The Casio Prizm is going to bring a new era to calc development. Its biggest feature being the 216x384 16 bit color screen. This as many know will expand the possibilities of what was previously thought possible on a calc. No longer will we be restricted to low resolution monochrome screens. As a result a list of what the community wants to accomplish throughout the next few years will help serve as a guide to developers.
TI 83+/nspire emulator: There are many great games currently on ticalc. Porting them to the the Prizm will take a long time and will be impossible for some games in which the original source code has been lost. An emulator will be a difficult project to achieve though. All the ports and hardware would have to be emulated properly to allow games that use grayscale and acsess the archive and usb port to run properly.
Overclocking: Hopefully the Prizm can be clocked far past 29mhz in software. If overclocking requires physical alteration of the calc many people will not be able to enjoy games that utilize that ability. If overclocking is done care must be taken to ensure that other people's calcs are not damaged by malicious code.
Axe: After running several tests Prizm basic seems quite slow. This is most visible in any form of drawing operation. Therefore Axe will need to be ported to the Prizm allowing great games to be written much faster (both actual time to write code and speed)
Archive: The current restraints of 16mb of archive put a limit on future development. External archive additions will need to be created to open up more possibilities. Doing this though will require great knowlege on the Prizm's ports and usb protocols.
Video: This could be the first time we see real looking video on a calc. The proc seems fast enough to support it and the screen has a high resolution with 16 bits of color. The only modification needed will probaly be more archive space.
Wifi: Using this could open up many paths for development. Users will be able to connect from much farther than 3 feet away on a cord. Imagine playing a 2 person version of Phoenix on your calc with someone thousands of miles away. We could even make omnimaga accsessible from your calc.