Author Topic: Omni Emblem  (Read 140808 times)

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Re: Omni Emblem
« Reply #465 on: February 16, 2012, 10:19:58 pm »
I'M glad this is still alive despite JC's (permanent?) absence.

he will be back eventually. he is just having a rough time with his family still. he has been doing his damdest to stay in touch. and i can say he is doing well. just need to be patient for him to come back thats all ^^

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Re: Omni Emblem
« Reply #466 on: February 16, 2012, 10:30:32 pm »
Ah ok I thought he would have no more access until he turns 18 or something, because his parents seems as bad as SirCmpwn's, if not worse, and they're very anti-internet.

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Re: Omni Emblem
« Reply #467 on: February 16, 2012, 10:37:26 pm »
Ah ok I thought he would have no more access until he turns 18 or something, because his parents seems as bad as SirCmpwn's, if not worse, and they're very anti-internet.

ehh it might take that long >.< but he will be back eventually >.<

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Re: Omni Emblem
« Reply #468 on: February 16, 2012, 10:41:42 pm »
My only worry is that most of the time past 17 people move on from calc stuff or become too busy to do calc stuff (notice the huge amount of our older staff went inactive lately), and from experience he had work constraints so he's limited in jobs he can do, meaning he might not be able to afford internet at his appartment. X.x

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Re: Omni Emblem
« Reply #469 on: February 16, 2012, 10:46:43 pm »
My only worry is that most of the time past 17 people move on from calc stuff or become too busy to do calc stuff (notice the huge amount of our older staff went inactive lately), and from experience he had work constraints so he's limited in jobs he can do, meaning he might not be able to afford internet at his appartment. X.x

yeah that i sure he will at least finish song tho. he love that project more than most people would think

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Re: Omni Emblem
« Reply #470 on: February 17, 2012, 05:30:26 am »
Did I ever submit anything for this?
* Art_of_camelot can't remember...
Any how, I hope JC's situation improves. It sucks that he's been unable to visit. >.<

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Re: Omni Emblem
« Reply #471 on: February 17, 2012, 02:02:52 pm »
Did I ever submit anything for this?
* Art_of_camelot can't remember...
Any how, I hope JC's situation improves. It sucks that he's been unable to visit. >.<

we all do. and no you  have not submitted a thing, personally i would request you work on one of the predefined charas that need sprites and stuff from this post as i would like to start getting something done instead of just having it pile up more and more xD

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Re: Omni Emblem
« Reply #472 on: February 17, 2012, 02:08:17 pm »
I finally remembered to stop being lazy and run this through usenti. Here's Eeem's sheet, which should be 16 colorized properly.

Spoiler For Projects:

My projects haven't been worked on in a while, so they're all on hiatus for the time being. I do hope to eventually return to them in some form or another...

Spoiler For Pokemon TI:
Axe port of Pokemon Red/Blue to the 83+/84+ family. On hold.

Spoiler For Nostalgia:
My big personal project, an original RPG about dimensional travel and a few heroes tasked with saving the world.
Coding-wise, on hold, but I am re-working the story.

Spoiler For Finale's Super Insane Tunnel Pack of Doom:
I will be combining Blur and Collision Course into a single gamepack. On hold.

Spoiler For Nostalgia Origins: Sky's Story:
Prequel to Nostalgia. On hold, especially while the story is re-worked.

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Re: Omni Emblem
« Reply #473 on: February 17, 2012, 05:11:20 pm »
In other news, Frey continues kicking unprecedented levels of ass.
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Re: Omni Emblem
« Reply #474 on: February 17, 2012, 05:15:35 pm »
Looks pretty nice FinaleTI. Also I remember that Frey, it was quite nice.

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Re: Omni Emblem
« Reply #475 on: February 17, 2012, 07:32:21 pm »
right thanks frey, and cool finale ill copy that over to the post thingy

also if i get the time i may do some creative takes on the attacks for the people you have sprited finali i know i am for Rubyblaze but yeah just fyi :P

In the Spoiler is all the People that have Signed up For Omni Emblem And the assets that are available find your chara

and help us get your assets done !!!!!


For Those of you with RED tags let me know if just a repallate is enough there fast simple and can look just as good!

REd == need help
purple == PRogressing/started with assets
green Assets done
pink = done injected finished

Grey= Removed

Name: Finale (The Ruby Blaze)
Class: Myrmidon
Personality: Often overthinks situations, but isn't afraid to risk life for allies.
Death quote: "Looks like... I wasn't.... fast enough...."
Stats ranked by importance:
Con:  Can I get a bit more of an explanation on this?
Physical Appearance: Was a bit bored so... Tongue finale portrait data get this done soon!
Good to go needs blink frames and such but meh


Name : GeekinBox  or GeekBoy              ; your choice

Chibi  : ill add later once I make it xD
Portrait :  ^
Class : Valkyrie
Personality : Caring, Kind, Want to get done what needs to be when it needs to be done not later (persistent pushy insistent)
Death Quote : "Until Time Brings Us Together Again....Goodbye..."
Stats :

Con: Hefty but nimble

Physical Apperance : I want to make me a new sprite sheet if I can but the pallet i like is ; Orange hazel(bluegreen) and Dark red

Sprites in progress going threw over haul
   Spriter- Geekboy


Name: Raylin
Class: Assasin
Personality: Shy, reserved, quiet. Fun-loving to the party. Speaks with distinction.
Death Quote: "Sorry, guys. I failed you all..."

(All of these are in percentages. Please find out what the default male assassin stats are, apply these numbers to those stats and round up.)

  HP: 105%
  STR: 125%
  SKL: 125%
  SPD: 95%
  DEF: 150%
  RES: 65%
  LCK: 100%

Growth rate for all stats: 125% of normal growth rate.

CON: Big and tall.

Physical apperance: Short brown hair. Black eyes. Wardrobe is black and blue. Tan skin. Hairline scar on cheek bone.

Decide repallate or custom spriter needed for latter post in thread

Name: aeTIos
Class: Hero
Personality: Talks a lot, moves much, sometimes a bit too much.
Death Quote: That's all I could do. Noooo!
Stats: (Percentages)

  HP: 90%
  STR: 100%
  SKL: 101%
  SPD: 110%
  DEF: 100%
  RES: 80%
  LCK: (Is that Luck?) 50%

Growth rate: 100% of normal

Appearance: Not too tall, but rather fast and light. Wears a light, non-full helmet (Like the Runescape Medium helmet), and has a kiteshield.

Normal, slightly sun-browned skin, leather upper clothes. Medium muscles.

Decide repallate or custom spriter needed for latter post in thread
needs portrait and chibi still as well


Name: Sir Cmpwn
Chlbl: My avatar would be great if it can be done
Portrait: ^
Class: Knight Lord (or Pegasus Knight, maybe we can have 3 males and make them really dark, to kinda offset the standard?)
Personality: Sadistic, uncaring

Spoiler For Spoiler for quotes etc::
"Why do I bother with the likes of you?"
"Your demise was easy to arrange."
"If there is special, tortuous place in your faith after death, prepare to make a visit."
"You're going to die anyway, just kill yourself and make my job easier."
"The sight of you makes me fear for humanity."

Death quote: "Humanity is doomed anyway."
  HP: 90%
  Str: 75%
  Mgc: 50%
  Skl: 150%
  Spd: 125%
  Def: 80%
  Res: 100%
  Lck: 80%
The goal here is to sacrifice power for accuracy.
Con: Large
Appearance: Non-human, like something corrupted (see my avatar), hooded
... not sure on this guy discuss with team


Name: Juju
Chibi: [This is a placeholder]
Portrait: [This is also a placeholder]
Class: One of the 3 males Sir told about in last post
Personality: Rather funny, but dark evil at times
Death quote: What? I died? Oh well.
   100% everywhere, if possible, the goal is to be balanced everywhere. (Subject to change)

Con: Medium
Appearance: Looks like an Ewok in Star Wars, but kinda cuter.

Decide repallate or custom spriter needed for latter post in thread
no chibi or portrait currently


Name: HOMER-16



Class: Druid (Can I follow the FE: Sacred Stones version and also have Anima magic?)

Personality: Is usually always tired to some extent. Loves to play videogames. Is easily distracted. Overall careless  attitude towards the

world. Very loyal. Is a total romantic. Very intelligent and insightful.

Death Quote: "No. I can't die... yet... She needs... me... Damn it..."

Con: Smallish

Physical Appearance: Wears a hood that keeps his face in shadows. Red eyes are all thats visible. Robes black and Dark Green. I'm debating on

whether or not he is a Kaka.

Some better pics:
Blue = Standby

Dark Red = Normal Attack

Purple = Critical

Light Red = Staff

Orange = Normal evade

Yellow = Staff evade

Sprites are in progress spriter - Homer16


Name: mrmprog
Chibi:I am not very artistic, so I am not sure
Personality: Normally cheerful, but is angered easily by others stupidity. Somewhat mysterious.
Death quote: You have bested me today, but... THE GAME!

Con: Tall, but very light and strong.
Physical Appearance: The original sprite is good, but black and thinner.
Color Scheme:
Green - Standby
Orange - Critical
Purple - Regualr Attack
Pink - Dodge

Decide repallate or custom spriter needed for latter post in thread
no chibi or portrait yet



   uhh we will make this work?


name: isa shmibs!

class: mage

personality: he's just a bit insane. he talks to inanimate objects and has a scary, high-pitched laugh that finds its way into almost

everything he says. he is good-intentioned, but doesn't always think about how his actions will affect others (i.e. in order to save someone's

pet hamster that has run underneath a house his first reaction would be to knock the house down and retrieve it)


chibi :
(i'm not sure what sizes they're supposed to be, so resizing is probably in order)

Custom Sprites in progress Spriter Shmibs



Class:Something sword-using

Personality: What personality? 1px is a pixel!

Weapon: Sword?

Attack: Charge.
Barrels to the target enemy, leaving a trail behind. Gains more power w/more distance.

(we are gonna make this one work too...some how xD)


Name: Beatrice (She's going to be based on Eirika)
Chibi: To be done
Class: Swordmaster (Perhaps a rename to something like Royal Knight)
Personality: Fiery and hot tempered. She often snaps and rushs into battle without thinking ahead. Her personality greatly juxtaposes Alvar's,

but the two balance each very well.
Death quote: (If Alvar is still alive) "Damn it! Alvar... Please continue to fight... And protect Princess A...."
(If Alvar is dead) "This is the end of the line for us... Damn it! Please princess, be well..."
Stats ranked by importance:
Con:  Higher con
Physical Appearance: To be done

Green - Standby
Orange - Regular Attack
Blue - Critical for Regular Attack
Purple - Regular Ranged Attack (I dunno if FE7 has ranged swords, but some like FE1 have swords that let you attack from a distance)
White - Dodging

Good to GO!!

Name: Alvar (He's going to be based on Ephraim)
Chibi: To be done
Class: Soldier or perhaps a Knight; something with a decent defense that wields a lance (Perhaps a rename to something like Royal Knight)
Personality: Calm, cool, collected. A brilliant tactician and fighter who never gives in, no matter how bad the odds.
Death quote: (If Beatrice is still alive) "Beatrice... Finish our mission... And protect Arc..."
(If Beatrice is dead) "Looks like this is the end of Alteria's knights... Damn it... I can't... Arc... Leo..."
Stats ranked by importance:
Con:  Higher con

Green - Standby
Orange - Regular Attack
Blue - Critical for Regular Attack
Purple - Regular Ranged Attack (ie Javelin)
Pink - Critical for Ranged Attack
White - Dodging

Good to GO!!

Name -- Eeems
Chibi -- Erm, let me get back to you on that, I'll probably use the black mage from TBP or myself
Portrait -- see above ^
Class -- Assassin
Personality -- Tries to take the middle road between fights. Seeing both sides of the issue then takes a stance.
Death quote -- Wait, I can't die! This must be a glitch...
Stats -- I have a ban hammer, so make me epic.
Con -- Medium
Physical -- brown or black eyes/hair. Clothed in black. Attempt to make it a little like the TBP black mage

All assets needed



i dont have any info for your chara if its listed tell me thank you


Willrandship (Obviously)
Chibi Pic.
   (For the record, the REAL Chancellor from CT was a good guy, even the one from the past.)
Portrait: MIA  
      What size for the portrait? I'll just post this one that's probably way too big.
Class: Archsage.
Personality: Should see the rest of the party as one giant meat-shield. Very cynical, and slurs his words, but he's friendly enough.
Death Quote: I don't know, I'll have to come up with something

Ranked from 1 (lowest) to 9 (highest)

  HP 2
  STR 1
  MAG 9
  Skl 7
  Spd 5
  Def 4
  Res 8
  Luck 6
  Con 3

Appearance: wears mostly green, white hair, looks a lot like the archsage, which is why I picked it Tongue. See the portrait/chibi for more.

I kinda had to wing the stats since he's not really a fighter in the game he's from. However, if he was he would be a lot like tellah from

FF2, so I kind of based it off of him/ potrait data needs some resizing


green robe thats it

Need a proper portrait and a choice of repallate and such as well as all other assets



i cant find anything HELP


Con: As low as possible

I have Brown hair, dark brown eyes, cream inside the catears, black on the outside of them and on my tail.

some random infoz tho ^


Omni sama:

i cant find Anythign HELP


Name: Butts Fredkin (if that's too long, take out the space so it's ButtsFredkin)

Chibi/Portrait: Just use my avatar, if that doesn't work I can come up with something.

Class: Great Lord

Personality: Too lazy to actually interact with the outside world other than a close group of friends. However, when important things are

stake, can be very loud and/or obnoxious.

Death Quote: "Crap...looks like I'm in for the ultimate bug-fix..."


Con: uh...5' 11", enormously fat, rear end permanently attached to a computer chair

Physical Appearance: brown hair and eyes, enormously fat, glasses (if possible), rear end permanently attached to a computer chair (also if

possible), blue shirt, khaki pants, see also: Linus Torvalds

No Assets gathered need sprites blah blah blah if repallate ask me

Homer-16 # 2

Name: Haukea

Chibi: (Probably a repallate of Amilia from Sacred Stones)

Portrait: Same

Class: Pegasus Knight

Personality: Shy, yet determined

Death Quote: "I loved him..." (If HOMER-16 is still alive)
"He is gone... and so am I..." (If HOMER-16 is dead)



Con: Slim, small
Appearance: Blonde, Red Armor, (I can't think of anything else atm) asset thingers





death quote Knife!!!!!

hp 20

 str 3

 skl 8

 spd 5

 def 1   lol it is an orange

res 3

 lck 5

con tiny

physical appearance brown hair and eyes paleish tone for skin wardrobe color ?


We have 21RIP SirC 20! charas so far if no one falls through for the record lets hope no one does


Spoiler For MUSIKS?!?!?!?!?:

Umm we need Midi Tunes
i recommend anvil studio for the record ^_^

anything is really up for replacement i think there are even custom songs for charas which i can replace so uh yeah you give me tunes and what

you would like em to replace
JC give me the aok
i make magic happen

All we have is the stuff YeongJin said we could use so uh yeah who can help us out?

Aka This ^ is all we have

For all you music people out there you now can use the original sounds from the game instead of just the standard midi map

Spoiler For InstrumentMap:
0x00 Piano (silent Ground)
0x01 Piano 2 (Silent Ground)
0x02 Piano 3 (Enemies Appear)
0x03 Echoey Piano 1 (Respite in Battle)
0x04 Echoey Piano 2 (Respite in Battle)
0x05 ????? (One Heart: Eliwood's Theme)
0x06 Harpsichord (Dragon's Gate II)
0x07 Harpsichord (More Echoey) (Game OVer)
0x08 Celesta (Reveive the blessing of)
0x09 Glockenspiel (Curing)
0x0A Music Box (Requiem)
0x0B Music Box 2 (Reminiscence)
0x0C Marimba (Happiness Abounds)
0x0D Xylophone (Softly with Grace)
0x0E Tubular Bells (The Archsage Athos)
0x0F Dulcimer (Shop)
0x10 Drawbar Organ (Legendary Inheritance)
0x11 Percussive Organ (Victory Now!)
0x12 Rock Organ (Happiness Abounds)
0x13 Church Organ (Shadow Approaches)
0x14 Reed Organ (Campaign of Fire)
0x15 Accoridan (Going my Way)
0x16 Bass sounding Organ? (Nabata's Wandering Messenger)
0x17 Some Organ? (Going My Way)
0x18 blank
0x19 blank
0x1A blank
0x1B Electric Guitar(clean) (Softly with Grace)
0x1C Overdriven Guitar 2 (What Comes from Darkness)
0x1D Overdriven Guitar (Destiny Enlaced with Fear)
0x1E Distortion Guitar (Scars of the Scouring)
0x1F Guitar Harmonics (Scars of the Scouring)
0x20 Acoustic Bass (The Messenger)
0x21 Electric Bass(finger) (Companions)
0x22 Electric Bass(pick) (Precious Things)
0x23 blank
0x24 Slap Bass 1 (Campaign of Fire)
0x25 blank
0x26 Synth Bass (Blessing of the 8 Generals)
0x27 Acoustic Bass 2 (Land of the Swirling Sands)
0x28 Resonant Sounding Strings (Winning Road)
0x29 SynthStrings 3 (Companions)
0x2A More Strings? (Rise to the Challenge)
0x2B Stacatto Timpani (An Unexpected Caller)
0x2C Orchestral Strings (Blessing of the 8 Generals)
0x2D Pizzicato Strings (Road of Trials)
0x2E Orchestral Strings 2 (Healing)
0x2F Timpani (Precious Things)
0x30 String Ensemble 1 (Companions)
0x31 String Ensemble 2 (Precious Things)
0x32 SynthStrings 1 (Precious Things)
0x33 SynthStrings 2 (Friendship and adventure)
0x34 Choir Aahs (What comes from Darkness)
0x35 Voice Oohs (Everything into the Dark)
0x36 Balanced Choir? (Within Sadness)
0x37 Choir Hit (Everything into the Dark)
0x38 Trumpet (Winning Road)
0x39 Trombone (Binding Ties)
0x3A Tuba (Enemies Appear)
0x3B Muted French Horn (Binding Ties)
0x3C French Horn (Precious Things)
0x3D Brass Section (Raise Your Spirits)
0x3E SynthBrass 1 (Friendship and adventure)
0x3F SynthBrass 2 (Companions)
0x40 blank
0x41 blank
0x42 blank
0x43 Synth Oboe? (Shop)
0x44 Oboe (Precious Things)
0x45 English Horn (Raise Your Spirits)
0x46 Bassoon (Happiness Abounds)
0x47 Clarinet (Winds Across the Plains)
0x48 Distorted Clarinet? (When the Rush Comes)
0x49 Flute (Companions)
0x4A Recorder (Requiem)
0x4B Pan Flute (Enemies Appear)
0x4C Blown Bottle (Land of the Swirling Sands)
0x4D blank
0x4E Oboe 2? (Treasured Hope)
0x4F Ocarina (Shop)
0x50 Lead 1 (square) (An Unexpected Caller)
0x51 Lead 2 (sawtooth) (2 or 3 octaves lower)
0x52 Lead 3 (calliope) (Darkness Comes)
0x53 blank
0x54 Lead 5 (charang) (Different from Normal Charang) (Messenger from the Dark)
0x55 Lead 6 (voice) (Distant Travels)
0x56 blank
0x57 Really cool synth instrument (Within Sadness)
0x59 Distorted Sounding Brass (Merchant Merlinus)
0x5A Some Stacatto Muted Brass sounding thing (Precious Things)
0x5B Some Echoey Brass or Trumpet ensemble (Precious Things)
0x5C Synth Sounding Brass Section (To the Heights)
0x5D Trumpet used in Road of Trials (DUh)
0x5E Pad 7 (halo) (Healing)
0x5F Synth Tuba? (Destiny Enlaced by Fear)
0x60 Sounds very similar to 5F? (Destinly Enlaced by Fear)
0x61 Muted Trombone (Results)
0x62 Muted French Horn (The Cogs of Fate)
0x63 Not sure...weird sounding synth brass? (Precious Things)
0x64 FX 5 (brightness) (Campaign of Fire)
0x65 Synth Trumpet (Strike)
0x66 Not sure...weird sounding synth brass (Can also be used as guitar)? (Shadow Approaches)
0x67 Ireallydunno (Enemies appear, first melody)
0x68 Sitar (Land of the Swirling Sands)
0x69 idunnomiddleeasternsounding? (track 3 on Nabata's Wandering Messenger)
0x6A More damned strings (Dragon's Gate I)
0x6B Dammit more strings? (The Cogs of Fate)
0x6C More Synth strings? (Dragon's Gate II)
0x6D Distant sounding strings that rise? (Dragon's Gate II)
0x6E Pad 7 Halo 2? (lolwut) (Opening: History Unveiled)
0x6F blank
0x70 blank
0x71 blank
0x72 blank
0x73 blank
0x74 blank
0x75 blank
0x76 blank
0x77 blank
0x78 More Orchestral drumkit? (Winning Road)
0x79 Drum kit (more electrical sounding?)
0x7A Yet another Drum kit (Fire Emblem Theme)
0x7B Another Drum kit? (Not sure what it does differently) (The Cogs of Fate)
0x7C Drum kit (Are these even different) (One Heart: Eliwood's Theme)
0x7D Another Orchestral Drum kit? (Not sure what it does differently) (Shocking Truth I)
0x7E Applause (Arena Entrance)
0x7F Drum kit (Precious Things)
Curtosy of

if i ever figure out how in gods name to make it so you can use these with anvil ill tell you all how so you can actually hear what your

making XD

« Last Edit: February 17, 2012, 07:33:46 pm by Geekboy1011 »

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Re: Omni Emblem
« Reply #476 on: February 17, 2012, 09:51:29 pm »
Darn that song in the FE game sounds even more RPG ish. Also awesome sprite collection so far lol :D

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Re: Omni Emblem
« Reply #477 on: February 18, 2012, 12:39:01 am »
ir does fit well . i wonder what jc will end up using it as

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Re: Omni Emblem
« Reply #478 on: February 18, 2012, 12:41:33 am »
same i just wonder what jc intends to use it for :P

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Re: Omni Emblem
« Reply #479 on: February 18, 2012, 01:42:17 am »
* Art_of_camelot really needs to look back through this thread again...