Author Topic: S.A.D. The Cythid Race  (Read 18722 times)

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Re: S.A.D. The Xaos Race
« Reply #15 on: July 29, 2010, 09:13:53 pm »
Still, I liked it. I wish I was as good at drawing x.x

Offline Hot_Dog

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Re: S.A.D. The Xaos Race
« Reply #16 on: August 02, 2010, 09:10:17 pm »
Yes, well done on the drawing!

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Re: S.A.D. The Xaos Race
« Reply #17 on: August 29, 2010, 12:57:29 am »
Since we're working on making races unique, I should probably tell you guys that Matthias is planning on (or at least did plan on) allowing upgrades for buildings themselves, which means that the Xaos is the only faction that can do that.  (Note that Ptaloid buildings can still heal themselves, but the "HP" upgrades have been canceled.)

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Re: S.A.D. The Xaos Race
« Reply #18 on: August 29, 2010, 01:27:55 am »
Nice, it should be a good addition to the game and makes the race unique.

Offline matthias1992

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Re: S.A.D. The Xaos Race
« Reply #19 on: August 29, 2010, 04:10:46 am »
Yes, I must apologize though that I still haven't worked the Xaos out. So I'll set myself a deadline: before 8th september the Xaos will be done!

On a slightly unrelated note; the Campaign Editor will take some more time.

Edit: W00t I am level 5 :P
« Last Edit: August 29, 2010, 04:11:21 am by matthias1992 »
MASM xxxxxxxxxx aborted | SADce ====:::::: 40% -Halted until further notice| XAOS =====::::: 50% -Units done| SKYBOX2D engine ========== 100% -Pre-alpha done. Need to  document it and extend |

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Offline Hot_Dog

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Re: S.A.D. The Xaos Race
« Reply #20 on: August 29, 2010, 09:56:47 am »
Yes, I must apologize though that I still haven't worked the Xaos out. So I'll set myself a deadline: before 8th september the Xaos will be done!

Excellent! :D  Don't forget that S.A.D. now supports multiple numbers of the same kind of unit inside a group.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2010, 09:57:45 am by Hot_Dog »

Offline matthias1992

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Re: S.A.D. The Xaos Race
« Reply #21 on: September 04, 2010, 07:11:56 pm »
ok first of all, I removed some comments, specifically the comments containing sprites and stats. This I did because the Xaos have been remapped entirely, instead call them the "Cythid" from now on!

I have gone back to the original robot idea but I made more cyberant like now. They aren't purely machines but half machine half-humanoid.

I am not completely done with the units and consider adding in some more, also I did not add in any stats because I tend to terribly overpower units, I'd like to have the community to help me (and therefore Hot_Dog)  with balancing out the units. I hope you are okay with this Hot_Dog? If not please let me know!

Ups And Downs

The Cythid can evolve on the fly, that means that your units can grow stronger by upgrading them without requiring the construction of any (new) buildings. This of course costs some money and if your unit dies you'll have to re-evolve from the ground up (maybe I will scrap that but I think it is a good "penalty" for upgrading besides the cost)!

There are two unit levels:

  • Humilus
  • Inter

Humilus (which by the way is latin for "low" (inter=medium) is the lowest tier this is just the standard unit you can evolve from, these units are cheap, fast but do little damage.

Inter units do more damage then Humilus damage plus they have a special ability, they are however slower and costlier then Humilus-units.

Now you know you can upgrade but surely some have wondered can I downgrade? yes, I intend on having the Cythid being downgradable meaning that you can go from an Inter back to a Humilus. The point in downgrading is quickly getting money. You'll get 50% of the original upgrade price back. This can be extremely handy to get those last few coins to buy that one über unit with which you'll pown the AI!

So here is a small template layout for the stats of each unit (note: none are added atm, just for demonstrating purposes)
  • Type: ground or air
  • Speed: how fast the unit moves
  • Fuels: which gasses, if any, does it use?
  • DPS: how much damage the unit deals per second and how much shots it fires per second
  • Cost:obvious
  • Requirements: where to build and which upgrades/research is required to be done before it can be constructed
  • Description: obvious
  • Swarmable:
  • Strong VS:Nothing,Ground,Air,Buildings
  • Weak VS:Nothing,Ground,Air,Buildings,Anything

So far I have gotten:


  • Type: Ground
  • Speed:
  • Fuels:
  • DPS:
  • Cost:
  • Requirements:
  • Description: This unit is required for building any structures for the Xaos. It is a fairly fast unit but also extremely weak. It's the cheapest unit of the Cythid.
  • Swarmable:N
  • Strong VS:Nothing
  • Weak VS:Anything

Battle drone

  • Type: Ground
  • Speed:
  • Fuels:
  • DPS:
  • Cost:
  • Requirements:
  • Description: With low-cost and high speed this unit is the runner up of the builderbot. It differs from the builderbot however since it can not build any structures but has a better attack and defense
  • Swarmable:Y
  • Strong VS:Ground
  • Weak VS:Air,Buildings (defensive or not)

  • Type: Ground
  • Speed:
  • Fuels:
  • DPS:
  • Cost:
  • Requirements:
  • Description:For a small price you can add more power to the Battle drone but as a side effect the unit becomes slightly slower. Good in the early stages to make hit&run attacks against an enemy unit
  • Swarmable:Y
  • Strong VS:Ground
  • Weak VS:Air,Buildings

War drone

  • Type: Ground
  • Speed:
  • Fuels:
  • DPS:
  • Cost:
  • Requirements:
  • Description: Firing 4 shells of mortars this unit can havoc quite some damage at a mediocre range.Can be swarmed.
  • Swarmable:Y
  • Strong VS:Ground,Buildings
  • Weak VS:Air

  • Type: Ground
  • Speed:
  • Fuels:
  • DPS:
  • Cost:
  • Requirements:
  • Description: This more heavily armoured version of the War Drone adds to its defensive capabilities plus it has a slightly better firing rate. Can be swarmed.
  • Swarmable:Y
  • Strong VS:Ground,Buildings
  • Weak VS:Air

Big foot

  • Type: Ground
  • Speed:
  • Fuels:
  • DPS:
  • Cost:
  • Requirements:
  • Description: The first really big unit of the Cythid, the bigfoot is a very effective unit against any ground opposition, it can damage buildings but it's better for fighting enemies.Can be swarmed.
  • Swarmable:Y
  • Strong VS:Ground
  • Weak VS:Air,Buildings


  • Type: Ground
  • Speed:
  • Fuels:
  • DPS:
  • Cost:
  • Requirements:
  • Description: The Inter Big Foot crushes any resistance and deals slightly more damage to buildings, it's slowness and low fire rate however makes it a ideal target for air units. Can be swarmed.
  • Swarmable:Y
  • Strong VS:Ground
  • Weak VS:Air,Buildings


Run for it! Run!
  • Type: Air
  • Speed:
  • Fuels:
  • DPS:
  • Cost:
  • Requirements:
  • Description:Equipped with light machine guns these little flying machines can hit&run attack other air units very effectively, they cannot damage any ground units.Can be swarmed.
  • Swarmable:Y
  • Strong VS:Air
  • Weak VS:Ground,Buildings

  • Type: Air
  • Speed:
  • Fuels:
  • DPS:
  • Cost:
  • Requirements:
  • Description:Deals additional damage and adds the possibility to do a suicide attack on buildings/ground units. Can be swarmed.
  • Swarmable:Y
  • Strong VS:Air
  • Weak VS:Ground,Buildings


Gravity is a habit that is hard to shake off
  • Type: Air
  • Speed:
  • Fuels:
  • DPS:
  • Cost:
  • Requirements:
  • Description: This unit floats above a enemy building and unleashes a spectacular bombardement which cause quite some splash damage to buildings close to the target building. it is however extremely vulnerable against other units. It can dodge Anti Air bullets (some, not all)
  • Swarmable:N
  • Strong VS:Buildings
  • Weak VS:Air,Ground

non-evolvant, note:I am doubting which of the two sprites I will take, one is bigger but has more detail and the other is smaller but less detailed


Water? why does...It can shoot?
  • Type: Air
  • Speed:
  • Fuels:
  • DPS:
  • Cost:
  • Requirements:
  • Description: one of the biggest units of the Cythid, this unit is a heavy gunship that bombards ground targets with rains and rains of bullets and mines.
  • Swarmable: N
  • Strong VS:Ground
  • Weak VS:Buildings


You...shall not...pass!
  • Type: Ground
  • Speed:
  • Fuels:
  • DPS:
  • Cost:
  • Requirements:
  • Description: The biggest unit of the Cythid, but also very very slow. Ideal for making a full-out attack. It regenerates all the needed gasses when not moving.
  • Swarmable:N
  • Strong VS:Ground
  • Weak VS:Air


Lighting never strikes the same place twice..but it can strike freakin'everywhere!
  • Type: Ground
  • Speed:
  • Fuels:
  • DPS:
  • Cost:
  • Requirements:
  • Description: The only ground-based anti-air unit of the Cythid. Powerful against aerial attacks and good for defending your base, it's weakness lays in it's lack of offensive means. The EMP special ability can slow down any closeby enemy units
  • Swarmable: N
  • Strong VS:Air
  • Weak VS:Ground,Buildings
« Last Edit: September 05, 2010, 11:50:58 am by matthias1992 »
MASM xxxxxxxxxx aborted | SADce ====:::::: 40% -Halted until further notice| XAOS =====::::: 50% -Units done| SKYBOX2D engine ========== 100% -Pre-alpha done. Need to  document it and extend |

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Offline Hot_Dog

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Re: S.A.D. The Xaos Race
« Reply #22 on: September 04, 2010, 07:58:07 pm »
I like your upgrade ideas, even though I'll have to look at it more.  However, the Ptaloids are insect-like, so you might want to come up with something else.  (I'm afraid I came up with the Ptaloids about a year, or even 2, ago)

I'll go with the good'ol scary-as-hell-aliens idea

I hate to tell you this, but I am not going to let that into my game under any circumstances.  If I were to tell you why, you wouldn't believe me.  I'm not saying stick with your robot idea, but that was, for example far less of a problem--come up with something that wouldn't cause people to flee from a movie theater.

Offline matthias1992

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Re: S.A.D. The Xaos Race
« Reply #23 on: September 04, 2010, 08:10:03 pm »
I like your upgrade ideas, even though I'll have to look at it more.  However, the Ptaloids are insect-like, so you might want to come up with something else.  (I'm afraid I came up with the Ptaloids about a year, or even 2, ago)

I'll go with the good'ol scary-as-hell-aliens idea

I hate to tell you this, but I am not going to let that into my game under any circumstances.  If I were to tell you why, you wouldn't believe me.  I'm not saying stick with your robot idea, but that was, for example far less of a problem--come up with something that wouldn't cause people to flee from a movie theater.

Cyberants anyone?

I never really caught the fact that the platoids were insect like...sorry otherwise I would have chosen a other remap. I'll think we are heading to a third remap...

Nothing to worry about though, it's my own fault that I didn't see you already had the insect-like creatures in the game. the point is I am getting slightly annoyed with re-thinking this race over and over again. Again, not your fault, my fault. Also I think some other people might want to do the sprites altough I think mine are OK but they aren't spectacular in any sense...

Lucky me that I didn't design all the Cythid insect like buildings already, saves me some work...
MASM xxxxxxxxxx aborted | SADce ====:::::: 40% -Halted until further notice| XAOS =====::::: 50% -Units done| SKYBOX2D engine ========== 100% -Pre-alpha done. Need to  document it and extend |

~Those who dream by day are cognizant of much more than those who dream by night only. -Sir Edgar Allen Poe-

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Re: S.A.D. The Xaos Race
« Reply #24 on: September 04, 2010, 08:12:40 pm »
I like those and awesome sprites too, Matthias1992. The problem, though, is that S.A.D already has a similar race, the Platoids. If your new race is kept, it might be good to make sure they have many differences with the Platoid race.

Offline Hot_Dog

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Re: S.A.D. The Xaos Race
« Reply #25 on: September 04, 2010, 08:25:56 pm »
I am getting slightly annoyed with re-thinking this race over and over again

Even if you hated all your old units, buildings and strategies for the Xaos, I LOVED IT.  I can come up with a "history" for them if you want.  I'm just saying, if you're trying to remap for your own sake, that's fine by me, but otherwise, I really, really looked forward to the old Xaos idea and still like it nowadays.  I'll even be fine if you decide you just want to do the standard 9-units-without-upgrading thing, and I can work on the statistics.

Again, your choice.

Offline matthias1992

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Re: S.A.D. The Xaos Race
« Reply #26 on: September 05, 2010, 10:49:29 am »
Xaos have been updated, I have gone back to the Cyberant/Robot/AI idea. Check it out a few posts up...
« Last Edit: September 05, 2010, 10:49:43 am by matthias1992 »
MASM xxxxxxxxxx aborted | SADce ====:::::: 40% -Halted until further notice| XAOS =====::::: 50% -Units done| SKYBOX2D engine ========== 100% -Pre-alpha done. Need to  document it and extend |

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Re: S.A.D. The Xaos Race
« Reply #27 on: September 05, 2010, 10:59:38 am »
Excellent, Matthias!  I really do like that idea.  Would you like me to do the statistics for you?
« Last Edit: September 05, 2010, 11:00:01 am by Hot_Dog »

Offline matthias1992

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Re: S.A.D. The Xaos Race
« Reply #28 on: September 05, 2010, 11:09:10 am »
Excellent, Matthias!  I really do like that idea.  Would you like me to do the statistics for you?

Yes, I think it is best if you do that mainly because you as the designer of this whole project know what a reasonable price is for a unit and what kind of attacks must be included etc.

So yea, if I don't bother you too much with it, please do so! I am going to work on the buildings now!

edit: I am adding some descriptions to some units to give you a idea of how powerful each unit (IMO) is
« Last Edit: September 05, 2010, 11:12:45 am by matthias1992 »
MASM xxxxxxxxxx aborted | SADce ====:::::: 40% -Halted until further notice| XAOS =====::::: 50% -Units done| SKYBOX2D engine ========== 100% -Pre-alpha done. Need to  document it and extend |

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Re: S.A.D. The Cythid Race
« Reply #29 on: September 05, 2010, 01:29:40 pm »
Wow those new sprites are awesome! I like the new ideas too, especially the evolving part. The player will need to be careful to not wasting units too much too and possibly downgrade if he needs money to build a different unit, else evolving each unit one by one non-stop will make him waste heaps of money.