Author Topic: S.A.D. The Cythid Race  (Read 19933 times)

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Offline Hot_Dog

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Re: S.A.D. The Cythid Race
« Reply #30 on: September 05, 2010, 02:45:07 pm »
I like your detailed Hydron better than the smaller one.

I read the full description, now that I finally had a chance to just sit down.  11 thumbs up.  I have just a couple of comments:

1.  What do you mean by swarmable?  S.A.D. allows a person to build multiple units of the same type at once, do you mean that a non-swarmable unit can only be used one at a time?  Or what do you mean by swarmable?

2.  I'll gladly help you any way I can, but make sure that each unit will make the player want to use it in late game.  Part of the difficulty I had with designing the Ptaloids and the Tosonians is making sure that even an hour into a game, each and every unit could help the player win the game.  In Starcraft, I have rarely seen Dark Archons and Queens being used, and I wanted to avoid that.

3. The Tosonians have a lot of air units, and most of their buildings float in the air as well.  Once again, I'll help you out, but we'll want to make sure that the Cythid can counter this without heavy difficulty.  So far, the Humans and Ptaloids do well with that, so we just need to do something similar with the Cythid.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2010, 02:52:41 pm by Hot_Dog »

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: S.A.D. The Cythid Race
« Reply #31 on: September 05, 2010, 03:03:53 pm »
Actually Dark Archons are used quite a bit but only in games with no-rushing rules. A teamate will use mind control on one of your drones/scv/probes to get multiple races at once to bypass the 200 units cap. In no-rules games it's useless because you get attacked before having time to mind control.

Offline matthias1992

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Re: S.A.D. The Cythid Race
« Reply #32 on: September 05, 2010, 03:12:39 pm »
I like your detailed Hydron better than the smaller one.

I read the full description, now that I finally had a chance to just sit down.  11 thumbs up.  I have just a couple of comments:

1.  What do you mean by swarmable?  S.A.D. allows a person to build multiple units of the same type at once, do you mean that a non-swarmable unit can only be used one at a time?  Or what do you mean by swarmable?

2.  I'll gladly help you any way I can, but make sure that each unit will make the player want to use it in late game.  Part of the difficulty I had with designing the Ptaloids and the Tosonians is making sure that even an hour into a game, each and every unit could help the player win the game.  In Starcraft, I have rarely seen Dark Archons and Queens being used, and I wanted to avoid that.

3. The Tosonians have a lot of air units, and most of their buildings float in the air as well.  Once again, I'll help you out, but we'll want to make sure that the Cythid can counter this without heavy difficulty.  So far, the Humans and Ptaloids do well with that, so we just need to do something similar with the Cythid.
1. A swarmable unit is indeed a unit that can have multiples of itself inside a, sort of say, group. Non-swaramble units are the opposite there can be only one of them at a time.

2&3. Good point. That's why you need to make the stats ;) Feel free to change the stats even if they do not match with my descriptions. my descriptions are just intended as some guidelines as to what I think is more or less appropiate. Change the "Weak VS" and "Strong VS" to your liking as well!
MASM xxxxxxxxxx aborted | SADce ====:::::: 40% -Halted until further notice| XAOS =====::::: 50% -Units done| SKYBOX2D engine ========== 100% -Pre-alpha done. Need to  document it and extend |

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Offline Hot_Dog

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Re: S.A.D. The Cythid Race
« Reply #33 on: September 05, 2010, 03:16:36 pm »
1. A swarmable unit is indeed a unit that can have multiples of itself inside a, sort of say, group. Non-swaramble units are the opposite there can be only one of them at a time.

In that case, your Chunker will be made the most powerful unit in the game, and quite beefed up too.  Otherwise, 1 Chunker could lose against 2 Command Ships (since human, Ptaloid and Tosonian command ships can be grouped up)

EDIT: If you're fine with it, I'm allowing players to build Cythid units on hold.  That way, if one chunker dies, another one can be available immediately.  Ships in S.A.D. require time to build, so a player can build, for example, chunkers ahead of time for cases like this
« Last Edit: September 05, 2010, 03:21:30 pm by Hot_Dog »

Offline matthias1992

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Re: S.A.D. The Cythid Race
« Reply #34 on: September 05, 2010, 04:01:32 pm »
I am prefectly fine with that.

on a less related note:
The fact that the chunker is the strongest unit is quite a honor! It also adds to the value of the small red text I added underneatht he sprites of some units (inpired by borderlands in which rare weapons sometimes have a text underneath them reffering to a movie or game). For those too lazy to scroll back: 'you...shall not...pass!' was the text for the Chunker.
MASM xxxxxxxxxx aborted | SADce ====:::::: 40% -Halted until further notice| XAOS =====::::: 50% -Units done| SKYBOX2D engine ========== 100% -Pre-alpha done. Need to  document it and extend |

~Those who dream by day are cognizant of much more than those who dream by night only. -Sir Edgar Allen Poe-

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: S.A.D. The Cythid Race
« Reply #35 on: September 06, 2010, 09:10:15 pm »
Sounds good to me :)