I think so, a bit of old characters aren't complete.
Name -- Typically your username. If it's longer than 12 (I think?) characters I need a shortened form.
Chibi -- A mini-portrait, typically a face, used in unit popups. I believe these are 24x24 but I'm not sure, and if you'd like me to use your avatar just say so. Otherwise, attach a file.
Portrait -- This appears during dialogue and in unit details. Again, usually faces, but if you want to use your avatar that's okay too. Otherwise, attach a file.
Class -- If you have played FE you should know (ex: Hero, Berseker)
Personality -- General attitude towards the world, the rest of the party, fighting in general. Quirks, patterns of speech or misc. quotes go here. Again, self-inserts.
Death quote -- 100 characters or less.
Stats -- Hp is obvious, Str/Mag determines attack damage, Skl determines hit chance, Spd determines your avoid and chance to double-hit, Def is physical defense, Res is magical defense, and Lck messes around with a lot of things. Rank them in order of importance. If you actually know stuff about FE, I'll take growth rates and bases too.
http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Stats if I did a crap job explaining.
Con -- physical size. general terms. this is important for Rescue and Aid.
Physical Appearance This is for when I repalette your relevant class sprite. We're talking hair and eye color, wardrobe color, skin tone, et cetera.
Taken from JC's format on the first page so people don't have to repost their character's info.