Author Topic: WiiBrew: DOSBox on the Wii  (Read 8185 times)

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WiiBrew: DOSBox on the Wii
« on: June 05, 2012, 11:48:07 am »
Guys, I recently installed the homebrew channel on my wii. If you don't already know, The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall has been released as freeware by Bethesda Softworks. So, I downloaded it onto my sd card so I could run it using DOSBox, on my wii. But, when I try to mount my sd card in DOSBox on my wii, it said that there was no such directory as "sd:\". So, I downloaded another copy of wii dosbox, and I needed a usb keyboard. So, after I get a keyboard, Daggerfall keeps on saying "Looks like you inserted the wrong cd rom. Please insert your Daggerfall cd rom into the cd rom drive." The thing is, I don't have a Daggerfall cd rom, and I don't think DOSBox will be able to read the cd rom on my wii. All of the files are on my sd card. Please help me!
Also, I keep getting the same error message on the pc, so it is not my wii's fault. HELLPPPP!
« Last Edit: June 05, 2012, 11:49:59 am by njaddison »
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Re: WiiBrew: DOSBox on the Wii
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2012, 11:52:44 am »
Guys, I recently installed the homebrew channel on my wii. If you don't already know, The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall has been released as freeware by Bethesda Softworks. So, I downloaded it onto my sd card so I could run it using DOSBox, on my wii. But, when I try to mount my sd card in DOSBox on my wii, it said that there was no such directory as "sd:\". So, I downloaded another copy of wii dosbox, and I needed a usb keyboard. So, after I get a keyboard, Daggerfall keeps on saying "Looks like you inserted the wrong cd rom. Please insert your Daggerfall cd rom into the cd rom drive." The thing is, I don't have a Daggerfall cd rom, and I don't think DOSBox will be able to read the cd rom on my wii. All of the files are on my sd card. Please help me!
I'm not an expert on this, but try the following: Open DOSBox and do some mounting of directories to virtual drives, and then execute the programs in the virtual drives.

Otherwise, CDRom support is not available for the port (for obvious reasons). I don't know if that includes emulation.
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Re: WiiBrew: DOSBox on the Wii
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2012, 07:18:13 pm »

Code: [Select]
mount D sd:\whatever\directory\your\cdrom\is

DOS itself does not recognize the sd: drive, you have to mount it before.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2012, 07:19:37 pm by Juju »

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