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Messages - z80man

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TI Z80 / Re: Powder Game
« on: April 05, 2011, 02:23:20 pm »
@Qwerty, what projects are you working on or will be working on. I think there are a few things we both have planned that I think we should share notes on. Most notably is the Axe compiler in which I'm starting to get some of the groundwork up.

News / Re: New board added & end of record 300+ post-day streak
« on: April 05, 2011, 11:28:26 am »
Yeah same here, although I doubt it. The reason why we got so many trolls at once in Feb was because nDoom was featured on several hardcore gamers sites and unfortunately most gamers on the Internet are jerks, especially FPS/RTS fans. To get that many trolls at once again we would need to get a popular game port featured again on such sites. The only other haters I could think of are people from the community that dislikes our strict policies against trolls and different humor and rude people, but these people generally don't cause us harm directly, they only say bad things in our back on certain other TI channels.

On another TI forum once, someone was complaining that most Omni members didn't go elsewhere much, but maybe there's a reason for that.I lol'ed
* z80man goes off to work on PRIZM Doom to bring all of our beloved trolls back.

.5 j/k  ::)

News / Re: New board added & end of record 300+ post-day streak
« on: April 05, 2011, 02:48:49 am »
I was just going through some other stats and one streak we need to keep up is at least 10,000 new posts per month. Last month we got 10,044 posts which just barely made it. Last time we were under 10,000 was in September. Also we almost made 1,000,000!!!  :w00t: :hyper: :w00t: :hyper: page views in March. We were just under with 943192 views. Perhaps in the near future we can reach this benchmark if we have enough cool projects. Keep up the good work everyone  :thumbsup:

TI Z80 / Re: Powder Game
« on: April 05, 2011, 01:48:44 am »
I would pick it up, but I would have to wait till summer or at least next month after AP exams because that is the only time I have to seriously code. Even the rest of my projects that I'm working on now will only make slow progress until that time. Even still I'm not so sure I would be able to work on this because I'm starting to lose interest now in z80 and Axe coding in favor of Prizm based coding. Not that I've lost any interest in the 83+ series, but it is just that I spend less time coding there than I used too. If you would prefer, this could just become a project for the Prizm?

@Qwerty, sorry to hear that things are going bad for you. I hope things get better soon.  :-[

Edit: As you can now see by my sig, I have a lot of projects to do. I have about 5 others, but I forgot to add them and they would've taken up too much room.

Edit2: I hope I don't end up alone in Prizm coding this summer  :P

Miscellaneous / Re: Concerning Our Freedom To Fail
« on: April 05, 2011, 01:31:12 am »
Whenever I see stuff like this, I think of how I can apply good programming practices to real life situations. Lets start with how I learned TI BASIC. I did not know that there was any sort of online tutorials and the such when I started. I just pushed the pgrm button on my calc and just started doing random things. After many Err Syntax and Err Arguments, stuff started happening. Through this trial and error I learned my very first programming language.

Then later on I started learning z80 asm. Now for this I got help with online tutorials because it is almost impossible to do on your own. Even still when I started to branch off from the example programs, failure confronted me all of the time in the form of crashing my calc. (honestly, you can't call yourself an asm coder if you haven't crashed your calc at least a 100 times ;)) But by experimenting and failing, I was able to learn my first assembly language. After this I started to learn many more asm languages and applied what I already knew.

Last off is true if you ever tried to learn C/C++/Java/Python/etc... In tutorials you are often encouraged to produce compile/runtime errors to see what happens. That way you know how to respond when you face difficult situations. That is what I consider a prime example of learning by failing. Now if only real life was like learning to program, then you would be encouraged to make mistakes that way you could learn. And finally, if you never make mistakes, then you are not educated nor experienced because you know of only half of what is life.

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Jack Daniels!!!
« on: April 04, 2011, 04:04:53 pm »
Hey welcome on the forums. I think I know you form somewhere else, but I don't know where ;)
Anyways good to see you on and now have some peanuts.

Khavi / Khavi: Java on the Prizm
« on: April 04, 2011, 12:34:23 am »
Many of you here have requested a java virtual machine for the Prizm. (most notably Ashbad  ;)) Well I have been studying my java bytecode and I believe that this is quite possible. If you did not know, java bytecode is a stack oriented language in which the Prizm excels at. Now I did not find any of the jazelle extensions that the arm has, but it doesn't mean that java is impossible. What can be done is code the proper functions for each of the instructions, some of which would only take 1 SH3 instruction. The other thing to do is remove all of those fancy, but unnecessary features of the JVM. Stuff like malicious code testing and maybe partial garbage collecting. So right now I'm kind of busy with about 4 other Prizm projects that I'm working on, but during the summer or maybe after the AP exams, I will have time to get started on this.

EDIT: Changed topic title to include the project name

Introduce Yourself! / Re: SALUTATIONS
« on: April 03, 2011, 11:47:12 pm »
Not if I call her first  ;)

Introduce Yourself! / Re: SALUTATIONS
« on: April 03, 2011, 11:43:58 pm »
I wish I knew a female programmer my age irl... :(

Yes, I know. We all do :P

I'll tell you if there is a girl in my programming class next year.

Casio Calculators / Re: Compiling stuff for Prizm
« on: April 03, 2011, 04:52:08 pm »
Whoa how are you doing all of this? That's pretty cool, but how do we replicate this in our programs? Last time I checked the VRAM-DMAC was still undocumented. What I think we need is a long explanation of how insight exactly works and how you created all of those routines. I don't mean to put any pressure on you Simon, but me and I assume many others are starting to fall behind on all of these new finds. I have several projects that I wish to start, but I cannot not start them yet as I don't understand all of the inner workings. For me as an asm coder it is important to know this because I can't rely on C routines. Also a few of us have no prior experience with other Casio calcs, like me, and are unfamiliar with the previous SDK and syscalls. An explanation from the ground up would be very helpful.

TI Z80 / Re: This Little Program Of Mine....
« on: April 03, 2011, 03:48:58 pm »
Logos are always cool to place at the beginning of programs if they don't take up too much size. My personal favorite has been calc84maniacs's logo at the beginning of Chip's Challenge.

Introduce Yourself! / Re: SALUTATIONS
« on: April 03, 2011, 03:45:03 pm »
Right now only Musicalgamer484 and Zeda are the only active girls here. Holmes used to be active but she hasn't been around for awhile now. My guess, school :P

btw I have yet to see a girl who can code for Casio calcs.

20 KILLED IS BS its like about 20,000.
but i have no idea why you guys think its such a HUGE disaster!
Look,no offense but its only a tiny bit of people and a pwuny patch of land! there are 109X6 people sot thats bsically some random citty with one person dead in it.
besides supernove explosions blow off 1045  joules of energy or1028x the average atom bomb.
of course no number is big, they are about a gazillion numbers bigger than a googleplex even!
earthquakes do 106 times as mucha a nuke.
and its only humans who died ,and there were going to be gone anyway. they were gone for billions of years before.
I find your post extremely offensive to those who are currently suffering in Japan or have family or friends there. I'm asking you to please edit the content of your post and to be more considerate to other people and lives

Miscellaneous / Re: 2011
« on: April 03, 2011, 03:15:16 am »
Not to be an insult or anything, but BOB! you almost have -69 respect  O.O

btw I do have a question. Are you capable of ever making a normal post without excessive smilies, bad spelling, or necroing  ???      just wondering

Casio Calculators / Re: Prizm Getkey
« on: March 25, 2011, 11:48:08 pm »
Ah ok. How would it be if someone made a language like Axe? Would we be able to do stuff like Getkey(45) and the compiler would translate back to a machine code-compatible format?
Now that you mention it, doing Getkey(45) should automatically translate the 45 value (but it would be a different, faster routine that only checks for that one key, unless it is a multiple key press test then it would be the original routine still). The k() instruction would be for more like if you used code like this.
Code: [Select]
:if A= k(45)
:if A= k(12)

I did realize one conflict if you said something like Locate 1,1,A and A happens to hold a keycode. In that case the internal keycode would be displayed instead of the mnemonic. So if you do k() on a non-constant variable, it will be a run time translation instead of a compile time one. If you do k() on a variable that contains a multiple keypress code, unfortunately null will be returned because it is impossible to translate that on variable data.

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