Yay, as Builderboy (but only him until now) already knows, I'm working on a game with graphics like Serenity so I'll use this a lot.
It looks good, only I'll have to void Builderboy's warrenty and modify it for 9*15 instead of 9*14.
Lol I think everyone will have one now
But I guess this can be a good idea to have map editors for many map formats instead of just one. I personally wish I had one for ASCII but faster than Vuurrobin's
Okay, I'll make my own map editor for 16*8 maps on the homescreen that will either save to Str1 or Matrix A and release it on Monday. Add one to the map editors recently released count then.
Another Edit:
I tried to load and it Errored, saying prgmDisplay is missing...