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Re: Reuben 3 teasers / change / stuff
« Reply #75 on: August 25, 2016, 09:20:57 am »
Thanks for your bug-hunting!
Little bug report:

- There's no message telling you whenever you received some stuff (bottles, ticks, pickaxes, ...)
That is why you read the dialog ;)
Still there sometimes are none at all xD So you should maybe add it anyways :)
As discussed on irc, you are already told what you recieve via the dialog

- could you probably deactivate this automated walking around / dodging of objects for all interactive stuff like switches? They're hard to target like that...
That's why you hit 2nd while approaching a target, you won't auto-align to walkable areas then.
everytime I release the 2nd key it then asks if yi wanted to drink my stupid water...
probably still auto-deactivate for interactive objects? ;)
I haven't thought that one through, occupying one key with two functionalities....what do you think? Maybe only be able to use the item while standing still?

New bugs:
once you break the rocks blocking the nortern path but leave the screen by walking around, its blocked again.
That is because the engine isn't state-aware. Same goes for shrubs - you destroy them and re-enter the tilemap they are back.
However, as I saw these rocks as a major keypoint in the story i manually added a switch so that they stay gone :)

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Re: Reuben 3 teasers / change / stuff
« Reply #76 on: August 25, 2016, 09:29:55 am »
- could you probably deactivate this automated walking around / dodging of objects for all interactive stuff like switches? They're hard to target like that...
That's why you hit 2nd while approaching a target, you won't auto-align to walkable areas then.
everytime I release the 2nd key it then asks if yi wanted to drink my stupid water...
probably still auto-deactivate for interactive objects? ;)
I haven't thought that one through, occupying one key with two functionalities....what do you think? Maybe only be able to use the item while standing still?
people are gonna think its a bug if you cant drink while walking...
You should rather only make drinking possible using the MODE item menu (2nd isnt in use there yet - just select bottle and use 2nd to drink) ;)
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Re: Reuben 3 teasers / change / stuff
« Reply #77 on: August 25, 2016, 09:33:08 am »

people are gonna think its a bug if you cant drink while walking...
You should rather only make drinking possible using the MODE item menu (2nd isnt in use there yet - just select bottle and use 2nd to drink) ;)
That wouldn't work with items such as the hookshot or bombs, though.

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Re: Reuben 3 teasers / change / stuff
« Reply #78 on: August 25, 2016, 09:35:55 am »

- could you probably deactivate this automated walking around / dodging of objects for all interactive stuff like switches? They're hard to target like that...
That's why you hit 2nd while approaching a target, you won't auto-align to walkable areas then.
everytime I release the 2nd key it then asks if yi wanted to drink my stupid water...
probably still auto-deactivate for interactive objects? ;)
I haven't thought that one through, occupying one key with two functionalities....what do you think? Maybe only be able to use the item while standing still?
people are gonna think its a bug if you cant drink while walking...
You should rather only make drinking possible using the MODE item menu (2nd isnt in use there yet - just select bottle and use 2nd to drink) ;)
Then use ALPHA to trigger/use the currently equipped item? ;)
Probably want to add a <none> for people that dont want to always have item equipped...
Also you shoud add a "current weapon" menu where you can equip any weapon you already unlocken :)
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Re: Reuben 3 teasers / change / stuff
« Reply #79 on: August 25, 2016, 09:37:36 am »
Then use ALPHA to trigger/use the currently equipped item? ;)
Probably want to add a <none> for people that dont want to always have item equipped...
Also you shoud add a "current weapon" menu where you can equip any weapon you already unlocken :)
That would add another level of complexity to the move engine....currently it only knowsof Y=, 2nd, mode, del and the arrow keys. WINDOW, ZOOM, TRACE, GRAPH act as arrow keys

EDIT: Actually using alpha sounds like a very good idea, i'll try nevertheless

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Re: Reuben 3 teasers / change / stuff
« Reply #80 on: August 25, 2016, 09:41:24 am »
- could you probably deactivate this automated walking around / dodging of objects for all interactive stuff like switches? They're hard to target like that...
That's why you hit 2nd while approaching a target, you won't auto-align to walkable areas then.
everytime I release the 2nd key it then asks if yi wanted to drink my stupid water...
probably still auto-deactivate for interactive objects? ;)
I haven't thought that one through, occupying one key with two functionalities....what do you think? Maybe only be able to use the item while standing still?
people are gonna think its a bug if you cant drink while walking...
You should rather only make drinking possible using the MODE item menu (2nd isnt in use there yet - just select bottle and use 2nd to drink) ;)
Then use ALPHA to trigger/use the currently equipped item? ;)
Probably want to add a <none> for people that dont want to always have item equipped...
Also you shoud add a "current weapon" menu where you can equip any weapon you already unlocken :)
That would add another level of complexity to the move engine....currently it only knowsof Y=, 2nd, mode, del and the arrow keys. WINDOW, ZOOM, TRACE, GRAPH act as arrow keys

EDIT: Actually using alpha sounds like a very good idea, i'll try nevertheless
Whatfor do you support Y=, window, zoom, trace and Graph, too ???
Isn't it much simpler to use teh arrows, 2nd to interact, mode for menu and del to leave? (and now Alpha for item)
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Re: Reuben 3 teasers / change / stuff
« Reply #81 on: August 25, 2016, 09:43:20 am »
Whatfor do you support Y=, window, zoom, trace and Graph, too ???
Isn't it much simpler to use teh arrows, 2nd to interact, mode for menu and del to leave? (and now Alpha for item)
It's because of the way the hardware is set up. The keys are grouped into multiple keygroups, where you can check the keypresses of each keygroup.
the top row + 2nd + mode + del is a key group and the arrow keys are a key group. I check both simutainiously, thus i can't differentiate between f2-f5 and the arrow keys, which is fine since nobody uses those anyways xP

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Re: Reuben 3 teasers / change / stuff
« Reply #82 on: August 25, 2016, 09:56:48 am »
why do you refuse to quote? :'(

Actually that's still super strange for me... just tried my last axe program and it wasnt reacting on ZOOM or TRACE? xD
How could it be that Axe is better than ASM  especially ince Axe is written in asm? O.o
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Re: Reuben 3 teasers / change / stuff
« Reply #83 on: August 25, 2016, 09:59:27 am »
Actually that's still super strange for me... just tried my last axe program and it wasnt reacting on ZOOM or TRACE? xD
How could it be that Axe is better than ASM  especially ince Axe is written in asm? O.o
That is because i did a certain optimization that axe doesn't do to prevent these issues. However that also results in longer&slower code

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Re: Reuben 3 teasers / change / stuff
« Reply #84 on: August 25, 2016, 10:02:02 am »
you mean axe did it but you didnt, so you get these bugs but your code is faster? ;D
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Re: Reuben 3 teasers / change / stuff
« Reply #85 on: August 26, 2016, 06:56:11 am »
Looks like walking onto a door is winning *yay*

Also, i kinda need a 7x7 pixel sprite of flippers.... (4lvl grayscale) to indicate when you recieved them, that you can swim. My attempt of that is looking horrible... :/

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Re: Reuben 3 teasers / change / stuff
« Reply #86 on: August 28, 2016, 08:30:10 am »
Fatal bug:
- When having tried to destroy the rocks blocking northern path without already having the pickaxe unlocked, something goes wrong and the next time you try to save the game using a statue, you end up getting a ERR:UNDEFINED and ram clear. This does not happen if you already have the pickaxe :) (probably its trying to check for a var thats not defined bydefault and only gets defined as soon as you get the pickaxe or something??) :)

Other bugs:
- DEL is sometimes accepted for interactions with save statues, people and even drinking water bottle. (even over distance like 3 blocks from the statue - somethings buggy there
- spelling mistake in the "you got a pickaxe now" message
- level up-message still colliding with loading bar of batle screen
- it now enforces the user to release all keys before you continue walking after a battle - but it should probably display some "you won" message or something - else it looks like screen freezes in battle until you release the keys and realize you already won ^^
- still impossible in the MODE menu to deselect an item or select "<none>" once you selected the bottle.
- should mayybe display a "press 2ND to equip" text in mode menu? :)
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Re: Reuben 3 teasers / change / stuff
« Reply #87 on: August 28, 2016, 11:12:06 am »
Fatal bug:
- When having tried to destroy the rocks blocking northern path without already having the pickaxe unlocked, something goes wrong and the next time you try to save the game using a statue, you end up getting a ERR:UNDEFINED and ram clear. This does not happen if you already have the pickaxe :) (probably its trying to check for a var thats not defined bydefault and only gets defined as soon as you get the pickaxe or something??) :)
Was because of a stack overflow, fixed it
Other bugs:
- DEL is sometimes accepted for interactions with save statues, people and even drinking water bottle. (even over distance like 3 blocks from the statue - somethings buggy there
Maybe related to that fixed stack overflow
- spelling mistake in the "you got a pickaxe now" message
Fixed, i think
- level up-message still colliding with loading bar of batle screen
well, i didn't touch that code yet >.>
- it now enforces the user to release all keys before you continue walking after a battle - but it should probably display some "you won" message or something - else it looks like screen freezes in battle until you release the keys and realize you already won ^^
I will remove the forcing to release keys and instead add a death-animation for the enemy (in the long run)
- still impossible in the MODE menu to deselect an item or select "<none>" once you selected the bottle.
I don't see the point in that
- should mayybe display a "press 2ND to equip" text in mode menu? :)
Unfortunately a 96x64 pixel screen isn't exactly large and that is, i think, too much information to display :/

More importantly, how do you all like the indoor sprites I just attempted?

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Re: Reuben 3 teasers / change / stuff
« Reply #88 on: August 29, 2016, 02:50:29 am »
Where's the computer so you can access the pokewiki...  ???
nah just kidding it looke really nice ^^

I guess the inside of houses will always be like 1x1 or 2x1 screen sizes, what will you do?
Use the same effect of scrolling as soon as you reach the end of one screen?
Or use a custom scroll animation for the inside of houses, like focus following the player? :)

*gonna test the new version this evening :)
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Re: Reuben 3 teasers / change / stuff
« Reply #89 on: August 29, 2016, 07:59:57 am »
Where's the computer so you can access the pokewiki...  ???
nah just kidding it looke really nice ^^
I guess the inside of houses will always be like 1x1 or 2x1 screen sizes, what will you do?
Use the same effect of scrolling as soon as you reach the end of one screen?
Or use a custom scroll animation for the inside of houses, like focus following the player? :)
You'll see ^.^

So, simply walking onto door to enter houses won by far! Yay! (That was my pick, too btw :P)

Also, new polls: How should bombs behave? Should you have unlimited bombs all the time or only a limited amount and have to re-buy bombs from shops etc.?

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