post:
Axe Parser
Epsilon 0.5.1

New Features:
  • New getkey for grabbing key combinations.
  • Compile menu tells you the shell settings to avoid accidental compiles.
  • DispGraph is now significantly faster.
  • New command to check string equality.
  • Lots of new optimizations (Thanks again to Runer112!)

  • Fixed Axiom system when reading commands with single r modifiers.
  • Fixed MemKit axiom bugs.
  • Corrected typo in help menu.
  • not() can be used in expressions.
  • Fixed Ptr->DispGraph bug.

As Quigibo's signature says, Axe Parser v1.0 is 90% completed!  Already, it has brought forth many new great games, as seen in the exploding Other Calc Related Projects and Ideas Board.  The majority of new projects started on Omnimaga are developed in Axe, and all of them show its abilities.  We all hope Quigibo will finish 1.0.0 soon, but hope he won't stop development after version 1.0.0!

KnightOS / Re: KnightOS
« on: March 26, 2011, 09:38:45 pm »
GAAAAH I'm going to explode if I don't work on this soon!
same with me for my projects.  XD  Progress is slow.  But yeah, it'll be awesome when this gets finished.  ;)

News / Re: Correlation Beta Now Available
« on: March 26, 2011, 08:33:43 pm »
I tried compiling a font today using both bmp28xp and the GUI one, but both generated files say "Incompatible type' when sending with TI_Connect.  ???

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