Author Topic: Starblaze(Abandoned) - a C# + OpenGL PC Game  (Read 67269 times)

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Re: Starblaze -A PlayStation Mobile Game
« Reply #135 on: December 24, 2013, 02:10:21 am »
No you read it right, I WAS switching to Java. Not any more though.

I just found my old Visual Studious 2005, so I'm going to import the libraries I used through Psm and pick up were I left off.

Which also means alpha versions for every one to test.

« Last Edit: December 24, 2013, 02:10:35 am by XiiR3CR34T10N »

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Re: Starblaze -A PlayStation Mobile Game
« Reply #136 on: January 02, 2014, 05:55:06 pm »
Update (on progress):
I actually decided to scrap the Psm library considering it's copyright and I can't use it, lol. And the Opengl library I'm using is way better. For instance 3D tilting and banking of ships. But here's the wack, they are all 2D sprites. So it's like one of those paper games that has a 3D like environment and 2D sprites/characters/models.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2014, 05:55:37 pm by XiiR3CR34T10N »

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Re: Re: Starblaze -A PlayStation Mobile Game
« Reply #137 on: January 03, 2014, 03:21:46 pm »
If you use VS, will the game require external dependencies like the .NET framework?

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Re: Starblaze -A PlayStation Mobile Game
« Reply #138 on: January 03, 2014, 05:21:37 pm »
Update (on progress):
I actually decided to scrap the Psm library considering it's copyright and I can't use it, lol. And the Opengl library I'm using is way better. For instance 3D tilting and banking of ships. But here's the wack, they are all 2D sprites. So it's like one of those paper games that has a 3D like environment and 2D sprites/characters/models.

Then don't use that function, unless you are really good at blender :P
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Re: Starblaze -A PlayStation Mobile Game
« Reply #139 on: January 04, 2014, 01:26:54 am »
If you use VS, will the game require external dependencies like the .NET framework?

Opengl is cross OS like no other. It can be used on any OS. So for other OS distribution I will have to code a different "shell" for everything else. AKA not hard to do seeing as most of the code will use opengl and the language used for each OS will be interchangeable.

Anyway to answer your question, or rather to fix it...? If I use C# for the windows version of the game, yes it will use the .NET framework. But if you are running a windows OS you will already have that, seeing as it come with the OS and most of windows uses it anyway. You just might need to update it. BTW without the .NET framework or any other libraries, C# would be pretty useless. (Same goes for alot if not all other languages)

If I port it to MAC I will need to write the outside "shell" of the the game in whatever I would code it on MAC with. Same goes for Linux.
Whatever I use for these will have their own libraryies. I will try to pick a language that has libraries native to the OS. (libraries already on the OS) Making it so you wont have to download anything extra?

VS (Visual Studious) Is just an IDE... The IDE I choose to use for writing my code doesn't make the game dependent on a certain library (.NET). The language I use however, will change what libraries I choose to use.

Am I confusing you?
Based on your question, may I presume that you don't do much... non-calc coding
« Last Edit: January 04, 2014, 01:32:49 am by XiiR3CR34T10N »

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Re: Starblaze(Abandoned) - a C# + OpenGL PC Game
« Reply #140 on: January 04, 2014, 10:52:35 pm »
I changed the name to "Starblaze(Abandoned) - a C# + OpenGL PC Game"

But I don't know how the naming topics works so..., yeah.

No the project isn't status wise "abandoned". Abandoned is the name of the game.

I'm going to take a break from this for a while to work on something else. I've hit a road block with Abandoned and am going to make a SIMPLE PlayStation Mobile game called Void. It's another space set game, but you take control of your own ship that you build from a top down perspective, block by block.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2014, 10:55:43 pm by XiiR3CR34T10N »

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Re: Starblaze(Abandoned) - a C# + OpenGL PC Game
« Reply #141 on: January 05, 2014, 02:21:58 pm »
I was scared for a second when I saw the topic title. Good thing this is just paused.

Good luck with Void!
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Re: Starblaze(Abandoned) - a C# + OpenGL PC Game
« Reply #142 on: January 05, 2014, 03:50:29 pm »
Yeah. I changed the name last year but kept forgetting how to approach telling people cause they might think the game was stopped. Welp, it's not!

Oh and I have a site for daily progress on both games if anyone wants to see.

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Re: Starblaze(Abandoned) - a C# + OpenGL PC Game
« Reply #143 on: January 05, 2014, 04:34:28 pm »

* pimathbrainiac bookmarks!
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Re: Starblaze(Abandoned) - a C# + OpenGL PC Game
« Reply #144 on: February 21, 2014, 02:55:24 am »
* pimathbrainiac prods Xii with a need for Starblaze to come back!
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Re: Abandoned - a C# + OpenGL PC Game
« Reply #145 on: February 22, 2014, 06:51:20 am »
Don't worry Pimath! As soon as I'm done putting my game on Psm (Escape) It will come back with it. And for PC too :)

EDIT: I don't know how the name keeps getting changed around, but I changed it to Abandoned a while ago.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2014, 06:52:56 am by XiiR3CR34T10N »

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Re: Abandoned - a C# + OpenGL PC Game
« Reply #146 on: March 27, 2014, 12:55:04 am »
Even though I have paused work on this I will resume it for now just to kill time, I will add in various things but not until this summer will I re-optimize the code to work with multi-threading.

Purple planet :P

« Last Edit: March 27, 2014, 01:09:20 am by XiiDraco »

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Re: Starblaze(Abandoned) - a C# + OpenGL PC Game
« Reply #147 on: March 27, 2014, 04:13:32 pm »
Wow nice. :D Glad to see it (sort of) resumed. ;)

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Re: Starblaze(Abandoned) - a C# + OpenGL PC Game
« Reply #148 on: March 27, 2014, 08:45:23 pm »
I'd like to discuss the idea and point of multi-threading with games, why it's necessary and one way of doing it. Some of you may already know about this, some may use it and know more than I do, If that is the case you are welcome to contribute and correct me If I say something foolish.

Spoiler For Spoiler:
Know, I know this is mainly a calculator forum and most if not all calculators do not use threads, so I'm kind of talking to you computer programmers out there.

Let me first explain to you what multi-threading is. Multi-threading is when you create multiple threads and do various tasks in each thread simultaneously. A thread is basically an instance of code that can be called again and again as well as at the exact same time as another. Yes that means the computer doesn't wait for your update section of code to run when it needs to render.

The purpose for multi-threading is to make your games/apps/programs run more efficiently. Here is an example of a non-threaded piece of code (something you would find on a calc).


Game Loop

A bunch of calculations

Clear the screen

Render your items

Swap buffers


Notice that every time your loops runs, you have to wait for the game to rendering the last scene to begin the next calculation phase. Multi-threading this makes it so that you can do both at the same time (almost). One way to put this -> All of your render code works with the GPU on a computer, while the calculation code works with the CPU. If you leave them in order (one, then the other, than the other, etc) Your GPU has to wait for your CPU to finish before it can be used and visa versa. So the entire time you are rendering your CPU is literally sitting there doing absolutely nothing. If we multi-thread this, we can eliminate that inefficiency.


Thread 1

Calculate a bunch of stuffs


Thread 2

Clear the screenRender your itemsSwap buffers


Thread 1 and Thread 2 run at the same time.

Now that you have separated them you will have some problems. Both threads read and/or write to example sprite SHIP. What happens if thread 2 reads the X position of SHIP while thread 1 is writing to the X position of SHIP. This is what is dangerous, and can cause glitches, crashes, and unforeseen bugs. There are several ways to present this, one of which can be explained here:

Another bonus to splitting the calculations from the renders is that you can put the calculation on a timer so that it runs at the same speed on all devices while not affecting the rendering in the process. (no need to calculate for CPU speed variations).

This is just a fun bit of information that is handy to know if you are serious in programming.

Ok, also this is a computer game so it should probably be in Computer projects. Besides Even if it was still for PSM, it's not a ROM hack of course, but I also wouldn't consider it a home brew. In fact none of the games I make for PSM are really Home brews. They are legitimate games that are sold for money on the official Play Station Store. If anything an "Indie game projects" Board sections would be the most appropriate and I don't see why we don't have one...

I'm also not too... Liking... of my topics being under this board because every time someone looks at it they immediately take one look at the word "Hacking" in the title and turn the other way...

So what I'm trying to say is, a board specifically for Indie Projects would be most beneficial.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2014, 09:12:01 pm by XiiDraco »

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Re: Starblaze(Abandoned) - a C# + OpenGL PC Game
« Reply #149 on: April 03, 2014, 02:20:22 pm »
Even though I have paused work on this I will resume it for now just to kill time, I will add in various things but not until this summer will I re-optimize the code to work with multi-threading.

Purple planet :P

This reminds me of Illusiat, but with less land (assuming land in your planet is the purple stuff) and more cloud. :P

Nice, though :D

As for ROM hacking it's how it's called actually, because you take a SNES ROM and modify it using hex editors and stuff. The board title also include console homebrew, though, so it doesn't mean it's hacking in that case too. I guess calling it indie/homebrew projects for consoles and handhelds would fit well, though, but it will take a while before the board restructure takes place (perhaps a few years at the rate the current upgrade bug fixing is going). Submit a request at .