I don't exactly see how it's a ROM hack... But If you think it's a better place for it, sure.yeah, basically any kind of console development. I'll try to check the vid when I come back home. :)
EDIT: Oh, AND computer homebrew.
I wish I had a PS Vita now. Just to play your homebrew. Good job.
It is drawn in 3D. I were drawing it in 2D I would barely get 2 FPS. Now days devices are most optimized for 3D sprite rendering, if you use 2D, you are going to have one h*ll of a time.It depends I think, but yeah I did notice that issue with Starcraft Brood War. However some 3D games that runs via DOS like DOOM have the same issue as well on XP, so you have to use DOSBox, and I know that RPG Maker games can be a bit laggy at times regardless of how fast the computer is.
Drawing it in 3D and changing it while its running is exactly how I do it, but I haven't quite figured out how the Z axes works for this sprite class... :/
My only problem right now, is fog of war. Unless Someone has a brilliant idea on how to make a good dynamic fog of war, I have 2 options. I can make squares on the screen and remove them when the ship is near, or I could make it so you can only see from one ship at a time. If any allies are in range they are seen, if not they become a way point. This adds a little bit of a twist to your normal RTS, This makes it so you can still see your units on radar, but you can only see from one thing at a time, until you switch units. Personally I like the second idea, because it adds uniqueness to the game. But I would like other people's input.That sounds like fun to me ! It adds more challenge and it's also more realistic as a unit can't normally see what others see. ;) At least put a decent view range so that it's not TOO hard, I guess indirect combat units should have a much larger sight too.
As for the black hole I kinda like the first, but in your top down view game the 2nd would be better.Agreed. ;)
As for the RTs/TBS difference, there really is none except that one has a strobe light attached to it the whole time. ;)My only problem right now, is fog of war. Unless Someone has a brilliant idea on how to make a good dynamic fog of war, I have 2 options. I can make squares on the screen and remove them when the ship is near, or I could make it so you can only see from one ship at a time. If any allies are in range they are seen, if not they become a way point. This adds a little bit of a twist to your normal RTS, This makes it so you can still see your units on radar, but you can only see from one thing at a time, until you switch units. Personally I like the second idea, because it adds uniqueness to the game. But I would like other people's input.That sounds like fun to me ! It adds more challenge and it's also more realistic as a unit can't normally see what others see. ;) At least put a decent view range so that it's not TOO hard, I guess indirect combat units should have a much larger sight too.
Though the only strategy game I ever played is Advance Wars II and it's turn based, but I think RTS are not that much dfferent. :)As for the black hole I kinda like the first, but in your top down view game the 2nd would be better.Agreed. ;)
File not found - Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}
The system cannot find the file specified.
ERROR: Too many filenames provided.
The system cannot find the file specified.
File not found - Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}
Press any key to continue . . .
I really like how this looks like now. Only thing is that I would make the title screen menu fade in faster. Also, when we zoom in very very far, is there a command we can use to move camera back to our main unit or base? That way we won't get lost or something.Thanks!
Looking for easter eggs? :PAre there any? ^.^
Since you asked there might be one for you. ::)
Lol DJ, why are you moving very far distances at farthest zoom.Oh I meant by mistake. if your game is available for most mobile devices, there are some of them where touch screen controls are absolutely horrible, especially iPhones, and I saw many instances of things dezooming by themselves for example when scrolling around, or in Android, when the phone has a lag spike, it suddenly scrolls incredibly fast through tweets or Facebook wall posts for no reason.
Looking for easter eggs? :P
Yeah I'll try to help prevent that. :)
Well, I'm supporting this game and I wanna say that if it's available for Android and/or the PC then you have a future player. ;) I especially like your work on the graphics.Thanks!
Thanks, but I'm talking about feed back. feed back, feed back, feed back. It's why Beta and Alpha testing exist. I REALLY REALLY need some feed back. It's really the backbone of game development. :-\Sorry but it's hard to give feedback if you can't test it. :P Suggestions... Well maybe add particular effects to stellar objects, ie mine resources from asteroids, gravity effects near planets... That's be a cool idea. Maybe even some planet-based gameplay elements. Having a planetary base would be pretty cool. ;) There is a whole new dimension of gameplay you could imagine in that direction.
I want this game, and sadly I don't have a PSM
Love the new music!
Dude, you have a gift.
From the videos this looks pretty nice. You will need to make sure to write detailed documentation (preferably in-game) on how to play, though, since it's a strategy game with units and stuff. Even Starcraft is impossible to get started with if you don't check the help nor the tutorials.
As for the lack of support this might be because RTS games are not even close to being possible on most calculators that people own here (TI-Nspire and 84+ series), so nobody has experience in making them. D:
Also I just saw the sprites on the other page and like them.
Thanks! (I'm not bragging I just want to show you what I play.) I play(in order of skill): Piano, Bass, Flute, Voice, Bells, Accordion, Guitar, Harmonica, Drums(set). Learning Trumpet, and Clarinet. I may not have or know all the instruments but I have a very good understanding of music theory, so I just produce them on a synth.
Update (on progress):
I actually decided to scrap the Psm library considering it's copyright and I can't use it, lol. And the Opengl library I'm using is way better. For instance 3D tilting and banking of ships. But here's the wack, they are all 2D sprites. So it's like one of those paper games that has a 3D like environment and 2D sprites/characters/models.
If you use VS, will the game require external dependencies like the .NET framework?
Even though I have paused work on this I will resume it for now just to kill time, I will add in various things but not until this summer will I re-optimize the code to work with multi-threading.This reminds me of Illusiat, but with less land (assuming land in your planet is the purple stuff) and more cloud. :P
Purple planet :P
it occurred to me that people don't care what it is mobile. Well for Sony's at least.I think the Sony part is important in your sentence because I've only seen one person with a PSVita in my whole life, and it's not someone I know, just a random guy I saw in the train. But I know a lot of people with Nintendo 3DS (4 of my friends, me, and two people I know), and I know a lot of people with smartphones (do I really need to give names ?).