• [Done] Reuben Quest: The Lost Mirror Remake 5 4

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Re: [Beta] Reuben Quest: The Lost Mirror Remake
« Reply #150 on: October 29, 2014, 03:48:38 pm »
Regarding the beach enemy bug involving the boss as random encounter, could it be why I never seem to encounter the LV 10 Metroid enemy there?

EDIT: Also, during the final battle, due to the grayscale being handled differently than in the original game and the different spriting, the battle command HUD is next to impossible to see over the boss shield. In the original game it wasn't as much of an issue because the parts that were overlapping over the boss sprite were pretty much inverted but now the attack icon is almost invisible. Not sure if much can be done about it, though, other than moving the HUD away for just this particular battle. (lol the boss sprite takes 65% of the screen)

EDIT: It seems damage is almost impossible to see either D:

EDIT: Another set of bugs:
-When the boss dies, the death animation doesn't erase him entirely. THe first 16 rows of pixels (where a background is normally located) remains intact.
-The boss death animation is the same as other bosses and enemies. In the original game, the final boss death animation lasted about 3-4 times longer.
-Normally, before the final boss convo, you see the final room for 1 second.
-The earthquake effect is very slow during the escape sequence on my calc. For the screen to go up and down, it takes about 0.7 seconds and the timer seems a little bit slower than normal seconds.
-When you hold down 2nd while moving during the escape sequence, the earthquake animation and timer both moves about 5-6 times faster.
-Zeroes are missing from the timer (minutes and when there is under 10 seconds)
« Last Edit: October 29, 2014, 04:13:44 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: [Beta] Reuben Quest: The Lost Mirror Remake
« Reply #151 on: October 29, 2014, 04:08:55 pm »
Regarding the beach enemy bug involving the boss as random encounter, could it be why I never seem to encounter the LV 10 Metroid enemy there?
Yeah those were linked and that one is also fixed

EDIT: Also, during the final battle, due to the grayscale being handled differently than in the original game and the different spriting, the battle command HUD is next to impossible to see over the boss shield. In the original game it wasn't as much of an issue because the parts that were overlapping over the boss sprite were pretty much inverted but now the attack icon is almost invisible. Not sure if much can be done about it, though, other than moving the HUD away for just this particular battle. (lol the boss sprite takes 65% of the screen)

EDIT: It seems damage is almost impossible to see either D:
Yeah imma make a special case for that then
EDIT: Another set of bugs:
-When the boss dies, the death animation doesn't erase him entirely. THe first 16 rows of pixels (where a background is normally located) remains intact.
oh right <_< I need more special cases....
-The boss death animation is the same as other bosses and enemies. In the original game, the final boss death animation lasted about 3-4 times longer.
OH, ok, i'll have to check the yt vid

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Re: [Beta] Reuben Quest: The Lost Mirror Remake
« Reply #152 on: October 29, 2014, 04:22:04 pm »
In the original game actually, the enemy death animation was just their black pixels flashing and the gray remaining intact. The same thing happened when it was their turn to attack too (kinda like in Final Fantasy) but not for as long. The difference with the final boss was that it flashed for much longer before disappearing entirely.

Also I think you missed my post edit because I added extra bugs :P

-Normally, before the final boss convo, you see the final room for 1 second.
-The earthquake effect is very slow during the escape sequence on my calc. For the screen to go up and down, it takes about 0.7 seconds and the timer seems a little bit slower than normal seconds.
-When you hold down 2nd while moving during the escape sequence, the earthquake animation and timer both moves about 5-6 times faster.
-Zeroes are missing from the timer (minutes and when there is under 10 seconds)

EDIT And another one: The bridge collapsing animation during the escape sequence is missing.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2014, 04:38:36 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: [Beta] Reuben Quest: The Lost Mirror Remake
« Reply #153 on: October 29, 2014, 05:40:21 pm »
In the original game actually, the enemy death animation was just their black pixels flashing and the gray remaining intact. The same thing happened when it was their turn to attack too (kinda like in Final Fantasy) but not for as long. The difference with the final boss was that it flashed for much longer before disappearing entirely.
i have custom die animations anyways

-Normally, before the final boss convo, you see the final room for 1 second.
will do
-The earthquake effect is very slow during the escape sequence on my calc. For the screen to go up and down, it takes about 0.7 seconds and the timer seems a little bit slower than normal seconds.
-When you hold down 2nd while moving during the escape sequence, the earthquake animation and timer both moves about 5-6 times faster.
-Zeroes are missing from the timer (minutes and when there is under 10 seconds)
All of those would be pretty hard to fix, except maybe the earthquake shaking. Making it twice faster would be rather easy, i think. Only that it would then only shake half the distance....

EDIT And another one: The bridge collapsing animation during the escape sequence is missing.
Oh, yeah, that one

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Re: [Beta] Reuben Quest: The Lost Mirror Remake
« Reply #154 on: October 29, 2014, 08:39:17 pm »
For the earthquake you could always just make it shake by multiples of three pixels, so instead of making the offset go like 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1, you could make it so it goes like 0-3-6-3. I am saying multiples of 3, because the grayscale scanlines are spread out at 3 pixels interval, so basically, shaking that way would completely eliminate the flicker that would normally happen with multiples of 1, 2 and 4.

In most SNES RPGs it's always 0-8-0-8 anyway (it shakes 30 times per second) so that the shaking effect look more intense. RPG Maker 2003 for the PC has it happen gradually like your game and it looks too smooth per earthquake standards. When the user holds down 2nd you could always just add a delay that slows the animation and timer down. Plus in the original Reuben the shaking didn't go further than a 4 pixels offset.

The issue is that currently it looks too broken and people might think the escape sequence was half-hassled compared to the original. If you are not gonna do it properly, then you might as well remove the shaking effect and timer completely instead.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2014, 08:41:48 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: [Beta] Reuben Quest: The Lost Mirror Remake
« Reply #155 on: October 30, 2014, 04:38:27 am »
Jee, I never said I wouldn't try at least, i just said it would be hard.

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Re: [Beta] Reuben Quest: The Lost Mirror Remake
« Reply #156 on: October 30, 2014, 01:43:53 pm »
Oh ok I was a bit concerned you wanted to leave it that way. >.<

That said, I tried the game again now and I think what you should do is 0-0-0-3-3-3 and so on instead of 0-3-6-3 (screen position would change every three loop iteration), because the timer is incredibly hard to read when it moves too smoothly. The shaking wouldn't be as huge, but the fact it would shake instantly would still make it look intense.

As for bugs I discovered:

-During the escape sequence, when you open the menu the screen isn't reset to 0 properly, so it overlaps on the other side of the screen.
-The bridge collapse animation during the escape is missing.
-One of the map before the final boss is missing a cloud background. It's not your fault though because in the big map you got from the walkthroughs sub-forum I removed that background, so that the map doesn't look weird, but in the original game it was to mimic what it would be like if the game had parallax scrolling. :P

What it should probably look like instead:

Sorry for poor image quality for the first one. It was ripped from the Youtube video.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2014, 02:07:33 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: [Beta] Reuben Quest: The Lost Mirror Remake
« Reply #157 on: November 01, 2014, 08:46:27 am »
I made it now so that if you hit 2ND while walking the aligning doesn't take place.

EDIT: Also, how is the earthquake now?

I am well aware that the bridge isn't collapsing yet ;)
« Last Edit: November 01, 2014, 01:25:35 pm by Sorunome »

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Re: [Beta] Reuben Quest: The Lost Mirror Remake
« Reply #158 on: November 01, 2014, 01:44:37 pm »
Ooh nice idea about 2nd :D.

As for earthquake, it's much better now, but try making it shake by 3 pixels instead of 4. I'm sure grayscale will look much better. Also before leaving the final battle room, maybe show it shake for 2 seconds like in the original game?

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Re: [Beta] Reuben Quest: The Lost Mirror Remake
« Reply #159 on: November 01, 2014, 01:47:18 pm »
Ooh nice idea about 2nd :D.

As for earthquake, it's much better now, but try making it shake by 3 pixels instead of 4. I'm sure grayscale will look much better. Also before leaving the final battle room, maybe show it shake for 2 seconds like in the original game?
I shaked it on purpose 4pxl so that the grayscale would look crappy, as the original didn't have gray at all...

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Re: [Beta] Reuben Quest: The Lost Mirror Remake
« Reply #160 on: November 01, 2014, 05:08:51 pm »
Oh right I see now lol. The only reason why the original didn't have gray is because for the 83+ there's no parser hook-based lib that can change the screen position, so the only one available had to be used and it's very slow due to that Asm(prgmNAME) VAT searching BS. I still don't get why neither Celtic III nor xLIB APP ever implemented that O.O. But I guess it gives an extra effect to the game by making everything look darker.

Actually, I could probably have used the 3 pixel trick in BASIC and keep the checkerboard tiles rather than make them black, but I think it would still have flickered like mad.

By the way, is a new beta version available with the changes so I can make sure the battle backgrounds are now the right ones? :P
« Last Edit: November 01, 2014, 05:11:45 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: [Beta] Reuben Quest: The Lost Mirror Remake
« Reply #161 on: November 01, 2014, 06:15:51 pm »
It will be after i finished all on the todo list, which is keep shrinking :P

I still need the title screen in 4lvl gray scale, though <_<

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Re: [Beta] Reuben Quest: The Lost Mirror Remake
« Reply #162 on: November 01, 2014, 06:19:42 pm »
That reminds me, I should perhaps try to make one. But it will probably be different (perhaps more based on the readme.doc)

EDIT: Ok I just realized the bitbucket version was still being updated so I tried it and so far it's very great with the issues fixed. The only thing I noticed is that:

-the beach cloud background doesn't use the new cloud tile I posted a few pages ago (that isn't as dark) isn't being used. :P

-Also when exiting, the 2nd cursor is enabled by default.

-During the escape sequence, we can swim, which is impossible in the original game (since the water becomes black)

-During the final battle, most damage numbers are still cutoff by the enemy sprite. When he casts lightning the 100's digit is cutoff, same when you use Ginseng where pretty much everything is cutoff. I think you might have to display every damage number at the top rather than just the enemy ones.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2014, 07:31:10 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: [Beta] Reuben Quest: The Lost Mirror Remake
« Reply #163 on: November 01, 2014, 07:33:45 pm »
That reminds me, I should perhaps try to make one. But it will probably be different (perhaps more based on the readme.doc)

EDIT: Ok I just realized the bitbucket version was still being updated so I tried it and so far it's very great with the issues fixed. The only thing I noticed is that:

-the beach cloud background doesn't use the new cloud tile I posted a few pages ago (that isn't as dark) isn't being used. :P
Oh, that was a different tile?
-Also when exiting, the 2nd cursor is enabled by default.
that is because you don't release the key quickly enough >:D Just ignore it for now

-During the escape sequence, we can swim, which is impossible in the original game (since the water becomes black)
Oh, right >.>

-During the final battle, most damage numbers are still cutoff by the enemy sprite. When he casts lightning the 100's digit is cutoff, same when you use Ginseng where pretty much everything is cutoff. I think you might have to display every damage number at the top rather than just the enemy ones.
Ok imma look more into that

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Re: [Beta] Reuben Quest: The Lost Mirror Remake
« Reply #164 on: November 01, 2014, 07:38:23 pm »
Yeah for the cloud tile I made an extra one where it's all 1 shade lighter:

And I see about 2nd :P. I noticed the same issue with some Axe games lol.

As for swimming during the escape I guess it isn't that much of an issue but that combined with the fact we can move diagonally in your game makes the escape sequence considerably easier than in the original. :P

For damage, you might have to try combination of everything, eg boss casting lightning, you casting lightning, using elixir, ginseng, cure, etc, to ensure that the +, MP and damage chars aren't cutoff.

EDIT: I think there is another bug by the way: When you are poisoned, the poison icon doesn't appear except when poison damage is done. In the original game, it remains displayed at any time. And lol I just noticed the original also had the final boss death bug except it's the opposite: At the end of his death animation, his head vanishes first XD

EDIT: By the way how hard will it be to implement this in pure ASM? :trollface:

« Last Edit: November 01, 2014, 09:31:04 pm by DJ Omnimaga »