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Offline Hot_Dog

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S.A.D. Human Units
« on: December 29, 2009, 11:08:57 am »

Role: Scout, Construction Worker
Cost: Free
Health Points: 30
Damage Per Second: 6 for both Air and Ground Units (1 per shot)
Weapon Range: 3
Speed: 15
Fuel Capacity: None (A Scouter is Solar-Powered, so it has a constant power supply)
Sephrane Gas Capacity: 120
Rate of Overheat: 6 HP per second

A Scouter is the backbone of the player's base, and is the most versatile unit in the game, maybe even the most important.  It is the only unit capable of constructing buildings, and has a large line-of-sight, making it a useful scout.  Later on in the game, a player can research abilities that further enhance the value a Scouter is to a player.  

All in all, a player who does not make good use of a Scouter is a player who is probably losing.

Cloak: This is a Deteroriating Upgrade.  A cloaked Scouter will be hidden from enemy sight unless near a detecting unit.  A Quantum Facality is required for this upgrade.

Jet Pack: This is a Permament Upgrade.  Jet Packs allow Scouters to fly.  Jet Packs can be turned on and off.  A Scouter cannot build when it is in the air, and it is also vulnerable to Anti-Air weapons such as Reclaudas.  A Starbase is required for the Jet Pack upgrade.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2010, 02:21:39 pm by Hot_Dog »

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Re: S.A.D. Units (Information on the 9 available units you can play as)
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2009, 11:13:42 am »

Role: Early Assault, Sneak Assault
Cost: 100 Belthium Crystals
Health Points: 105
Damage Per Second: 8 for Ground Units (8 per shot)
Weapon Range: 2
Speed: 20
Fuel Capacity: 900
Sephrane Gas Capacity: 20
Rate of Overheat: 11 Health Points per second

The Raptor is the first unit a player can build with the sole purpose of attacking.  It lacks anti-air capabilities and has little more fire-power than a Scouter, but makes up for it with high HP, making it a better unit for taking out defenses and other structures early in the game.  In other words, if your goal is a rush game, but you feel like a Scouter won't cut it on a particular map, the Raptor is your unit of choice.

A Raptor is available to build from the start, it does not require any labratories.  This allows players to rush aggresively if they desire to.

Later in the game, when more powerful units are available, the Raptor loses its usefulness as an assault unit.  However, when a Manhatton Station is built, a player can research abilities for the Raptor that give it purpose later in the game.

Teleport: This is a Refillable Upgrade, meaning the Raptor can use it a limited number of times before having to pay to use the upgrade again.  Teleport allows the Raptor to transport anywhere on the map, provided the area has been explored.  A Raptor can teleport up to two times before having to restock the upgrade.

Deflector Shield: This is a Deteriorating Upgrade.  A Deflector Shield protects a Raptor from any weapons fire, with the exception of fire from Universal Defense systems.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2010, 01:45:47 pm by Hot_Dog »

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Re: S.A.D. Units (Information on the 9 available units you can play as)
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2009, 11:20:26 am »

Role: Anti-Unit and Anti-Operation Center
Cost: 150 Belthium Crystals
Health Points: 120
Damage Per Second: 18 for both Air and Ground Units (3 per shot)
Weapon Range: 3
Speed: 30
Fuel Capacity: 2100
Sephrane Gas Capacity: N/A
Rate of Overheat: N/A

Like the role description implies, an Argo is meant for taking out enemy ships and Operation Centers.  An Argo is built specifically for this purpose, and thus CANNOT attack normal structures.  But this is made up for with the fact that an Argo is a perfect counter for almost every enemy unit.  It can even take on Splitrons and Degrusers if the player is willing to invest the money to make several attack attempts to wear the enemy unit down.  In other words, if your strategy at the moment is simply to destroy an enemy unit, you get what you pay for with an Argo.

An Argo requires an Argo Labratory before it can be selected.  In addition, the Argo Labratory does all the research for it.

Plasma Torpedoes: This is a Refillable Upgrade.  Plasma Torpedos are the only weapon capable of attacking Operation Centers, so refitting an Argo with this weapon allows it to attack what no other vessel, except Splitrons, can.  Unfortunately, since the Argo cannot attack other structures, the enemy Operation Center should be relatively underdefended if the Argo is to survive. An Argo can hold up to 10 Plasma Torpedoes, enough to destroy a single Operation Center.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2010, 11:57:12 pm by Hot_Dog »

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Re: S.A.D. Units (Information on the 9 available units you can play as)
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2009, 11:38:11 am »

Role: Artillery
Cost: 250 Belthium Crystals
Health Points: 200
Damage Per Second: 12.5 per second (50 damage per shot), with a light amount of splash damage
Weapon Range: 3
Speed: 12
Fuel Capacity: 1600
Sephrane Gas Capacity: N/A
Rate of Overheat: N/A

Tanks are not designed for attacking other units directly, because their projectiles travel very slowly.  Their usefulness comes from their heavy cannon and long range, so tanks are excellent for base assault and taking out defenses.  In its initial stage, it cannot outrange anything, but it can be upgraded to outrange any unit except Universal Defense.

A Tank requires a Factory for construction and research.

Extended Range: This is a permanent upgrade, and gives the Tank an attack range of 4.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 07:25:32 pm by Hot_Dog »

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Re: S.A.D. Units (Information on the 9 available units you can play as)
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2009, 11:48:52 am »

Role: Assault
Cost: 350 Belthium Crystals
Health Points: 275
Damage Per Second: 12 for both Air and Ground Units (12 per shot)
Weapon Range: 3
Speed: 15
Fuel Capacity: 1500
Sephrane Gas Capacity: N/A
Rate of Overheat: N/A

A Degruser is the second-most powerful unit in the game, and is meant for attacking bases directly.  It is also a good choice for taking on big and heavy units, such as Splitrons and Tanks.  However, it cannot attack Operation Centers.  It is also not the best counter for Universal Defense Systems, even though you do not waste your money by sending a Degruser against them.

A Degruser requires an Armory before it can be selected.  In addition, the Armory does all the research for it.

Mines: This is a Refillable Upgrade.  A Degruser can hold up to three mines, which can be dropped anywhere.  The mines will damage ground units, but not air units; but if a Scouter starts to construct a building on top of the mine, the mine will detonate the building, thereby canceling construction.  Mines can be detected by a Reclauda.  Mines can also be detected by Universal Defense or Detector Structures.

Photon Torpedoes: This is not to be confused with Plasma Torpedoes, which can only be used on Operation Centers.  Photon Torpedoes allow the Degruser to have extra damage potential against anything BUT Operation Centers and Universal Defense.  It is a Refillable Upgrade, a Degruser can hold up to 20 Photon Torpedoes.

« Last Edit: February 02, 2010, 01:51:08 pm by Hot_Dog »

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Re: S.A.D. Units (Information on the 9 available units you can play as)
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2009, 06:11:14 pm »

Role: Interceptor, Air Scout, Detector
Cost: 300 Belthium Crystals
Health Points: 350
Damage Per Second: 16 for Air Units (2 per shot)
Weapon Range: 3
Speed: 60
Fuel Capacity: 1900
Sephrane Gas Capacity: 100
Rate of Overheat: 10 HP per second

While Argos are great counters for almost any unit in the game (if not every unit), Reclaudas are better counters in terms of anti-air if a player can afford to build one. Being the fastest unit in the game, as well as possesing high HP, a Reclauda proves to be a useful weapon when Balkstones, Camozas and Splitrons come into play. In addition, being a flying unit, it can reach areas an Argo cannot reach.

In addition to air-superiority, Reclaudas make great scouting units (because of a large line-of-sight) and detectors. A player requires a Starbase before Reclaudas can be selected and researched.

Detector: This is a Deteroriating Upgrade. A Reclauda can use detector to detect cloaked units, in addition to mines. The Reclauda must turn its detecting ability on and off, as detecting is not permament and therefore consumes sephrane gas.

Mine Detector: This is a seperate detection weapon that will locate mines left by Degrusers. Although the regular detector upgrade will find mines, this special detector does not require sephrane gas; it is a permanent upgrade.  This upgrade was added for the case when the other player decides to spam mines.

Seismic Charge: This will add a second weapon to the Reclauda, allowing it to attack Scouters and mines. It is a permanent upgrade, but does not have the required *umph* to attack anything besides Scouters and mines.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2010, 12:14:17 am by Hot_Dog »

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Re: S.A.D. Units (Information on the 9 available units you can play as)
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2009, 08:38:19 pm »

Role: Kamikaze
Cost: 350 Belthium Crystals
Health Points: 30
Damage Per Second: N/A (Damage is 300 splash damage at once, air and ground units)
Weapon Range: N/A
Speed: 30
Fuel Capacity: 200
Sephrane Gas Capacity: None
Rate of Overheat: 3 HP per second

Camozas are suicide weapons, meaning damage is done by ramming a Camoza into a unit or structure. While great care must be taken when handling a Camoza, the damage potiential is worth the effort. Camozas lack Sephrane Gas, meaning that deteriorating upgrades begin to overheat the Camoza immediately.

Camozas require a Manhatton Station.  ITNT is researched at the Manhatton Station, Cloak is researched at a Quantum Facility, and Booster Engines are researched at a Starbase.

Booster Engines: This is a Deteriorating Upgrade. Booster Engines give the Camoza faster speed when activated. Besides the speed advantage, using Booster Engines gives the Camoza extra damage potential because of how much harder the Camoza runs into the targeted unit.

Cloak: Cloak will keep the Camoza hidden unless in the presense of a detecting unit. It is a Deteriorating Upgrade.

ITNT: This is a Refillable Upgrade. ITNT further increases the damage a Camoza can do.

« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 08:38:51 pm by Hot_Dog »

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Re: S.A.D. Units (Information on the 9 available units you can play as)
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2009, 08:41:21 pm »

Role: Stealth Fighter/Gunship
Cost: 200 Belthium Crystals
Health Points: 160
Damage Per Second: 9 per second (3 per shot)
Weapon Range: 3
Speed: 30
Fuel Capacity: 3000
Sephrane Gas Capacity: 180
Rate of Overheat: 8 HP per second

Balkstones are the most important cloakable units in the game, and in fact were the ONLY cloakable units during the first initial planning stages of the game.

A Balkstone is able to attack both air and ground and has the highest gas-per-cost ratio out of all units. But on the other side of the coin, it has a low fire-rate and low HP.

Balkstones only require a Starbase for availablity and for researching Booster Engines, but a Quantum Facility is required for researching cloak.

Cloak: This is a Deterorating Upgrade, and will render a Balkstone invisible except when detectors are present.

Booster Engines: This is a deteriorating upgrade. Booster Engines will allow a Balkstone to go as fast as, but not faster than, a Reclauda.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 08:41:56 pm by Hot_Dog »

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Re: S.A.D. Units (Information on the 9 available units you can play as)
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2009, 08:44:50 pm »

Role: Capital Ship
Cost: 1000 Belthium Crystals
Health Points: 800
Damage Per Second: 12 for both Air and Ground Units (12 per shot)
Weapon Range: 3
Speed: 10
Fuel Capacity: 1500
Sephrane Gas Capacity: N/A
Rate of Overheat: N/A

Splitrons are the most powerful units in the game. But unlike other units in the game, Splitrons are not get what you pay for, and you can spread fear to your opponent by using one, but it's not a vessel you can use lightly.  A player skilled with Argos or Reclaudas will teach you a lesson you won't soon forget. And like all units, your opponent can defeat you if you use your Splitron at the wrong time.

With that said, the strength of a Splitron comes from its weapons, and of course from its high HP. It also boasts a large fuel capacity, and is the best counter for Universal Defense Systems. As another bonus, it is a perfect unit for eliminating Operation Centers with its capacity for holding Plasma Torpedoes.

Splitrons require Command Centers for upgrades and selection.

Plasma Torpedoes: This is a Refillable Upgrade. Plasma Torpedoes are the only weapon capable of attacking Operation Centers, so refitting a Splitron with this weapon allows it to attack what no other vessel, except Argos, can. Unlike an Argo, however, a Splitron can hold up to 20 Plasma Torpedoes, which means a Splitron can destroy two Operation Centers with one full load of torpedoes.

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Re: S.A.D. Human Units
« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2011, 04:48:53 pm »
to bad you quit this project it. Seems awsome.

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Re: S.A.D. Human Units
« Reply #10 on: November 21, 2011, 05:01:31 pm »
holy necropost megaman :o
Sig wipe!

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Re: S.A.D. Human Units
« Reply #11 on: November 24, 2011, 07:40:19 pm »
Whoah I was thinking there was progress on S.A.D for a moment. I would have really liked this project to be still active, the preview was great!
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