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Messages - yunhua98

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Axe / New Tilemapping Tutorial With Example
« on: March 11, 2011, 04:18:08 pm »
Note:  Anyone can put this tutorial on their website/blog/etc as long as they credit me and link it here.  You probably want to include the example programs as well.  ;)

First, Clarifications:
-Can be used for RPGs
-Harder to use for platformers, but probably doable
-Allows for 255 different types of tiles in one map (more than enough.   :P)
-Easy map switching
-Implemented smoothscrolling in example can be taken out.
-Easily convertible to Greyscale
-This isn't the best code, if you can optimize it go ahead, I just can't explain it well if its too optimized.  ;)
-I left out a couple of "0C"s in the data, I could leave out more, I know.  :P
-All example code is from the example program unless said otherwise.

Now, for the Tutorial:

Store your sprite data:

I find it easiest to store the Character sprites first.  Point the first one to Pic1 and let the rest be relative to that pointer.
After that, point the "ground tile" to Pic0.  This tile will be represented by "00" later in the data.  This tile is also the one you can always walk on.
The other tiles will also be relative to this pointer, increasing by 8 to get to the next tile.  This is more organized if you comment above each piece of data, saying what it is and what number it is.  Remember to count in Hex here.

Code: [Select]

Next, keeping the number for each tile in mind, write them out and lay it out like a map, as in:

Code: [Select]

Looking back, remember the "0C"s are boundaries, "01"s are trees, and "00"s are ground tile, etc.
Too keep it organized, I suggest entering the data for each row on a separate line.  Point the first one to GDB1, and let the rest be relative.
When you enter another map, point it to a different GDB, and when you switch maps, Copy a map to a temp pointer, such as GDB0, and just always use GDB0 when mapping.


Movement engine:

Keep in mind that this engine is written such that your character stays in the same location on screen, and the map moves around him.

Zero the pointers you need to be 0 first
Code: [Select]
The {r1} is the one in VARS>Y-VARS>Polar>r1, its the variable telling how much the character pointer should add to to display a sprite facing the direction your moving.
The P and Q are the "psuedo-coordinates" of the top corner of the screen on the map data.  We're basically pretending its an array.  So P=0 and Q=0 would correspond to the tile in the top left corner being a "0C" tile, or, a black one.  And the rest of the tiles shown on the screen will be relative to that.  Just look at the "array", and go down Q rows and go right P bytes, a byte being two digits.

V, H, I, and J are just variable to make sure each time you press a arrow key, you only go to a direction 8 pixels at a time, but with smooth scrolling.  The smooth scrolling will be better explained later on.

Code: [Select]
:Repeat getKey(15)
:.P+(getKey(3) and (({Z+1+GDB1}=0) or ({Z+1+GDB1}=11)))-(getKey(2) and (({Z-1+GDB1}=0) or ({Z-1+GDB1}=11)))→P
:.Q+(getKey(1) and (({Z+24+GDB1}=0) or ({Z+24+GDB1}=11)))-(getKey(4) and (({Z-24+GDB1}=0) or ({Z-24+GDB1}=11)))→Q
:If getKey(3) and (I=0) and (J=0) and (({Z+1+GDB1}=0) or ({Z+1+GDB1}=11))
:If getKey(2) and (I=0) and (J=0) and (({Z-1+GDB1}=0) or ({Z-1+GDB1}=11))
:If getKey(1) and (I=0) and (J=0) and (({Z+24+GDB1}=0) or ({Z+24+GDB1}=11))
:If getKey(4) and (I=0) and (J=0) and (({Z-24+GDB1}=0) or ({Z-24+GDB1}=11))
:If getKey(1) or (getKey(2)) or (getKey(3)) or (getKey(4)
:If H-8=0 or (H+8=0
:If V-8=0 or (V+8=0
:.If Y≠Z

The parts that are commented out are for scrolling by 8 pixels at a time (i.e. not smooth scrolling)  Uncomment those and comment/delete the If clauses with getkey(1-4) in them.  (but not the one that involves storing things into theta)

Smooth Scrolling:
H and V are constantly being incremented by I and J respectively.  When you aren't moving, I and J are 0, when you move, I and J change to (-)1 depending where you're going.  When H or V equal 8, they get reset to 0 and 8 is added/subtracted to/from P or Q, depending on whether you went Horizontally or Vertically.

Collision detection:
Collision detection is a simple matter of finding out where you are on our "array" and checking whats above, below, and beside you.  to find the number of bytes you are away from GDB1, you would take Q, multiply it by you "array's" width, add P, and add 101, in this case, since that gets you from the top corner of the screen to the place where your body is.  Now, just check if {Z (the variable with your distance from GDB1) plus GDB1 +/- 1/[width of your array]}  To check to your left/right, +/- 1, to check above and below, +/- 24, in this case, that being the width of our "array."

Map Drawing

You may have noticed the "sub(MAP)" in the above code, calling the subroutine "MAP."

The map routine is very simple.  Use the vars P and Q to find the distance from GDB1 to the top left corner of your screen, as shown in below source.  And then use two for loops to increment by 1 to find the next tile, until you reach 12 tiles, and then skip to the next line, and display 12 tiles, and display 8 rows of twelve tiles.

Code: [Select]
:Lbl MAP

Attached below is a screenie of the Example program and the source/executable

Other / Re: Let's learn OOP!
« on: March 11, 2011, 03:18:15 pm »
Why do you say Java has the most powerful OOP system?

he says its just his opinion.  I may have misunderstood you, but Omnimaga's not a place for debating which language is the best.  ;)  Unless the topic is a poll to find out which is the community favorite.  ;)
I know he said it was his opinion, that's why I said "why do you say" not "why is". I'm simply asking him to elaborate on his opinion about a language that is directly related to the topic. He wants us to learn OOP, I want to learn what about Java OOP he thinks makes it the best. I'm not debating him, I'm asking him a question.

kk, thats why I asked whether I misunderstood it.  ;)

Well here it is, although its still not finished, since you can't score points.  (I'm lazy.  :P)  I'll fix that and get it up soon.  ;)

messed up message at end, ignore.  ;)

BASKETBL is executable, AXBASKET is source.

move ball around with arrows, 2nd to shoot, hold down to shoot unnaturally high, press clear after your shot.  I'll make it nicer later.  ;)

Other / Re: Let's learn OOP!
« on: March 11, 2011, 02:40:49 pm »
Why do you say Java has the most powerful OOP system?

he says its just his opinion.  I may have misunderstood you, but Omnimaga's not a place for debating which language is the best.  ;)  Unless the topic is a poll to find out which is the community favorite.  ;)

confirmed dead: ~300
missing: don't know yet

I just heard about it.  D:
We got a 4.1 earthquake in West TN area about two weeks ago, and theres supposed to be a major earthquake every 200 years on the New Madrid fault, so...

TI 68K / Re: Block Breaker
« on: March 11, 2011, 11:52:43 am »
don't worry about that.  ;)

I really kinda modified the Blockdude sprite lol, changed its legs so it looked better.  I only made the front/back sprite by myself.  Its kinda my generic arcade character sprite now.  :P

Art / Re: Super Mario Bros 2 sprite request
« on: March 11, 2011, 11:05:06 am »
Super Mario.  ;)

EDIT:  and Koopas and Goombas.  :P

Ash: Phoenix / Re: Ash: Phoenix
« on: March 11, 2011, 10:15:00 am »
some random guy on the street that tags along and turns out to be a very old wise mentor ready to teach you anything.  :D

Correlation / Re: Correlation Progress
« on: March 11, 2011, 10:04:26 am »
hmm...  could I get an alpha version to play with?  I have a lot of free time this week up to like next wednesday/thursday, and I don't mind bugs, its one of the advantages to having two calcs.  ;)

Other Calculators / Re: Nostalgia
« on: March 11, 2011, 09:55:29 am »
umm...  what does this have to do with Nostalgia?

oh, its a separate topic.  :P  I thought this was FinaleTI's game.  :-[

the emulator is called tezxas I think.  ;)

Axe / Re: Checking location in Tilemap and changing GDB value.
« on: March 10, 2011, 06:29:42 pm »
If each level's the same size, you could do this.

Let S be the size of your levels (in bytes)
Code: [Select]
:0->L  \\for level number
:.Next Level
:Lbl NXT
:Copy(GDB1+L,GDB0,S)  \\make sure your leves are stored in order if you do it this way!!

Axe / Re: Checking location in Tilemap and changing GDB value.
« on: March 10, 2011, 06:21:15 pm »
ok, I see...
This will probably be covered on my upcoming tutorial, except this doesn't have scrolling...

What I said above should work.  ;)

but to be more specific, the tile your on is your characters Y coordinate * 5 + your characters X coordinate all divided by 8  ;)

and to store different tiles to the data, just do 'new tile #'->{'position'+GDB1}

Axe / Re: Checking location in Tilemap and changing GDB value.
« on: March 10, 2011, 06:05:06 pm »
when your modifying a specific tile in the program, you can do this:

Code: [Select]
Assuming you've already stored your data,
:'new tile #'->{'byte #'+GDB0}

although you need to use relative pointing if you do it this way.

may I see your code?  you could PM it to me, I need to know how you're storing your data in order to help you correctly.  ;)

Axe / Re: Checking location in Tilemap and changing GDB value.
« on: March 10, 2011, 05:58:00 pm »
Does your program have scrolling?  If it does, does the character stay put while the screen shifts around it?  or does the screen stay still?  If the character stays put with the screen scrolling, read the spoiler.  ;)

if the screen stays put.  (i.e. theres only one screen)  you can have a Var and add/subtract 1
when you move sideways and add/subtract the width of the entire map when you move up and down.

And for storing a level to a temp tile map, you can just store each level to its own pointer, and have a special pointer, like GDB0 or whatever, and copy the levels to that pointer when you switch levels. 

Code: [Select]
://Data for Level1->GDB1
:when you switch levels:
and when you display the levels, just always use GDB0

Sorry if this isn't very clear.
Spoiler For Spoiler:
I think I know what your asking, tell me if its not.  ;)

lets say your position is X and Y

if your coordinates are incremented by 8 each time you move, divinde X and Y by 8, otherwise keep it as it is.  ;)

now, let W be how wide your map is, once you spread it all out, not on a calc screen.

I'm assuming you're storing your maps like this, with each byte being a tile.

Code: [Select]

then, take your Y coordinate, multiply it by W, add X, and thats the location of the top corner of your screen.

Axe / Re: Checking location in Tilemap and changing GDB value.
« on: March 10, 2011, 05:35:08 pm »
I've been working on a generic tilemapper with lots of comments, its pretty much done now, and when I upload it, I'm going to write a short tutorial explaining it.  ;)

Stay tuned, i should get it done by tomorrow.  For now, could you explain again what the problem is?

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