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Messages - z80man

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Miscellaneous / Re: Political party?
« on: September 18, 2011, 12:11:27 am »
Off Topic, but:
6. Create an emulator of the 83+ for the Prizm (not started)
that sounds amazing
Oh right I haven't updated my sig in a couple of months now. I've actually made quite a bit of progress on that now. With all the emulators I've been writing recently my skill at making them has been getting better and they are easier to write now. I"m also going to do a total rewrite of my Prizm emulator project because the last one was a fail and I know exactly what I have to do this time.

Miscellaneous / Re: Political party?
« on: September 18, 2011, 12:05:41 am »
Apparently we need to be 18 for a month before we vote :/ if not, then woot because my birthday is October 19th so I'd have plenty of time :D
That is partially true because the application process does take about a month in most states but I know here in California and probably many others, you can register to vote before your 18th birthday as long as by the time the next election day comes you will have already turned 18. Checking the schedule there is a city wide election in my district in early October so I will be able to register after that and that will leave me with plenty of time before the general election.

Miscellaneous / Re: Political party?
« on: September 17, 2011, 11:48:18 pm »
Very interesting. I myself identify myself as republican and even am a leader in my school's young republican club. Why I find this so interesting was because I can't recall there ever being a political thread before here but if anyone takes a look at cemetech's politics sub-forum you will see that the overwhelming majority of members and admins are liberal. But over here we have many more conservatives which is surprising based off how I pictured the average user here. btw I'm really looking forward to 2012 because my 18th birthday is 4 days before the general election so I'll get the chance to vote ;D

One thing I may suggest is that it would be preferably better if only people who have downloaded and tested the games on a Prizm or an emulator vote in the poll. For a game such as Sequenced just a simple screenshot doesn't do justice to the originality that can only be experienced by a real player. I'm not trying to change the results here, but making it more fair for everyone else. 

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: Fun Little C++ Pointless Program
« on: September 17, 2011, 02:55:52 am »
With a few modifications your first version will compile under Linux but the second version will not because it relies on conio.h which was originally designed for MS DOS. btw try to avoid to avoid system() calls as they are very platform specific. For some of functionality you need though higher level libraries are needed which will require you to leave the console. Part of the problem is just that consoles don't work very well for graphical apps.

Miscellaneous / Re: Has this happened in your school?
« on: September 17, 2011, 02:16:31 am »
For me Catholic school doesn't always mean good clean students. Drugs do happen quite often and because of that there are random drug tests year round for all students. So far I believe I've been tested about three times. It's only after you're caught the third time that you are guaranteed to be expelled but after the second time the school considers the possibility though. But I could never do drugs because I value my athleticism, health, intelligence and (man parts :/ eg steroids) very much

Thanks for the support guys. I just wanted to check in now that I've finished my GetKey libraries which surprisingly ended up at being 265 lines of code :P One thing to note though is that they aren't tested yet at all so it may be another night before I get them out. I have maybe a 5% chance of everything working on my first compilation due to the pointer and type casting complexity I used. I do hope many people choose to use these because they really simplify coding especially if you work a lot with multiple key presses. For example a line of code to test if the user is pressing the up and left arrow simultaneously would read,

The most obvious part you will notice is that the key constants are bit wise or'd with each other to create the value to be tested for. It is even possible to or every single key together to test if the user is pressing all the keys at once.  Also MULTI_MENU_OFF is one of many flags you can pass, with this one in particular preventing the user from exiting to the menu. Other flags also affect menu key behavior, add blocking, and so on. Once released I'll attach a full documentation and a program showcasing all of the features.

Other / Re: What computer OS do you use?
« on: September 16, 2011, 02:38:57 am »
I installed Gentoo on my computer but couldn't get it to work properly. Right now I'm using Fedora, Mint, and 7.

Sorry guys due to multiple delays and an increasingly busy schedule I'm not able to make the deadline in time. Even though the contest is over I've already put so much work into Plants vs. Zombies that there is no reason to cancel it. If my schedule is light this weekend then hopefully I'll be able to get a release out. btw one good thing came out of all of this. Because I wanted to make the techniques I used in PvZ available to everyone else I've spent more time than I should have on creating libraries. If my testing goes well in about 2 hours I'll try to release my finished getkey library which contains just about every keyboard related function you could ask for including unlimited multi key testing, wait for key press, blocking, enable/disable menu key and so on.

Edit: 869 posts and 69 respect  :-\

Casio Calculators / Re: On-calc C compiler for 9860
« on: September 13, 2011, 07:29:38 pm »
I'm going to later on but right now it is a fairly low priority. There is still plenty of documentation to be done and I have a shell to write also.

News / Re: Omnimaga Rules Update
« on: September 13, 2011, 02:31:37 am »
I like this cause many people would consider my programming style very sloppy (think int integer1, integer2, integer3;) lack of comments, minimal use of standard libraries, pointer abuse, random inlined asm code, type cast abuse, and other hackish obfuscations. Maybe not the best way to code for most people but as long as I get stuff done and it works I see no problem.

TI-Nspire / Re: More optimized,faster Ti 84+ emulation on Ti nspire(Idea)
« on: September 13, 2011, 02:22:49 am »
Well it just so happens I've been making minor progress on a 83+ emulator for the prizm. My idea now has been to code it entirely in C for the purpose of a fast release and easier debugging. Then once released I will over time convert it into full superH asm code. A possible idea is that someone could modify my C code to work for the nspire which I don't believe will be all that difficult due to the similar architectures and the fact that emulators rely on virtually no syscalls. The adjustments would only have to be in the file system (which would be very easy), screen (my routines would be better suited for the CX because the prizm also has a 16 bit color screen but it doesn't have C yet :P), keyboard, timer, remove serial port routines (sorry but the nspire doesn't have one :( ) , and usb which I have no idea on how to use yet. How does that sound to everyone?

Other / Re: Types of USB Flash Drives
« on: September 13, 2011, 02:10:14 am »
Are there ESATA flash drives?
Nope and there never will be. The problem with esata unlike usb is that the interface does not include a power source so even though an esata flash drive is technically possible it would require an external power source which is really no better than those external backup drives.

Khavi / Re: Khavi: Java on the Prizm
« on: September 12, 2011, 09:36:28 pm »
Once the Prizm contest ends this Thursday feel free to ask me for any help with routines, libraries, memory management, multi threading, and so on. I'd really like to see some test examples running soon.

Miscellaneous / Re: Coding Font
« on: September 12, 2011, 09:26:03 pm »
My favorite ide has always been notepad++ because of its compatibility with most porgramming languages and the ability to easily add others. I prefer to code on a black background and then notepad++ chooses a variety of fonts based off what i'm typing, so keywords are one font and comments may be another.

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