Alright, here are some of my ideas for my current project Elmgon:
You are in the land of Elmgon, a land quite similar to our own, where good is kept by the 7 crystals of Elmgon. These crystals are also a source of energy for mages. The crystals are very powerful, and they are set up in a sancuary so all may use thier power. If someone obtains one crystal, it dosn't matter because for the power of the crystals to change hands, one person must obtain all seven crystals. At the benining of the game you and another guard must guard these crystals at the sanctuary, but the crystals are stolen by the other guard. You chase the thief, but he gets away. You must recover the crystals before the Mages lose thier power forever. Some of the mages are even controled by "the other side" (No name yet, but the thief is one of them) and almost kill you multiple times.
There are 7 chapters, and in each you recover a crystal.
Each chapter takes place in a different area, so there will be 8 areas in the game. (There will be a main town as an area also)
The game play will be sidescrolling, with towns sidescrolling as well.
This is in Pure Basic, except for prgmXCOPY.
Graphics like Serenity (Dual Layer, offset 1, with no vertical gap), only 15*9 instead of 14*9. this gives me 5 pixles to the right of the screen that will have something different for each chapter.
I have been inspired the most by Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door and Illusiat 13.
Look like Illusiat 13.
Battles can be:
You vs 1
You vs 2
You vs 3
You vs 4
You vs 5
You plus a NCP vs 1
You plus a NCP vs 2
You plus a NCP vs 3
You plus a NCP vs 4
You plus a NCP vs 5
There will be 4 magic types plus a normal type.
You will be able to have 6 moves at a time, plus all your items, which you can have up to 20.
These 6 will be chosen by the user. You may only have combinations of moves that you have enough skill for. Skill will go up with level. You can change combinations of moves anytime outside of battle.
There will probably be 25 to 75 moves in the game, but some of these cannot be learned by you. (Enemys know these)
There will probably be over 100 different enemys in the game.
The style of enemys (ASCII) is like Illusiat also.
You will always know you opponets health.
This game will not fit on an 83+ unless I divide it up, which of course I will. I'm estimating that it will be big.
These 3 screenshots show:
1: Main Menu
2: Two Battles
I have not worked much on the battle engine, so this is kinda rough. I just added it to show you what they will look like.
I ran from the second battle, even though it said I couldn't. I havn't added that check yet.
3: The Movement Engine
I only have one room for testing, but it lets you see what movement will be like.
I have used various placeholders, some from the Illusiat series. These will most likely not be in the game.
The screenshots all are at 84+se speed.
Let me know what you think!